Thursday, July 23, 2015

The Wonders of God are here, there, and everywhere


Last Saturday I took a walk on the sidewalk of the road in the late afternoon.  It was a five-lane road.  The center lane was a turn lane.  Traffic on the two lanes that were near the sidewalk (i.e. where I was) was eastbound while traffic on the two outermost lanes was westbound.  I was walking towards the east.  It was a hot day.  After about fifteen minutes, I decided to go home.  I turned around.  Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a car in the outermost lane with a 4444 license plate!

As I had mentioned in my other posts, 444 meant the power of God's love.  It was a very special number to me.  The state I lived in only required a license plate at the rear of a vehicle.  The car was heading west.  I would not have seen its license plate if I had not turned around to go home at that very moment.  The synchronicity made me smile.  "How great is the Divine!" I thought.

In the next second, I could no longer see the license plate clearly.  It was farther than what my eyes were capable of seeing.  I began to doubt.  I only spotted the numbers at that split second.  I thought I saw 4444, but I could be wrong.  How likely a car with a 4444 license plate would appear as I turned around, I thought to myself.

I continued to walk towards home.  I saw the traffic on the westbound lane in a distance away was somewhat congested due to the road construction.  I walked past some houses and a bank.  I stopped before the exit/enter lane of the school.  I was very surprised that the car I had spotted earlier actually made a turn into the school. The car stopped right in front of me.  The license plate was really 4444!  I was all smiles as the car made a U-turn back into the traffic.  It was now heading east instead of west.  People in the car must have a change of mind.  I was certainly glad they did.

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Since the last quarter of 1999, I have many wonderful 444 experiences.  I have related a few of those experiences in some of my posts.

In Words of Christ and the 4444 Incident - Part 2, I handed the pastor the envelope with the words of Christ.  I left the church.  I drove to a store.  As soon as I entered the store, I saw  a big sign with 4444.

In The Stop at a Railroad Crossing, I was very concerned about a young man.  I sat down to pray for him.  When I opened my eyes after praying, the time on the clock was 4:44 pm.

In The Lesson of Importance, my husband and I went to the bank.  When we came back on the road, I saw a car with a 444 license plate.  Immediately, with the music playing on the car radio, I loudly affirmed that I was important.  The radio practically stopped while I spoke even though my husband and I had not touched any button.  I was surprised.  I stopped talking, and the music resumed.

In The Importance of Maintaining Our Peace, I asked a company to send a technician to service the fire system as soon as possible because I knew the inspector might come any time.  The company said they could only send one out days later.  I let go (of my worries) let God.  I went shopping for the restaurant in the afternoon.  When I came back, a technician was there.  He said he was in another restaurant.  He flipped through his work orders, and decided to come instead of days later.  When he gave me the invoice, I was in awe.  The invoice number was 84444.

Before I left for the walk last Saturday, I had asked my angels to come with me.  I knew they were with me all the time, but I liked to acknowledge their presence in my life.  Normally, I took walks in the sports fields by the schools.  The 4444 license plate incident was a nice surprise and a loving touch of the Divine.

Our connection with the Divine is always there.  If we pay attention, God / the Divine are forever present in our daily life.  At times, we may have doubts (just as I did on Saturday).  However, if we allow our hearts to feel and our eyes to see, the wonders and beauty of God are here, there, and everywhere.

Many blessings,
Q of D

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