Thursday, April 18, 2024

It was his life, and it was up to him how to live his life - Part 2


In Part 1 I wrote 'that deep within I understood it was important to share my experience especially at this time on earth'.

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In Jan. 2003, my husband decided to follow the instructions on the Chinese newspaper to learn the practice.  Soon he was addicted to the practice just as those in China.  (Re Fall only into the divine emotion of Love, the Creative Force and In time of darkness, light always shines through )  

Before Christmas 2004, my younger son said it might be a good idea to order the official book of the practice for his dad as his Christmas gift.  He said there had been no report of problem of those that learned the practice in U.S.A.; his father simply followed the instructions in the Chinese newspaper, and that could be the cause of his problem.  I had my doubts.  Hope against hope, we hoped it might help.  My husband was overjoyed to receive the gift.   After a few days, he asked me to read it too.  After reading some pages here and there, I stopped reading the book.  It was a mistake to give him that bookThe book aimed at propagandizing the master's godlike status.  The claims were misleading and false.  I talked to my husband, but it was of no use.  

My husband spent his day practicing, sleeping, and reading the book.  He looked frail and pale.  However, he believed he was healthier than before because of the practice.  On several occasions, his friends that we happened to come across in stores asked him if he was sick.  He laughed saying he was healthy and well.
In late May 2005, I joined a spiritual circle that met every Thursday morning.  One day in July / August, my worries about my husband prompted me to stay behind after the meeting was over.  I approached a psychically gifted friend, and asked if my husband would be alright.  I had not said anything about my husband.  She related what she saw in a few sentences.  She said, "Your husband does not have the peace that you have; therefore, he grabs onto something in order to feel a little bit of peace."  I thanked my friend and left.  I had not said much about my husband's problem.
That day I walked out of the center with a better understanding of why my husband just would not let go of his blind belief.  Before taking up the practice, he was bitter about life.  In his negative state, he dwelt in his old pain and suffering.  It was true he had no peace.  It was said 'we create our own heaven and hell'; meanwhile, could we not look at those that suffered (including ourselves) with compassion
Other than the Thurs. morning circle, I had not joined other circles or attend classes in the center.  I did not know the friend held channeling sessions, gave readings, and most of all, was an empath.  I asked if my husband would be alright, and it affected her greatly because she was highly empathetic.  There was much more that happened afterward.  I must skip that part of the story, otherwise, I would not be able to finish the post.  To my loving friends at the center, thank you!  

In August 2007, we moved to another state because our older son found a job there.  (Re The Amazing Prophetic Dream of Moving - Story 1 )  For a while, my husband seemed to be doing well.  His focus was on getting to know the new city we lived in.  He looked healthier than before.  However, he soon returned to his old way, spending his day practicing the moves and reading the book.    

While he was in the hospital in 2008, he asked us to throw away the book, but insisted for us not to do that right afterward.  He said the book was powerful, and asked for our assurance that we would not throw it away.   At home, I flipped through the book.  I was shocked that he had written down twice on different pages that he would die because of taking up this practice.  There were also some terrible words / prediction of the family.  From the handwriting, it was obvious that he wrote those words in a state of automatic writing.  We put salt all over the book to cleanse and purify it.  The next day we confronted him with the book in the hospital.  From the expression on his face, he was obviously shocked to see what he had written down too.  The medical team determined that he was not a danger to the society.  He came home with us that afternoon. (Re It was his life, and it was up to him how to live his life - Part 1)  At home, he secretly torn off those pages, and insisted to keep the book.

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From the beginning, whatever force that possessed my husband had used the tactic of inflating his ego.  In 2003, not long after he began to practice as instructed in the newspaper, the force told him that he had been taught the advanced moves and was chosen to teach others.  He said he felt honored to be chosen to teach others.  He had been depressed that the business did not prosper as he had hoped.  He looked back at his life, and felt bitter about life.  The notion that he was the chosen one not only made him feel good, but also a new sense of self.  He asked me to learn from him, and I refused to.  

The force used the same tactic again in 2008.  Days before his hospitalization, he seemed to be very excited about something.  

He asked, "Will you believe me if I tell you something?"  

I said, "I cannot say I will or will not believe you until I hear what you have to say. I myself have gone through some mystical experiences.  I'll listen, and try not to judge."  

He said the master told him that he had been a big buddha.  

I said "Okay". 

He was surprised at my non-reactive response.  He said, "Master said I had been a big buddha, and you were only a bodhisattva; therefore, you should obey me and learn the practice from me."  

I said, "It is not too far off to say that one is a buddha.  As Sakyamuni Buddha said, 'everyone is of the buddha nature'.  Or, one can say he is the son of god because we all come from a source, the Source of All That Is; therefore, we can call ourselves sons and daughters of god."  

From the look on his face, it was obvious that he had never heard of what I said.  

I continued to say, "If you think I should obey you because you are a buddha, you are wrong.  Sakyamunu Buddha had said we should not simply believe what he said or others said.  You are on your journey, and I am on my own journey.  No.  I don't have to obey you."  (*** Please see note at the end of the post)

He looked lost.  His right hand started to move, i.e. into automatic writing.  He said my (maternal) grandfather was there, and, my grandfather asked me to learn the practice from him.  

