Tuesday, May 19, 2020

The Divine is Ever-Present to Support and Assist


On March 21, I drove to join the gathering.  The sun was shining beautifully.  The traffic was light.  On my way, I only saw a few cars every now and then.  It was very different from the other times when I drove over there.  The traffic was often heavy, and it took me much longer than expected to get there.  Obviously, most of the people in our state had followed the governor's orders and guidelines.  (Re my last post Their Way of Being Inspired Me )

I arrived early.  I was glad I could park my car by the building.  The other times I had to park my car in another parking lot across the street.

When I entered the room, the channel and the healer were already there setting up the equipment for live streaming.  We greeted one another.  I saw they had set up about 14 chairs with each chair a few feet apart.  I was somewhat surprised that I was the first one that arrived.  I sat on the last row to the left.

When it was time for streaming, the channel looked at me with a smile.  She said, "You are the only brave soul that come."  I smiled back.  I had assumed one or two people might not come.  I did not expect I would be the only one!  Others must have chosen to watch from home.  I moved to sit more toward the center so the facilitator did not have to look all the way to one side of the room as she spoke.

The channel began her talk by relating some recent messages that she received.  She answered all sort of questions with ease by giving examples and sharing her personal experiences.  She guided others to look at situations / relationships from different perspectives so as to see possible solutions / potentials.  She was truly an exceptional spiritual teacher and speaker.  A young woman and a young man walked in while she was talking.  They said it was their first time there.  Later, the channel entered into a trance.  Many beings / collectives such as Council of Light, the Pleiadians, Mary Magdalene, Archangel Gabriel, and the Arcturians came through to give guidance.  As expected, people (that watched the live streaming) asked many questions about the pandemic.  They asked if there would be a second wave of covid-19, how to handle the financial difficulty, what to do if there would be a government forced vaccine, and how to stop the virus.

I found the guidance from the Loving Beings profound and helpful.  For instance, they said global events such as the pandemic happened for a reason.  The world was going through a deep cleansing and purification, or the dismantling of the old world into a new world.  Many lightworkers might want to cancel or stop the virus, but we should let it run its course.  Despite of what it (covid-19) might seem on the surface, there were many potentials and opportunities for us (humanity) to grow in love and unity.  And, how each one of us conducted ourselves at this time was of much importance.  (The guidance from the divine beings were clearer and better than what I wrote, but, I could only recall using the simple words I knew.)

Afterward, we had a 15-minute break.

I walked out of the room, and saw a woman with a friendly smile sitting outside.  We talked a little.  The channel came out and began talking to her.  It seemed they knew each other well.  Later, they walked back into the room.  Another woman came.  It meant, other than the healer and the channel, there would be five of us at the healing gathering, i.e. the young woman and man, the two women and me.  Though there were only 7 of us, I fully trusted the Divine would use us and those that watched online as conduits to aid humanity and Mother Earth.

As soon as I got back into the room, powerful energy filled me and surrounded me.

The healer and the channel seated in the front.  The two of them facilitated the next two hours of the gathering because the other clairvoyant healer was not there.  The channel was a gifted clairvoyant.  She could see energy, spirit guides, angels and beings of other dimensions.  The healer said the channel was going to perform an activation too.  For an hour and a half, they talked about spiritual matters and answered questions.  As for me, I just wanted to close my eyes and enjoyed the powerful, loving energy.  It took some effort to open my eyes every now and then because of the human manner of showing respect.  No facilitator / speaker wanted to see someone in the audience closed her eyes all the time!

With half an hour left, the healer turned on the music for meditation.  He asked us to send our dense energies toward him.  He made it clear the dense energies did not harm him; beings of the 13th dimension used him as a conduit, transformed the energies into white light and sent the energies back to those that were present.  He said the channel would perform the activation during the meditation.

With the music playing, I held a vision of Mother Earth and totally bathed in the energy.  Near the end of the music, I quietly gave thanks to Mahatma, the Archangels and Angels, Lord Melchizedek, Galactic Beings, the Ascended Masters . . . . . .  (Re my last post)

After the music stopped, the healer asked the channel what she saw.  The channel said she saw a lot of Ascended Masters, Divine Mothers, Archangel Michael and many Cosmic Collectives.  She saw a lot of beams of light coming from different cosmic collectives, and a portal opened up within the Earth as if the beams transmuted the energies on Earth.  Hearing that, the woman with a friendly smile said she saw it too.  She said she saw many, many beings came forward from multi layers of dimensions.  Their comments were completely different from other times when the energy transfer was over.  The clairvoyant healer normally talked about the energy in the room before the healing and how people's aura expanded afterward. 

Two days after the gathering, the governor issued the stay-at-home order.

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After I typed in the title of the post, I should say the divine is ever-present to inspire too.  Without the inspiration, I might not have gone to the gathering.   

Love and Blessings!
Q of D

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