Saturday, August 11, 2012

The Dream of Three Japanese Soldiers


Throughout my life, I had many interesting dreams.  I believed I started writing down my dreams about 13 years ago.  In some of my dreams or astral travel, I came across ghosts that had not gone to the other side or those that were stuck in between.  This was one of those dreams or occasions.  

  • I was inside a tunnel on a mountain.  I came across three Japanese soldiers who wore old, torn army uniforms.  I knew that they had died, but obviously they did not realize that.  I told them the war had long been over.  Then we got into a 'fight' over the war.  (The 'fight' was not a physical fight but a disagreement.  'Fight' was the word used in the dream.)
  • At one point, I realized our differences of how we looked at the war were not important.  These soldiers went to war to fight for their country.  They needed to be recognized and honored to be at peace.  
  • We walked out of the tunnel.  It came to me there was something I could do to help them go to the light.  In the open area, I conducted a ceremony to honor them.  I called out their names, said what they had done, and recognized them with honor and glory.  (All these time, there were only me and the three soldiers).
  • Then a page (soldier) appeared!  I asked the page to guide the soldiers to the light.  These soldiers were now at peace.  As they walked away, instead of 3 soldiers, I saw more and more soldiers came out of the tunnel and walked towards the light!  (Upon waking up, it came to me that my spirit guide might have appeared as the page to facilitate the process.)

I got from this dream that life was not about who was right or wrong.  It was hard to look at life from our view as a human being.  As a Chinese, I had heard many horrific and sad stories that happened during the Japanese invasion of China.  In the dream, we got into a disagreement about the war because I was a Chinese and they were Japanese.

From my dreams, I learned I had lived many lifetimes.  I had been born into other races in different countries.  In each life, I took on a new body, and played a different role.

Despite of our differences in appearance or skin color, I know there is only one race - the human race.  We are not our bodies.  We are consciousness and part of the Loving Divine.  However, most of us forget who we truly are once we are born.  

May all of us look at each other with love, compassion, and forgiveness for in truth we are one.

Many blessings,
Q of D

P.S.  Re A page appeared - when I re-read my post, I wondered what was a page.  He was wearing military uniform and 'page' was the word I got from the dream. 

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