Tuesday, June 11, 2024

The War between LIGHT and Darkness


One evening, I thought of my blog while I was cooking dinner.  Weeks had gone by since I published Part 2, and I had a hard time finishing Part 3.  I felt something was not quite right that I was not writing what I had intended to.  Suddenly, it came to me I felt constricted because of the title of the post!  Instead of It was his life, and it was up to him how to live his life - Part 3, the title should be The War between LIGHT and Darkness.

With the original Part 3 title, I felt compelled to focus on my husband's story, but it was not the purpose of writing the post.  It was quite an aha moment in the kitchen.

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The automatic writing incident in Part 2 was the second time that my husband showed me what he had written down.

In the morning of Nov. 22, 2003, Saturday, my husband excitedly came to me with papers in his hands.  He said his master was going to bring him to see the beauty of the other worlds.  While my husband was in awe, I was in shock!  I was greatly alarmed by the words 'bringing him to see the other worlds'.  I did not know he had been into automatic writing.  When I mentioned the term 'automatic writing', he had no idea what it was.  To him, it was magical that his hand moved and wrote down the master's message.  His master asked him to show me what he had written down.  On the papers were words that described the beauty of the other worlds.  My husband told me his master said he could bring me along if I agreed; in fact, with my permission, the master would bring the whole family along to see the other worlds 

Though I was shaken up by what happened, I had to calm myself down.  I prayed for protection because later that Saturday morning we had to drive our older son to look for an apartment near where he worked.  On Sunday, I happened to notice two tires on our car were almost bald.  It turned out my husband had filled one of the tires with much more air than the other tires.  That particular tire had known to leak airand he thought it was the right thing to do.  In doing so, the tires were way out of balance.  Thanks to our guides and angels that we did not have an accident during our long drives back and forth on Saturday.  (Re In time of darkness, light always shines through )

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I did not know we had spirit guides and angels until I searched for answers to my mystical experience that happened in the last quarter of 1999.  In Dec. 2001, I finally had a phone reading by a known angel channel that lived in another state.  During the reading, I learned the names of my guides and angels.  Since then, sometimes I asked for their advice / help when I prayed.  (Re 'Night Vision - Pieces of a Dream' - an Incredible Phenomenon and Words of Christ and the 4444 Incident - Part 1 )  

There were times I wrote down my questions on paper.  Sometimes they responded, and at other times they did not.  For example, I asked if I should go back to help in the soup kitchen for the homeless, and my guides / angels did not respond; it turned out to be a good learning lesson for me.  (Re How easy it is to judge and react - story 2 )  Unlike my husband, my hand did not move automatically.  I received the words and wrote them down.  With my limited vocabulary, sometimes I 'got' words that I did not know.  When I looked them up in the dictionary, the words were right.  Furthermore, my guide's words * were often right to the point, loving, encouraging / supportive, but were never into overly praising as the so-called master did with my husband.  (* e.g. Love! Love! Love! , Focus on the Goodness of People and Love has no fear)

Before I moved to the state where the small church was in Aug. 2007, the teacher of healing visited our state every now and then.  One day in 2006 or 7, she briefly talked about the death of her friend who had been into channeling for years. The teacher said it was dangerous to simply open oneself up believing whatever that came through was good, an ascended master or a being of higher realms.  The teacher did not say much about her friend's death, and moved onto other subjects.  I had wondered how this could happen to a long time spiritual seeker.

Due to covid-19, I began to join spiritual meetings online.  Many hosts encouraged people to try automatic writing to find answers for their life situations.  Some facilitators touched on invoking protection before starting the communication.  If one was emotionally balanced or centered in love and truth,  automatic writing might be a way to communicate with our Higher Self / guides / angels.  In my husband's case, he was depressed and bitter about life.  His second brother, the only one among his siblings that had shown him love, was wrongly executed during the Cultural Revolution.  He deemed the Chinese newspaper as a must-read because it held an extreme stand against the communist government.  The stories of the government torturing those that took up the practice fueled his anger and hatred.  He decided to follow the instructions on the newspaper to learn the practice.  In a way, he really hoped the master was like god as portrayed in the newspaper so that his life would be prosperous or much better than it was.  (Many people turned to religion or worship god for the same reason.  Re Gateway to HeavenIn his negative state of being, 'like draws like', he unknowingly opened himself up to a dark force.

