Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Their Way of Being Inspired Me


At the end of my last post I wrote -

To me, the governor was doing the right thing in issuing those orders and guidelines.  Of course, I would comply and only go out for groceries.  That was what I thought as I watched the governor spoke on TV.  (Re Covid-19 and Natalie Glasson's Channeled Messages )

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Other than the 8-week lecture series, I had wanted to go to a spiritual gathering that would take place on March 21.
This group had meeting once a month.  I had gone to their gatherings. There were usually 15 to 30 people in attendance.  They live streamed the meeting because some people (locally as well as out of state) watched online and asked questions.  The facilitator for the first two hours was an amazing channel and a clairvoyant.  She channeled messages from multi-dimensional collectives and beings, e.g. Council of Light, Master Jesus, Mary Magdalene, Quan Yin, Archangels, and Pleiadians.  Then we had a 15-minute break.  Some people left after the channeling while others stayed.
The facilitator for the second part of the gathering talked about spiritual matters and answered questions for about an hour and a half.  Near the end of the gathering, he offered healing.  (That was why some people came for this part of the gathering.)  He had the gift to take in karmic / negative energies of the people in the room, and transformed the dense energies into higher vibrations.  On most occasions, there was a woman that sat next to the facilitator.  She could see people's energy field as a child.  She was herself a wonderful healer, and had shared many interesting stories of healing.  She used her clairvoyance to observe the energies of the people in the room, and related the change after the healing.  (After the first part of the gathering, the channel stayed behind to take care of streaming.  Sometimes she joined the discussion, and gave her take of the subject matter.  The three facilitators worked very well as a team.  Many light workers had joined them.  Together, they sponsored / organized big spiritual expos once or twice a year.  I loved and respected them for their pure intention of service.)  
I always stayed for the four plus hours.  Like most people, sometimes I needed healing too.  Besides, over the years, I had come to understand why my guides told me to sit among people, and had since held the intention of being a conduit of healing wherever I was (am).
I would have joined them more often or watched their live stream.  However, the place was not close to where I lived.  With my quiet nature, I often left after the gathering was over, and had not thought of asking for the link to watch live online.
After the governor's announcement, I completely let go of wanting to go to the gathering.

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Everyday we heard a lot about the pandemic on the news.  My heart went out to people that were greatly affected by covid-19 in USA as well as other countries around the world.  While many people lived in fear, there were also people who bravely faced the situation.  During that time, many Italians died of the virus daily, yet people there showed courage, faith and love.  In the depth of their suffering, their doctors / scientists warned the Americans again and again to get prepared / ready to fight the virus for they did not want what happened in their country to happen in U.S.A.

On March 20, I was on the computer.  I suddenly thought of the teacher of healing.

The last time we met was in 2007 when she visited the state I lived in (i.e. the state where the small church was).  She encouraged me to work as a healer.  I said I did not feel qualified as a healer, and did not know what to do to work as a healer.  She said many people including some professional healers had participated in her workshops; she saw that XXXXX and me were the most powerful ones among them.  (Her words triggered some unsettling emotions within me for I never felt I was more powerful than anybody.  Please click to view The rest of the story about the drama of misunderstanding )  Anyway, at the time, I had not subscribed to the Internet and did not have an email address.  From the phone book, I found an address of a center near me.  It turned out to be a shop that sold healing oils and other stuff.  Years had gone by.  I learned from a friend that the teacher had founded a church in the state she lived in, and authored a few books; after her husband passed away, she moved to California.

Sadly, I found out online that she had moved on in June, 2019.  In the years she lived in California, she continued to live an active life guiding, teaching and facilitating retreats.  She had told us she chose the spiritual path as a child, and was in constant communication with the divine.  She had lived a fulfilling life.  With what happened around the globe now, she must be busy helping humanity from the inner planes.

As I remembered the teacher, I thought of a wonderful healer who also lived in California.  On his website, I learned he had himself available to help others from 9 am to 10 pm 7 days a week!  His dedication to his life purpose or healing work inspired me.  The March 21 spiritual gathering came to my mind.  It might be I should go to join the other light workers, I thought.

I turned off the computer, and went back to my bedroom to pray.  I told the Divine I planned to go to the gathering the next day.  I invited Mahatma, the cosmic logos, Goddesses Community, Archangels and Angels of the angelic kingdom, Lord Melchizedek, the universal logos, Melchior, the galactic logos, Helios and Vesta, the Solar logos, Lord Buddha, the planetary logos, all the ascended masters of the unified network of Light, Celestial White Beings, Celestial Dolphins and Unicorns, Pleiadians, Arcturians and many many more to use us as conduits; let their loving energies come through us to dissolve fear on earth, and surround Mother Earth and humanity with Love and Light.  As I prayed, I felt powerful energy enfolded me.

After I finished praying, I used the computer to sign up for the meeting.  I noticed I was the 11th one that signed up.  It was said gathering of 10 or more people should be avoided, but I felt peacefulI was sure 1 or 2 people that had signed up might not show up because of the present situation.

I would share with you about the gathering in my next post.  

(This is the post about the gathering The Divine is Ever-present to Support and Assist )

Love and Blessings,
Q of D

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