I handed him a pen and a notepad.  I did not believe my grandfather was there.  However, words on the notepad would be the hard proof that he could not dispute afterward.  

He never looked down on the notepad while he was writing.  Afterward, he handed me the notepad saying that I should notice it was my grandfather's handwriting and not his.  

I took a quick look and gave it back to him.  My grandfather was a learned man who had been an educator.  The letter addressed me as his grandniece, there were many mistakes / words written wrongly, and the handwriting was terrible.  

My husband questioned the grandfather about the discrepancies.  Then he said my mother was there, and she asked me to learn the practice from him too.  I told him I did not believe in what he said.  He began to write.  The letter was definitely not from my mother.  My mother always addressed me as "Dear daughter XXX" while the message was "Dear XXX XXX".  Not knowing how to explain the discrepancies, he insisted that my grandfather and my mother really asked me to learn the practice from him.

After some thought, I said, "You believe whatever that controls you is  powerful and godlike.  I hold three questions in my mind.  If you can tell me what my questions are, I'll learn from you."  

My husband seemed to be mentally asking for help.  He said, "Your grandfather says he is not powerful enough to know that.  They suggest for me to invite the master in."  

I said, "Yes!  Ask your master."  

He began automatic writing again.  In the writing, the so-called master gave my husband lots of praise using words such as 'brilliant' and 'very powerful', and asked me to learn from him. 

I said, "What about the three questions that I hold in my mind?"  

After a long pause, this came out of my husband's mouth, "My master said he could not get what you held in your mind.  It is because you are more powerful than he is."  

I looked at my husband and said, "Did you hear what you just said?  If that is the case, why do I have to learn from you?  Why do you learn from him or blindly believe in him?  You know, I never think that I am more powerful than anyone."  

My husband's mouth opened wide.  He had not expected to hear what came out of his own mouth.  

What happened did not sway his blind faith in what he had surrendered to.  Hours later, he practiced again.
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I fully understood many would consider these as symptoms of mental sickness.  Yes, it many ways they were.  However, in his negative state, he had allowed something else in to affect or control him.  His energy was depleted after he practiced, and his body was icy cold.       

One day, he stayed in the bathroom for a long time.  I wondered if he was alright.  I knocked at the door, but there was no answer.  I opened the door.  I saw him sitting on the toilet.  He raised his head.  I was shocked to see his blood shed eyes.  He yelled in a low monstrous voice, "Get out!"  I quickly closed the door and went back to the family room.  Soon he came out of the bathroom.  His eyes were all clear.  He went on to read his book as if nothing had happened.  On a few occasions after he used the bathroom, the light bulbs were in an eerie, eerie dim color that was hard to describe.  The light bulbs returned to normal brightness after a while.  (Since he moved on, the light bulb incident did not occur again.)  

On the night he was in an extreme state, he sensed the presence of great evil, and was overwhelmed with fear.  He asked me and our son to stay in Son's bedroom.  He said he would protect us and fight with the evil force.  He was frantic, and there was no way to calm him down or reason with him.   
Like most of us, my husband had his shortcomings, but he was not a bad / an evil person.  Therefore, he still thought of protecting us even in that state.  
For quite a long time, we heard him rushed in and out of the bedroom.  He went to the bathroom a lot of times as if he wanted to spit something out of his body.  Later, we quietly left the apartment while he was in the bedroom with the door closed.  We went to our car that was parked a distance away from the apartment.  We discussed what to do.  I called a pastor of the small church and our younger son in another state.  I made calls to two prayer hotlines.  One of the hotlines was found by a known psychic that I read about in books.  It was off office hours, and I could only leave a message on the answering machine.  Of course, all the while, I spoke in English inside the car.  Later, in a police car on our way to the hospital, we were surprised to hear him said in an 'animated' voice, "I know you have called XXXXXX XXXXXX, the psychic.  She is here in front of me.  I am not afraid of her!!!  She puts a bishop above my head.  She asks me to go to church regularly . . . . ."  My husband knew very little English.  It was beyond me how he knew I had called her prayer hotline and his use of the word 'bishop'.  He walked into the hospital as if he was a big shot, a big contrast to the everyday him.  Understandably, he was very scared when he woke up finding himself in a hospital because he had no recollection of what happened the night before.    

As mentioned in Part 1 , the bottle of holy water had no effect on him.  It might be certain chants must go with the using of the holy water.  Unlike what we saw in horror movies, he showed no fear seeing a cross.

There were other incidents, but relating all the incidents was not the purpose of this post.

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What is the purpose of writing the post?  

Why sharing my experience is important especially at this time on earth?

This post is a bit too long.  I'll continue in my next post.  (The title of the next post is The War between LIGHT and Darkness )

Love and Blessings,
Q of D                                            

*** Since I stepped outside of my family to socialize with other people in May 2005, many people automatically assumed I was a Buddhist because I was a Chinese woman.  Growing up, my family was not into any religion.  It was by divine plan / divine grace that I got to read many Buddhist books after we moved to another state in 2007.  During the 2006 March reading, the psychic seemed to be surprised of what she saw.  She said, "Oh, Q of D, on the other side / dimension, you go to the universal church / gatherings.  You are not fixated on any religion."