Wednesday, August 8, 2012

The Healing in the Washroom - second story of healing


Click here to view the first story The Hot Coffee Incident

In the morning, I woke up feeling good and renewed.  I checked the scalded area.  It still looked terribly.  There were a few big blisters and some small ones.  If I pressed the darkest red part of my thigh, it hurt a little bit; otherwise, there was no pain.  So I went to the wedding with my family.

It was a beautiful, sunny, and breezy Saturday.  The wedding ceremony took place in a church not far from where we lived.  Many people attended.  This was the first time I was invited to an American wedding.  I took in this new experience with gratitude and joy.  I had met the bride once before the wedding.  She was a nice soft-spoken young lady.  It was heartwarming to see the bride and groom looking at each other with so much love.

In the evening, we went to the wedding banquet which was held in the clubhouse of a golf course.  It was a joyous, big gathering.  The bride and groom sat by a long table with bridesmaids and groomsmen.  All of them looked so beautiful or handsome. Both of our sons spoke and proposed toast.  They conducted themselves truthfully and confidently.  I was all smiles looking at them.

Then we lined up to get food.  I got some food and walked back to the table.  Before I sat down, I suddenly felt I should go to the washroom right away.  I handed the plate to my husband.  I told him I had to go to the washroom.  He gave me that 'why now' look since I could have gone there earlier.  I found myself walking very fast towards the washroom which was some distance away.

There were two women in the washroom.  While I was washing my hands, I saw that the older woman looked quite sick.  A sink was filled with vomit.  She had difficulty breathing and standing up.  She put one of her hands on her chest.  The younger woman was helping her and supporting her.  They were discussing if they should ask a doctor to come to the clubhouse or call an ambulance.  They did not know what to do because they did not want to ruin the wedding.  I turned to them and said, "I am a healer.  If you will allow me, it may be I can help."  Immediately, the younger woman said, "Yes, please!  She is the bride's grandmother."  She said to the older woman, "Mom, please accept.  I believe she is from God."  The older woman nodded.  I was very surprised to learn that she was the grandmother of the bride!

I put my handbag aside.  The grandmother sat on a chair in the washroom.  With my eyes closed, Loving Energy came through and guided me to work on her.  During that time, a few people walked in and out of the washroom.  Luckily, no one interrupted or said anything.  I worked on her for quite a while.  When I opened my eyes, I was pleased to see that she looked well and was breathing normally.  We looked at one another with joy.  Her daughter kept saying I must be an angel, or how else I came to the washroom at that very moment.  I said it was not me who healed.  It was the Grace of God.  I thanked them for allowing me to be a channel.

I walked back to our table.  My husband was worrying about me for I had been gone for quite a while.  Then I saw the two women walked to their table.  Before the night was over, they came to our table and thanked me again.  The grandmother's eyes were clear and shone with gladness.  They gave me a big hug before they left.

It was a very humbling experience.  I only learned a healing modality three months ago.  With my personality, I would not have said 'I am a healer' in public or in front of strangers.  However, I knew I had to step forward and place my trust in the Divine because I wanted the wedding to go well too.  My heart was filled with gratitude as the Loving Energy guided my hands to work on the grandmother.  In a small way, I felt I had repaid some of the kindness that this wonderful young man (the groom) had extended to our family.

By the way, within a week, the scalded skin was replaced by healthy new skin.

God is Great as Love Is.

Many blessings,
Q of D

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