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While I was with the small church, we had near-death experiencers as Sunday speakers once every four to five weeks.  (In later years, the church had stopped inviting NDEs to speak as regularly as it had been.)  Most NDEs described their experience as going to heaven and back.  Some of them were (or later became) mediums, channels, workshop facilitators, psychics and healers.  The talk that touched me was What if we are at the receiving end of our own wrath  and  Our kind words can make a big difference in other people's life .
As mentioned above, when the teacher of healing talked about her friend's death, I had wondered how it could happen to a long time spiritual seeker.  A couple of years later, I was in an experience that kind of answered my question.  Many people were pretty much a part of that experience as well.

A woman was a near-death experiencer.  She began to channel messages that she said was from the angels.  Later, she offered healing sessions.  She said angels worked with her to help people on their ascension journey.  She acquired a following as some people were anxious about the ascension.  On several occasions, she came to me saying that I must book healing sessions with her.  I declined.  It turned out she had fallen for the same tactic that the dark force used on my husband, i.e. inflating her ego / importance.  Her messages were fear-based, and were not from the angels.  Some people felt worse than they were after her healing sessions.  A brother said he (or his energy) was in a wreck after her healing sessions.  He said the woman told some of her clients that he/she was this/that important figure in the bible, the same tactic that the force used on her.  (Re  Part 1 - The Unexpected Incident , Part 2 - The Gathering, and Part 4 - Afterthought of the whole experience  )      
Most of the NDEs shared about their pleasant experiences of being in heaven and bathing in love; some said they met Jesus.  After hearing many NDEs talks, some people concluded that we all went to heaven no matter what we did, and there was no hell.  Here and there we heard something that sounded good or right.  However, we should bear in mind that it was not necessary the only truth or it was not the whole truth.  In my opinion, we listened with an open heart, yet should not simply draw a conclusion based on what other people said.  As I was writing this post, I found out online that there were also studies on distressing near-death experiences (i.e. hell like experiences) in USA.  Please note that I had not said there was hell or not.  We all had pleasant and distressing experiences.  Both could be beneficial if we learned something from them
The heaven that some had experienced could be higher sub planes of the astral plane - the plane that we visited during our sleep or meditation.   There were different sub planes in the astral plane.  Life in the higher sub planes could be like different worlds of heaven in our human view.  Sometimes we had dreams in magical places, met other beings / loved ones, and the scenes were incredibly colorful and vivid.  We might be visiting the higher sub planes of the astral plane.  The lowest sub planes were dense with thought forms, shells, souls that had no interest of progressing, and dark entities including ** those that were not of this planet.  Some people woke up from nightmares saying that they saw horrifying / gruesome beings and scenes in their dreams.  It was possible that they had gone to the lowest astral sub plane during their sleep.
** In one talk on zoom, the presenter who had experienced being abducted by aliens said all aliens / E.T. were our friends.  The reasoning was they were superior in technology; if they wanted to do harm, they could have already done so.  It might not necessary be true.  Some were here for their own agenda which might not be in keep with the wellbeing of humanity.  For example, their species might be on the verge of extinction, and they wanted to do some experiments to keep their species alive.  Earth is a planet of treasures.  Some malevolent aliens wanted the treasures too.  Fortunately, there were cosmic laws and councils of light overseeing what went on.  At this time on earth, other than the Angelic Kingdom and the Ascended Masters Community, we had lots of help from many benevolent forces, e.g. Celestial and Galactic Collectives.
It was no doubt that the near-death experience was a transformative experience to many people.  Some of them were or later became professional lightworkers that served with the pure intention of helping others.  However, just as the general population, there were a few that might not be who they claimed to be.  Now that the near-death experience was such an open topic, there might be some sort of pressure / expectation that one must uncover special gifts / abilities after such an experience.  In one zoom meeting, the host asked the guest (a NDE) a similar question.  After a pause, the guest honestly said 'No'.  To me, his experience was quite incredible.  He had not heard of spirit guides before his experience.  After he left his body, his guide appeared to introduce himself.  For a brief moment, he found himself near the hell-like lower astral plane; then his spirit guide led him to visit different dimensions, planets, and galaxies of the universe.  His vivid recall of what he saw opened our minds.  He was a heavy drug user before his near-death experience.  It was a miracle that he had since been free from his addiction.  

