Saturday, June 11, 2011

Who are we and the meaning of life


In my previous posts, I mentioned I joined a circle in a holistic center on the last Thursday of May, 2005.  We met every Thursday morning from ten to noon.  The facilitator was an exceptional psychic and a wonderful spiritual teacher.  The founder of the center was a bright light whose love and warmth had helped many on their spiritual journey.  She joined the Thur. circle regularly.

On July 14, 2005, the facilitator asked us to write a simple vision statement for our next meeting.  Since this was a holistic center, we had people walked in and joined us from time to time.  Whenever there was a new comer, we took turns to introduce ourselves.  Most of my friends at the circle were long time spiritual seekers and professional light workers.  They were very much at ease in saying who they were such as spiritual teachers, healers, psychics, and writers.  They also shared a story or two about their spiritual journey.  When it was my turn, I always said, "I am xxxxxx.  I am simple."  This was how I felt about myself.

Some of my friends told me they could see I was a healer.  In readings, the channels said I had been a Speaker, a teacher of the Word, a scribe, a scholar and so on for many lifetimes.  To me, I was a simple Chinese woman with only a high school education (not from USA) and who could not speak English fluently.  I could not identify with what other people saw of me or said who I had been.

For days, I could not come up with a word for my vision statement.  I felt frustrated.  I said to myself, "Don't be too serious about it.  Who cares what my vision statement is?  Just write something."  However, I just could not write a vision statement without myself believing in what I wrote.  After a few days, I decided to let it go.  If the facilitator asked about my statement, I would say I could not come up with anything.

On Wed. July 20, 2005, the day before our Thur. circle, I turned on the TV to watch Sylvia Browne on the Montel Williams Show.  It was a rerun.  I had watched it before.  I decided to turn it off.  Before I turned it offI felt I wanted to know what the next woman was going to ask Sylvia.  The woman said her grandma (or mom) used to tell everybody she would leave this world with a big bang (=loud boom).  Nobody took what she said seriously.  At the time she died, there was indeed a big bang as if a massive bomb had exploded.  According to their local newspapers, the sound was so loud that the army and the police had investigated.  They could not find the source of the big bang.  The woman asked if it was really her grandma's doing.  Sylvia Browne confirmed it was.  She said, "We are all very powerful beings, but most of us forget who we are."  Immediately, something in me clicked.  "If everybody is a powerful being and so am I!"

I turned off the TV.  With my arms up in the air, I proclaimed -
I am a powerful, beautiful, loving being created by God.  I am love, peace, and joy.  I allow my light to shine brilliantly and lovingly, and be extended to all who come upon my path.  May God's blessings and healing be.  Amen.
Instantly, electricity was all over me.  Tears ran down my face.  I found myself in a powerful field of energy, and I felt light radiating from me in all directions.  I sat down and wrote my vision statement.  Throughout the day, I was in an expansive field of energy.

When I said my vision statement on Thurs., the facilitator said, "You may see yourself as an ordinary woman, but you don't see what we see . . . ."   To D and M - There were times I wanted to give up in this spiritual search for I felt that I was going nowhere.  Then I thought of both of you.  I knew everything was going to be alright.  Thank you for your love and encouragement.

I would like to close this post with "At Peace In the Light" by Dannion Brinkley, p.138. The Being of Light stood by and kindly told Dannion the meaning of life.  
"Humans are powerful spiritual beings meant to create good on the earth," he said.  "This good isn't usually accomplished in bold actions, but in singular acts of kindness between people."   The little things count because they show who you truly are.  You do it spontaneously. 

With love and gratitude,
Q of D

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