Friday, July 8, 2011

Guide's Words of Wisdom on Relationship


Relationship is one of the biggest challenges in life.  Here are some words of wisdom on relationship from my spirit guide.

"Indeed, relationship is one hard lesson.  It is a connection between two or more. One needs to tend to it and nurture it all the time.  You have to be focused to make a relationship work.  A good relationship needs mutual attendance and care.  If it is heavy on one side, the relationship is out of balance.  Both must attend to it as if that is the main focus in their life.  And of course, it is all about LOVE.

Understand each one of us takes on our own personality before we come into a physical life, and there is a big reason for choosing a certain personality.  We are all given chances to awakening.  In other words, we can put our not so loving personality aside, and start to love which in fact is the main purpose or lesson of a physical life. To awaken is to forgive, to live with patience, or at times it is to let go.  Sometimes it is to take charge, and to take risk that comes with change.  As always, changes are good if you desire them to be good.  In additional to our weaknesses (greed, jealousy, self-importance, anger & etc.), too many times when we are in our physical lives, we base our evaluation of situations on human standards such as money, success, and material things.  In doing so, we blind ourselves from seeing the true solution to a situation, and suffer from it.  It is important to forgive and let go.  It is also important to take care of oneself - loving the self, releasing the self from nonredeemable situations.  The golden rule is to love and be loved.  It is inadvisable to put yourself through self-depriving, suppression, and self-depreciation.

Always understand you are a child of God and you are loved.  Value yourself and don't give power to or completely ignore others unloving words or attitude.  Never, never let them get to you.  We wish you a loving and fruitful evening."  (3/21/2003)

Many blessings,
Q of D

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