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In the last ten years, we had lived through division, chaos, and conflict.  Due to the political climate, people with extreme discriminative views felt empowered to publicly display their discrimination, anger and hatred toward others.  On the news, we heard mass shootings in schools, universities, stores, malls and during public events.  There had been many protests that erupted into violence and destruction.  In recent weeks, protests broke out in many universities and cities about the war in the Middle East.  Signs of unrest were seen here and there.  With the wars in the Middle East, Ukraine, and Russia, some people worried about a possible third world war / a nuclear war. 
At this point of my life (i.e. as an older person 😊), I had gone through some life dramas (personal and not) and a few global economic ups and downs.  I observed "Life repeats itself in cycles, and each cycle comes with some variations."  I was in secondary school when the Cultural Revolution in China started.  Though we did not live under the communist control, we felt the stress and pressure of that time.  The Vietnam War had been going on.  Many Asian countries experienced unrest, and some people became hostile toward those that were not of the same ethnicity.  Later, in the offices that I worked, a few of my coworkers were from Vietnam, Cambodia, and other Asian countries.  They were born in those countries, and their families had lived there for generations.  Worrying about their safety, their parents used all the resources to make sure that they (the sons and daughters) moved to somewhere safe.  The unrest was not limited to Asia.  Other parts of the world went through their own crisis too.
This time around I understood more about life than I was decades ago.  It did not mean the me now was better than the old meSometimes we might wish to go back in time to change some of our experiences.  However, as I looked back at my life, I felt we all had relevant experiences at different stages of life.  I learned that the best I could do was to live in the moment of NOW, enjoy / accept life as it is, and go from there.  Meanwhile, Don't be too critical of ourselves and others .

About four and a half years ago, there were lots of unrest and protests in the place that I came from.  My relatives told me most of the people desired peace rallies to fight for their rights, but the protests turned out to be disastrous; some that took part in the protests were paid rioters; their main goal was to create violence and chaos, and not a bit about fighting for the rights of the people.  My relatives said it was easy to spot those rioters that were out to do no good / create chaos.  Indeed, in the videos online, these paid rioters were easy to spot; they wore similar color clothes, had their masks on, and carried weapons ready to stir chaos.
Similar incidents happened in some of the protests around the world and in USA too.  While some people wanted to stand up peaceful for what they felt was right, there were a few that wanted to take advantage of the occasions.  They started fights, fires, and even broke into stores to steal goods.  Ill intention groups / organizations sometimes paid for professional rioters to carry out their agendas (political or otherwise).  For instance, on the news was the arrest of about a dozen of protesters on the ground of a state against something, and the police found out almost all of them came from other states!

Why is it important to share what happened to my husband especially at this time?  

Currently, wars had been going on in certain parts of the world.  Some people worried about a possible third world war.  

In truth, the most important war for humanity has already begun.  It is 

                                     The War between Light and Darkness

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The above was where I was in the progress of writing this post on the night of May 24.  Later, I spent some time watching YouTube videos of cats / dogs, news, and NBA game highlights on TV.   
Then I turned on the laptop.  Instead of signing in to my blog, I decided to watch The Shift Network's recorded video of "What Jesus Really Taught in His Native Aramaic" with Dr. Neil Douglas-Klotz, world-renowned scholar and researcher in Middle Eastern spirituality.  I had already watched the free online event on the day it was aired.  I was deeply impressed with Dr. Neil Douglas-Klotz's lecture.  As usual, Shift Network sent a recording of the event after it was aired.  I had received it a while back, and had intended to watch the recording after I finished writing this post.  But, there I was, watching the lecture again.  When I turned off the laptop, it was around 1 a.m. on May 25.  Lying in bed, I began to breathe and chant "AlahaRuha" *** quietly in my heart according to what I learned from the lecture.  (*** That is only my interpretation of the sound.)  I must have eventually drifted off to sleep.

