Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Covid 19 and Natalie Glasson's Channeled Messages


Peace be with all of you!

On Feb. 24, I signed up to attend an 8-week lecture series.  The series was supposed to spread over a few months from March to June.  On Mar. 7, I went to a center for the first lecture.  There were about 30 people.  I appreciated the lecturer as much as those that had an inquiring mind.  They were the ones that asked questions for all to contemplate or learn.  It was a good gathering.

At the time of the first lecture, our state was still waiting for the test results of covid-19.  A few days later, the results came back and everything changed.  Soon the governor of our state issued orders such as 6' social distancing, banning of gatherings of 50 people or more (gathering of 10 people or more should be avoided), no dine-in in bars and restaurants, no price gouging, and the temporary closing of all schools.  The governor recommended for people to only go out if needed, and asked companies to let their employees work from home if that was possible. 

After the governor issued the orders, many people rushed to the stores to buy as much as they thought they needed for the time being.  In fact, people had been doing that for some weeks since the news on covid-19 in other states of USA and around the world drew the attention of most people on a daily basis.  We did not want to join the rush.  We went to the stores on our normal days of shopping for groceries.  As expected, many shelves and food display cases were empty.   There were not many people in the store, and most of us did not seem to panic over the situation.  We simply bought what were available.

Going to the lecture on March 7 was my first move out of my hibernation.  (Re It is good to become comfortable being uncomfortable )  Due to the covid -19 situation, the second lecture was postponed.  Later, the lecture series was rescheduled as an online event.  I had wanted to be more active in 2020, but how things had unfolded was not that unexpected.  I was at peace

To me, the governor was doing the right thing in issuing those orders and guidelines.  I would comply and only go out for groceries.  That was what I thought as I watched the governor spoke on TV.

Q of D

P. S.  I began watching Natalie Glasson's videos on YouTube a few years ago.  Later, I subscribed for her emailed messages.  I found reading the channeled messages from her emails helped me more than just listening to the same on YouTube.  Below were the messages on Cov-19 that I found very helpful.  

               Natalie Glasson of the Sacred School of OmNa, U.K.
               The Impact of Covid 19 by Saint Germain

               The Great Fear Magnification by Archangel Metatron

               Boost Your Immune System and General Health by the Arcturians

               Embracing Your Multi-Dimensional Self by Saint Germain

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