Sunday, February 20, 2022

My dream experiences are part of my life story


Last Sunday (Feb. 13, 2022) we celebrated the Chinese New Year in our younger son's house.  In our tradition, we could get together and celebrate a new year within the first 15 days.  That day I was totally into getting the food ready to bring over to their house.  I did not know it was snowing heavily until I stepped outside of our apartment.  The temperature was low (about 20 degrees F).  I did not expect to see heavy snow fall at all.  The visibility on the highway was low.  Luckily, my older son was driving, and the present me knew to center in peace.  On the whole, it was a smooth day.  Above all, it was always a joy to see my loved ones.    

As young, I was nicknamed the Queen of Dreams because I often woke up talking about the dreams I had.  (That was why I signed off every post with Q of D.)  Growing up, I had many wonderful past life dreams and prophetic dreams.  However, I did not write down my dreams or the events in my life.  After I got married, I did not pay much attention to my dreams until the challenging restaurant years.  It was a blessing to myself that I began to write down some of my dreams and life events / dramas.  Despite of the challenges, many times the synchronistic experiences made me smile or cry with the tears of joy.  My heart was constantly filled with gratitude and the sense of wonder.

While dreams were important to me, my loved ones rarely talked about their dreams.  Like most people, they were not that interested in dreams.  As a result, I kept most of my dreams to myself.  I observed my husband sometimes had bad dreams as if he was in a physical fight or arguing with others.  When asked, he either said he did not remember anything or his dreams were about everyday stuff.  There was only one time he was deeply touched by a dream.  He described what he saw in great detail.  Coincidentally, I also had a dream that morning.  I might or might not have written down the dreams in my notebooks.  No matter how significant a dream was, sometimes the human I had not taken the time to write it down.  However, I remembered his dream and mine.  I understood the meaning of our dreams.  The setting (or story) of his dream was very different from mine, but both showed possible outcomes of our future.  Now that everything had come to pass (i.e. my husband had moved on), our dreams were quite foretelling and correct in many ways.

I did not remember what year it was when we had the dreams.  I really want to find the notebook that I might have recorded them.  I did not like writing something from memory.  I had over a hundred notebooks in two big plastic totes.  In recent weeks, I had been rereading some of my journals.

Anyway, I happened to read an entry in April, 2012 ** about a short dream. 

** Near the end of Feb. 2012, we left the state where the small church was.  Our older son had found a contract job in a state that was half a distance to the state where we used to live.  In other words, we (our older son, my husband and I) were living in a state that was six and a half hours from our younger son's family instead of 12 to 13 hours.  

In the dream, we stood one next to another to go to somewhere.  (My dream symbol as a path or for a divine plan.)  The setting was light.  We stood in this order -

My older son, my husband, my younger son, a baby carrier, and my daughter-in-law.  I was standing a little bit behind them.
We lined up in this manner as if getting ready in position.  There was not much human emotion such as we did not wonder what we were getting ready for.  The only 'surprise' feeling was from me when my younger son said, "May be Mom should carry the baby carrier."

I woke up hearing the song "You Raise Me Up", the song I chose for the mother and son dance during his wedding.  (FYI I did not know how to dance at all, but the younger generation said it was the American tradition.)   At the end of the entry, I wrote "Time will tell what this dream means.  The human I think it may mean my younger son will have another baby."

When I had this dream, my younger son and his wife already had a son and a daughter.  The older grandchild was almost 4 years old.  The younger generation had honestly let me know that they only believed in science.  Therefore, I was mindful not to talk to them about my spiritual experiences and dreams.  In fact, I had forgotten about this short dream.  When I reread my journal, I realized my youngest grandson was born nine month after I had this dream (to be exact it was 9 months and 4 days).  

We moved back to this state near the end of July, 2012.  In later months, our son asked me to go to their house to play with the kids so that our daughter-in-law could have some rest.  After our youngest grandson was born, we visited them quite often.  Sometimes my daughter-in-law invited me to go to the zoo or parks with them so that one adult could stay with the baby while the mother went to the bathroom with the kids.  In the dream, I was surprised when my son asked me to carry the baby carrier.  I felt surprised because I had expected my younger son, the father of my grandchildren, to pick up the baby carrier.  

My younger son's family no longer lived close to where we lived.  They moved to another city seven years ago so that the kids could go to good schools.  I am happy for them.  

If life is a dream, are our dreams within a dream?  Anyway, I shall share my older son's dreams about his father in my next post.  

Q of D


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