In the morning, I woke up hearing music in the air.  ( Re Music in the Air )  Short musical notes repeated over and over.  I grabbed my phone and hummed what I heard.  It was 'Stand Up, Stand up for Jesus" that I had not heard before.  The next video that popped up on the screen of my phone was "Stand up Stand up for Jesus! Story behind the hymn by Luke Powell"!  I listened to the story behind the hymn.  I sat on bed to take in what had happened.  I was in awe and gratitude; however, words were inadequate to describe all that I felt.

I had always thought that Jesus Christ and Lord Buddha had not intended for us to worship them.  They came to teach us the truth of life and the truth of our being.  They taught us how to live our lives.  Neil said it was a misinterpretation in the bible that caused people into worshipping Jesus as lord, and resulted in division among man.  In truth, Jesus said for us to have the same faith as he had.  Neil said he did not find the word 'lord' in the prayer that people called the lord's prayer.  At church, I had heard people customarily recited the prayer.  We often gave power to what's outside of us, and forgot the power within.  When we prayed or said something wholeheartedly from the point of lovethere was power in our words.  
Luke Powell found it somewhat contradictory because Jesus was known as "The Prince of Peace" while the hymn carried a tone of waging a war.  However, all of these made sense to me as I thought of my dream Be a Spark of PEACE .  
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Now let me continue with the post.

I first heard of a new world was while I was in The Gathering on Dec. 2, 2008.  A man said soon there would be no need of a government and no need of money because what we needed could simply be manifested.  He said that I was wrong to say that the messages (from the angel channel) brought fear.  He had no fear of what was to come.  Instead, he was excited about the future.  Later, a friend told me this sort of messages was not new and had been circulating around for quite some time.  At the time, I had not subscribed to the Internet, did not have an email address, and my phone was a basic one.

Many said the veil was becoming thinner and thinner.  Indeed, more and more people had tuned into their innate gifts and abilities.  There were more professional lightworkers such as psychics, mediums, channels and healers than it was 30 to 40 years ago.  I liked the song "The Veil is Lifting - Jesce Sole" by Chris Van Cleave.  (Link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZROMzaJ71RQ)  It has good energy.

Nowadays, there were lots of videos of prophecies on the Internet.  It was said Earth and life on earth had to go through many changes and purification before the Golden Age could come into being.  There were also tons of channeled messages from many different sources, e.g. cosmic, galactic and wise / ancient ones.  We could spend hours on the computer; still, new ones were being uploaded throughout the day.  I had watched some of the videos, but had since chosen to follow only a few.  I felt that it was not necessary to watch more so as to know more.  From my experiences, I had learned that It was the not knowing that makes life intriguing .

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What is the war between LIGHT and Darkness?

In our human mind, we might view a war as a conflict between two countries or more; we might consider the shooter in a mass shooting as the only culprit in the horrific crime; we might be dismayed by the increase in violence and unrest, yet believed we could do nothing about it 'because it is what it is'.  However, there could be more to what happened than how it might seem on the surface.

In Everything Is Energy , I wrote about a musician who played the erhu.  Whenever she played the music 'Spring', some in the audience cried.  She wondered why people cried because the music was full of joy and liveliness.  Eventually, she began to ask those that stayed behind after the concert.  She learned people cried for different reasons, but all of them felt a renewed sense of joy afterward.  Just like sound healing, there was healing frequency / quality in the music she played.

In the same post, I also wrote about a woman who had felt very sick for years and had difficulty lifting up her head.  It turned out her (former) father-in-law's extreme negative view / thought of her had formed like an invisible hook embedded into the back of her neck.  It took quite some time for the healer who was known as the awakened one to dissolve the dense thought form at her neck.   

Our thought is energy.  The word we say is energy.  Sound is energy.  Our body is a vessel of energies.  

