Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Writing Is Healing


Last night, there was a severe thunderstorm.  We drove to the airport to pick up our son.  As we were driving home, the windshield wipers could not move fast enough in the pouring rain.  The visibility on the highway was very poor.  Luckily, I was not the old me.  I was calm and peaceful for I knew everything was going to be alright.

Years ago, I worried a lot.  When the sky was gray, and so was my mood.  When I learned the roads would be icy or there would be heavy snow, I would worry about the safety of my loved ones.  I lived in fears and worries.  Looking at the sky or the sea at night, I shivered.  If I saw similar scenes on the TV (i.e. scenes of the ocean or night sky), I immediately wanted to turn off the TV.

One morning, a sentence came to my mind at the very moment I woke up.

                      On a cloudy, gloomy morning, I go looking for the sun.

Strangely, I could not get the sentence out of my mind.  For the following days and weeks, I continued writing or expanding on this 'thought' whenever I had time.  I was surprised at the strong urge within to keep writing.  I had no specific idea how the writing was going to evolve.  In the last days before I was done with the writing, the emotion was very intense.  I wondered how the writing was going to end.  When I finally finished writing, the feeling I had was indescribable.  The writing ended with a sense of hope.  It touched on the light within, and the love that connected us even though we might not have known each other.

It took me about four weeks to finish the writing.  The writing was very elementary or childlike.  After I finished the writing, there was a change in me.  I no longer felt down or worried on gloomy, cloudy, rainy, or snowy days.  Furthermore, the scenes of night sky or the sea on the television did not bother me any more.  

Nowadays I can look up at the night sky with peace in my heart.  I feel that there are healing elements in the writing.  I hope to share with you, but it is too long.

Writing is healing.  Are you troubled by worries, pain, doubts, fears, or phobias?  It may be writing can help you too.  If you are willing, please pick up a pen and write (or you can use the computer).  I would love to hear your story of how writing or drawing has healed you.

I guess this is my last post in June.  It has been a good month.  Have a happy July 4!

Many blessings,
Q of D

P.S.  I published the writing as the first post in July since there seemed to be healing elements in the writing that I needed to share.  Please click to view On a cloudy, gloomy morning, I go looking for the sun

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