Monday, June 29, 2020

In time of chaos, know that Peace Is


While I was writing The Divine Is Ever-Present to Support and Assist, a thought came.  I clicked 'new post', and typed in 'In time of chaosknow that Peace Is' as the title of my next post.

After I published The Divine Is Ever-Present to Support and Assist , I tried to work on my next post.  I thought of relating the reactions of covid-19 of some of the people that I knew whom had expressed much fear.  I also thought of the heartwarming / uplifting stories that I learned from the news.  Time and time again, I deleted what I wrote after writing a few sentences.  Somehow, I felt what I wanted to write was not what the title was about.  I decided to let it go.  I deleted the draft.

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Our family watched the evening news regularly.

Like most people around the world, we watched the brutal killing of George Floyd in utterly shock.  For those long minutes, we felt as if the knees were on our own neck and body.  We could not imagine the pain the brother must have gone through in his final minutes pleading desperately and saying that he could not breathe.  How could the policemen do that?  How painful and sad his family must feel seeing how he died!  This kind of brutality against the black people was not new.  It had happened far too many times!  That day many of us yelled in our hearts, "Enough is enough!  We can't let this happen again!"  In the days and weeks that followed, people filled the streets protesting and demanding justice.  People in other countries rose up against racism demanding justice, reform and equality for all too.  Despite of our differences in looks / skin colors, deep within we did felt our oneness.  Most of us considered that it was wrong to discriminate another person based on one's race.

One night, I went to bed after watching the late news.  During the protest, some people demanded to defund the police.  This triggered a remembrance of a young policeman who died some months ago.  He was very proud and happy to be a policeman.  He set out to do his job well.  He was friendly to all, and had befriended many people especially the children.  There must be others like him that entered the police professionals with the intention to serve.  The brutality committed by the racist policemen was wrong and unacceptable.  However, it was also wrong for people to throw glasses / gasoline filled containers at the police.  Two wrongs did not equate to one right.  Indeed, racist discrimination and violent arrest against black people must stop, and extensive reforms must begin in the police force.

The next morning "In time of chaos, know that Peace Is" came to me upon waking up.  It was true all that had happened around the world seemed to be chaotic, however, everything that unfolded was in divine timing or order.

Covid-19 impacted our daily life tremendously.  While many lived in fear, there were also signs of hope everywhere.  The healthcare professionals faced situations that they had never faced before.  Many bravely took on their responsibilities.  Their lives were touched and their sense of purpose had never been stronger.  Going through such an event changed lives and changed hearts.  People came up with innovative ideas to help others / the society.  People created protective shields and made masks.  They donated them to firefighters, policemen, nursing homes and hospitals.  Many volunteered to help in the covid-19 testing.  College students organized to collect farm products and deliver them to food bank for those that needed help.  (Re the Farm Link Project)  Their actions were like the sunshine that invigorated all lives on earth.

In the midst of the pandemic, we witnessed the brutal murder of George Floyd.  Thousands and thousands of people around the world marched demanding justice and voiced against racism.  People's view of race had evolved.  More and more people had come to recognize our oneness (sameness) and denounced racism.

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           We must realize any change we desire must first begin within us.  

2020 is a year of change, and how each one of us conducts ourselves is of importance.  For instance, if we desire justice and equality, we should pay attention to our reactions to others.  

Do we look at others with love and respect even if they look different from us?  

Have we discriminated anybody because he or she is not of the same race that we are?  

It may be a long process to bring about the change or the necessary actual reforms in our society.  Let the change begin with us today!  Don't turn a blind eye toward injustice or misfortune that happens to others.  In the modern day of technology, we can stand up or speak up for others in many different ways.  (If you have time, please click to view Together We Can Change The World )

Peace and love,
Q of D

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