                                            EVERYTHING IS ENERGY
While most of us thrived in love, it was the opposite with dark entities.  Some dark entities attached themselves to people that were heavily into drugs and alcohol, those that were overwhelmed with grief and sadness, those that were deeply depressed, and those that held onto suicidal thoughts.  Dark entities used their energy to live on.  Dark entities / dark forces used different tactics to draw people under their influence / control.  In my husband's case, he got a new sense of self when he was first being told that he was an advanced student, and later 'learned' that he had been a big buddha in other lifetime.  My husband felt powerful when he practiced the moves, but his energy was depleted afterward.  However, in his state of being, he could not realize what really went on.  The so-called angel channel might have unknowingly become a pawn of the dark forces.  That was why the brother found his energy in a wreck after going to her for healing session.  In another case, someone's mind was flooded with negative thoughts after a healing session. 

Dark forces thrilled in creating chaos and mass destructions in our world.  They planted fear and magnetized fear.  Dictators / politicians that had unquenchable thirst for power might unknowingly or knowingly fell under their influence and joined in their evil plots.  They raised wars that caused lots of deaths and much suffering.  Dark forces were energized when the world was in turmoil.  They fed on the negative energies such as fear, pain, anger, and sadness.  Like draws like, people that were full of anger, hatred or jealousy, those that were extremely greedy and selfish, those that held evil intent, and those with no principles / virtues that would do anything for money could easily fall under the control of the dark forces to do harm on a large scale. 

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Fortunately, we are in the cycle of ascension.  More and more people are progressing spiritually.  

The dark forces do not want us to ascend.  They want us to live in division, chaos, and fear as we were.  They need the negative energies to survive. While we look forward to the Golden Age, they never want this to happen because they cannot exist in a world of love and light.  

During this time of purification, we go through extraordinary earth and climate changes.  The dark forces on the astral plane are not exempt from  purification.  In fact, the purification on the astral plane is The War between the Forces of LIGHT and the forces of Darkness.  The dark entities and dark forces in the astral plane must be cleansed before the dawning of a new age.  The dark forces want to live on.  They are in full force, and enlist evil people on earth such as dictators and war mongers to do their bidding.    

Luckily, as mention earlier in the post, we have a lot of help at this time.  The Forces of LIGHT is going to win.  However, we must do our part. 

I decide to listen to a few songs on YouTube - Imagine, We Are The World and One World.  As I listen, tears stream down my face.  Luckily, my son works at the office today (June 4) 😌.  I / We may be listening to the songs, but are not the words / lyrics expressing part of our deepest wish and hope for the future!  

According to the channeled messages by Edgar Cayce, the Sleeping Prophet, it is important to form a spiritual ideal.  On Nov. 11, 2011, I sat down to write my vision of the world with all my heart and soul.  I reread my vision today.  (Re Before 11/11/11 and after 11/11/11 and Let us join as one on this day 11.11.11 )  

What are your ideals of a new world, my brothers and sisters?  Join in.  Send out your version of a new world where love and peace prevail.

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Many channeled messages and prophecies used the word 'SOON' about what was to come.  

Over 15 years had gone by since I first heard about a new world in The Gathering .  Before I left the state where the small church was, a friend gifted me a book on the transition of earth to the Golden Age until 2032.  The book included brief descriptions and predictions on most countries around the world as well as the 50 states in USA.  I found the predictions basic and general.  I reread it recently.  There was no real description of the current world situation, and Ukraine was not mentioned in the book.  Some months ago, I was guided to read another book.  It was a book through channeling.  It was published years before the book I mentioned earlier.  This book was more informative and accurate in many ways.  However, the wars and other events described in this book were said to have happened years ago.  Since time was only relevant on Earth, there might be many factors that tied to the eventual unfolding of events, e.g. the readiness of humanity for the Golden Age, nations coming together or not, how we treated one another and Mother Earth. 
As I was writing, the story of an abbot and a young monk that I read in a Chinese book years ago came to my mind.  The abbot foresaw the young monk was about to die.  Without telling the young monk about it, he sent him home to see his mother for one last time.  The young monk gladly obeyed.  It was a long walk to get home, but he was happy that he could see his mother again.  Many days later, the young monk returned.  The abbot was surprised to see him.  He observed there was a change in the young monk, a change in a good way.  The abbot thought something must have happened during his journey that merited the change of his destiny.  He asked the young monk to recall everything in detail that had happened on his journey.  The young monk tried his best to recall everything, but the abbot did not hear anything out of the ordinary.  The young monk suddenly recalled a very minor incident.  While he was walking home along a river, he spotted many ants struggled to stay on a fallen twig that was floating in the shallow water close to land.  He rushed to put the  twig with ants back on land, and used a leave to scope up some ants that were about to be drowned.  

