Wednesday, February 27, 2019

If we love Jesus, how can we slight the one he loves the most?


In The background of the significant experience of the birds , I wrote -
However, other strange incidents occurred.  For instance, one day, I saw a small green bible in my sons room.  I had never seen it before.  Strangely, the number of a page came to me as soon as I picked up the bible.  I turned to that page.  It was about an incident, and there was a name.  I held the bible to my heart, and asked for another page number.  I was given another number.  I was very, very surprised that the page was about the same incident with the same name but in a different gospel.  I knew my son was not into any religion, and wondered where did this little bible come from.  Later that night, my son told me over the phone that some people handed out those pocket-size bibles on campus.  He took one home and put it on the computer desk.
In the above post, I did not mention the name was Mary Magdalene.  In  I had brought home the wrong book, I also left out her name.  If not for the recent Old Luggage Bags  incident and the number 153, I would probably keep it that way.  As human beings, we all had some experiences that we deemed as personal and did not want to share them.  I was too.

There was more to my conversation with my younger son that I had not shared in my post.  After I told him about what had happened, I said, "I did not understand why it happened.  All I know about Mary Magdalene was that she was the one that visited Jesus' tomb.  I did not see any connection between her and the message I received in the last quarter of 1999."  My son said, "It was said she was the companion of Jesus."  I said, "What do you mean by 'the companion of Jesus'?"  He said, "It may mean she was his wife."  I was stunned.  I had never heard it before!

My son read a wide variety of books since he was young.  Therefore, he was knowledgeable of a lot of things.  In later years, he bought me two books on Mary Magdalene as his gifts for me on Christmas or my birthday.  I was grateful for his thoughtfulness.

For quite a long time, I did not read those booksSubconsciously, I felt reading books about Mary might tamper the truth.  I would rather know nothing than reading this or that from different books.  From the way I handled things, my son sometimes said I was stubborn.  It might be I was.  Besides, I still wondered if I really heard the sentence / message.  In my mind, I thought there was no way the message was for me or about me.

In Dec. 2001, I had a phone reading by a known angel channel that lived in another state.  During the reading, I summed up my courage to ask about the message and my connection with Mary.  I had expected to hear clear, direct answers.  However, I felt I had more questions than answers after the reading.  For examples, I did not understand why it was important for me to go among people, how could I teach and write, and why they (guides and angels) said I could recall Mary's past life as my own while we were two separate beings.  (About the reading, please click to view The Beauty of A Bouquet of Flowers ; as for the events that led me to make an appointment for the phone reading, please view Seeing the birds . . . )

In 2004, I finally stepped outside of my family to sit among other people.  From time to time, I could feel powerful energy poured into me, but had no idea what went on around me.  Sometimes my body and / or hands were guided to move in a certain way / direction.  Not wanting to draw any attention, I often chose to sit near the back.  On a few occasions, I stopped the flow of energy because I did not want to be looked on as weird.

In time, I did read the two books that my son had gifted me.  I also read a few more books on Jesus Christ and Mary.  Below were some of the things I learned from the books.

  • In the Jewish tradition, Jesus must have been married since people called him rabbi.
  • As regards to the resurrection, Pope John XXIII had issued a proclamation in 1960 indicating that Jesus might not have died on the cross.
  • In Jesus' time, there was no place named Magdala.  Magdala only appeared on maps much, much later.
  • The Magdalene might be a title.  From the books I read, Mary Magdalene came from a good family.  There were other women named Mary in the bible, and Mary Magdalene was not a woman of the street.
  • In 1969, Vatican had quietly and officially cleared Mary's name.
  • In a book, the author recalled his lifetime with Jesus.  He was a devoted disciple of Jesus, but was not one of the twelve in the bible.  He saw Luke was a young man suffered greatly from jealousy.  It explained why Mary was portrayed differently in Luke's gospel.

Some of the authors had obviously done a lot of research.  I read with an open mind.  I found their stories truthful and interesting.

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In March 2007, I finally followed the guidance to learn a healing art.  In July 2007, my younger son got married.  The day before the wedding, my older son was offered a job in another state.  Near the end of August, my husband and I moved to that state to live with our older son.  Later, the teacher of healing called me and told me to go to a Unity Church.  While there, a woman and her daughter who were both mediums told me to go to another church.  They believed that small church was for me.  (Hey, how likely does one go to a church and is told to go to another church?  The divine plan is truly inconceivable.)

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By March 2009, I had been with the small church for one and a half years.

A month earlier, I had held an introductory healing workshop in a holistic store with a friend.  How this workshop was manifested was truly unthinkable.  (Re A beautiful pink fish on the back of a white dove )  I did not see myself as a qualified healer.  I stressed out and became sick.  I was made well the day before the workshop.  I felt very relieved when the workshop was over.  I thought I would never hold another healing workshop again.  (In later months and years, I did facilitate a few healing workshops.  The human I had not planned for those workshops.  I learned to accept whatever came my way with appreciation instead of too quick to say never.)

A couple of weeks later, it came to me to hold a follow-up gathering so that those that had participated in the workshop could practice.  We were grateful the church allowed us to use the chapel for free (the follow-up gathering was free).  As I drove into the parking lot ** that morning (Saturday, March 28, 2009, exactly one month after the workshop), seagulls flew low above my car!  Immediately, I gave thanks and knew it was going to be an auspicious day.  We had a wonderful healing circle.  The energy during our practice was exceptional.  (** The small church was in a residential area.  A school nearby had kindly allowed us to use their parking lot.)

On Sunday, March 29, 2009, I went to the service at church.  For those of us that were in yesterday's circle, we continued to bathe in a wonderful field of energy.  At one point during the service, I zoned out.

Last Easter, the senior pastor picked the Mary Magdalene song (as a sinner) for another pastor to sing during service.  Her voice was beautiful, yet I could not clap.  I felt it was wrong.

Later, another sister sang I don't know how to love you which she said was a Mary Magdalene song.  As I listened, I thought of Mary Magdalene.  In my heart, I called out to Jesus Christ.  Suddenly, I drifted to the time when Jesus came back from his travel.  (It was said he traveled to other countries.)  There stood Mary Magdalene looking at the sudden appearance of Jesus who had been away for 3 years (?).  I thought how did Mary feel at that moment.  All of a sudden, I was filled with joy mixed with all sort of feelings such as the suffering of missing Jesus and thinking about him.  Tears filled my eyes, and I cried.  Tears flowed down my face.  I tried to stop my tears.  I got some tissue paper to wipe my tears.  Afterward, I sat very still hoping nobody had noticed that I cried.

The experience shook me.  All those emotions that flooded me seemed so real.  Was I really experiencing how Mary Magdalene felt at the moment she saw Jesus again?  I thought of next month's Easter.  What would the service be?  Many churches portrayed Mary as the sinner during that time, but I had expected our small church to be different.

Did my brothers and sisters at church know Vatican had cleared Mary's name in 1969?  Most of all, if we loved Jesus, how could we slight the one he loved the most?

On Monday, I decided to speak up on Tuesday (March 31, 2009) when I participated in the healing prayer service.  Two pastors were always there during the service.  I also wanted to talk to another pastor that might be working in the office that day.

After I made the decision, I prayed that everything would be received in harmony and love.  I saw 3:33 p.m. in the afternoon.  At night, my whole being was enveloped in a strong field of energy.  I happened to walk into the bedroom and saw 11:11 p.m. too.

Have a good night!  (Next post The Magdalene )

Q of D   

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