With my limited English and my so so memory, I might be somewhat off in retelling the story.  (Please excuse me.)  Some people set out to do great things.  The small deeds were not any less than the big deeds.  The small deeds counted because we often did them spontaneously from our heart.  And, the young monk's destiny was changed.  

I shared the story because I wanted to talk about what I meant to do our part at this time.  (Please excuse me for my English for I shall use present tense and past tense intermittently.)  

During the challenging years, many nights I sat on bed with tears dripping down my face.  My guide said 'you feel pain because you let pain be' and 'you can be happy no matter what'.  It took me many years to realize what he said was true.  It was not easy, but I eventually understood the importance of maintaining my peace.  (Re The importance of maintaining our peace )  As I stayed in peace, I observed life was not as challenging as it had been.  Everything is energy.  Peace connects and unites.  Sometimes  people came to talk to me when a gathering was over.  One day, I was in a big spiritual gathering.  After meditation, the young man that sat next to me thanked me for sharing my peace.  He said he had never felt that peaceful before.  
In the dream Be a Spark of PEACE (March 2024), the man who was in charge of an organization / operation / mission said at the end of his speech that ". . . much more that needed to be done.  Be a Spark of PEACE.  Just BE."  Therefore, when I found out the music I heard upon waking up on May 25, 2024 was "Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus", I total got it why I heard that hymn.  Jesus was (is) The Prince of Peace.  The message was the same as in the dream.  Jesus is asking us to stand up for him, and be the presence of peace wherever we are. 
The young monk's simple act of kindness / love changed his destiny.  If more and more of us set out to live our daily life with love and peace, we are changing the world.  We are doing our part for the coming of the Golden Age.

Now, the last part of the music in the air phenomenon about peace and the Golden Age.  On June 9, 2024, Sunday, I woke up hearing music that I knew I had heard before.  So I hummed into my phone the few musical notes that I heard over and over.  It was "It came upon the midnight clear" written by Edmund H. Sears in 1849.  Other than the first line of the song, I had no idea about the rest of the lyrics.  (Oh, my unique memory of most songs!  I only memorized songs that I really wanted to.)  As I googled the history of the song, I found the words in the last stanza interesting.

                                        For lo! the days are hastening on
                                        By prophet bards foretold,
                                        When with the ever circling years
                                        Comes round the age of gold;
                                        When Peace shall over all the earth
                                        Its ancient splendors fling,
                                        And the whole world give back the song
                                        Which now the angels sing.

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In recent years, other than the pandemic, we had experienced some unusual floods, storms, tornados, mudslides / landslides, forest fires, and earthquakes.  

During this period of purification, it is vital for us to hold positive thoughts.  Thought is energy.  Positive thoughts strengthen our faith that no matter what happened All Is Well, and help us to stay in peace in the midst of chaos.

Due to the world situations, it is understandable that many people take a stand and join in protests.  Sometimes different groups break out in fights.  Violence never solves anything, and hatred cannot dissolve hatred.  It is through the desire to understand another that we can come to mutual acceptance and respect.  Pray for peace.  Pray for those that are suffering from wars, and not just your country or my country.  Be alert, and don't unknowingly be a pawn of the dark forces.

Love and Blessings,
Q of D       
P. S.  Midway through writing this post, I could not use color for text as I used to, and background color did not work too.  I found out online that other people had the same problem.  Later, I learned to choose a color before I type a portion of the text.  So I had to delete and type some texts over.  That was the cause of the delay in writing the post.  Yes, a loved one had told me years ago that my posts looked unprofessional because I used colors.  Well, I am not a professional writer!  And, I am a little girl at heart.  Anyway, I am happy everything returns to normal tonight.  I can type in colors as I used to!  I am grateful.

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