Monday, January 21, 2013

Part One - I said 'No' three times on this Sunday


Since posting My Big Moment of Embarrassment, I realized what happened was in perfect divine order.  It used to take me quite some time to open up to people in a new environment.  When the incident occurred, I was embarrassed.  However, I also found the whole thing hilarious.  With that feeling, I was able to break the 'ice' (which was formed by me and nobody else), and be more at ease with my new friends.

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Five months before I moved to that state, I finally following the guidance.  I went to a 2-day spiritual energy healing workshop.

A few days later, I told the Thursday circle that I had learned a healing art.  The facilitator who was then also the owner of the center immediately asked me to be the on-site healer on Wednesdays.  I was shocked.  I said I was not qualified.  The on-site healers on other weekdays were wonderful, long time professional healers.  Besides, some of my friends at the circle were Reiki Masters and had learned other healing modalities.  However, she said, "You need a place to start (the healing work), don't you?"  Meanwhile, all my friends encouraged me to accept.  Reluctantly, I said "yes".

The following Thursday I talked to the facilitator again.  I told her I was very grateful for the opportunity, but I was indeed not qualified.  I suggested that I would be at the center for a month, and then she chose someone else.  I mentioned our friends who were healers.  She looked at me for a while.  She said, "You may see yourself as an ordinary Chinese woman, but you don't see what I see.  You want to be like every one else, but, you are not.  You have to accept that you are different.  As long as you want it, Wednesday is yours."  I told her I could not charge money for the healing sessions because I was only learning.  In other words, I could not contribute financially to the center as the other healers did.  Kindly, she let it be my choice.  I was able to practice healing for almost five months before moving to another state.

For her love and support, I am eternally grateful.

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As you have read, I was not a participating healer in the 2007 October quarterly healing service.  I was new to the church.  I was usually among the first ones to leave the church when the service was over.  Though I was told to step forward, I could not see myself teaching and writing.  As for healing, I felt a powerful surge of energy from time to time when I sat among people.  A few of my clairvoyant friends had seen the sudden surge of energies around me.  In many ways, I did not see myself as a healer for God is the Healer.  I am an instrument.  I was comfortable to remain unnoticed.

After the healing service, I continued going to both churches at will.  On Nov. 25, 2007, I had planned to go to the Unity Church.  However, as I prayed for guidance that morning, I was told to go to FIL.  I followed the guidance, and it turned out to be an interesting day.

As soon as I sat down on the second last pew, the joy in me expanded.  Powerful energy began flowing into me.  My hands moved, and at one point my body turned to send energy to those who sat behind me.  I had to totally let go of the sense of embarrassment (or my ego) because I had made a vow to be of service.  As the energy flowed into me and through me, I was at ease and in peace.

During the service, the pastor asked those who came for the first time to stand up and say their names.  There were two ladies who came from another state.  They sat near the front.  I could not see or hear them well from where I sat.

When the service was over, a woman came to me.  She said she represented the church to officially welcome me in.  I found it strange since I had been coming to the church for some weeks.  She told me she was a retired minister of the church, and would move back to the state where she came from soon.  She said the psychic medium mother and daughter at the Unity Church had emailed her about me.  She said she saw me filled with the Holy Spirit during the service.  She asked about the healing art that I practiced.  (In later years, she visited the church once or twice a year.  I eventually learned she was clairvoyant, and was quite connected to the Divine.  I also mentioned her in my post The Lesson of Importance.  The last time we met she gave me a few words of advice on relationship.  I am grateful for her advice.)

Afterward, I walked to the front of the chapel.  I wanted to talk to a friend, but she was talking to a lady in her 30 s whom I had not seen before.  I waited by the wall.  A woman stood near them.  She looked at me and asked, "Are you waiting to talk to Marla (not the real name)?"  I said, "No."  I did not know who was Marla.  I finally let the friend know I would talk to her some other time.

I talked to another friend for a while.  I walked to the lobby.  I saw the same woman sitting on a chair.  She said to me, "If you want to talk to Marla, she is outside the door of the church right now."  I thought she must have mistaken me for somebody else.  Again, I said, "No."

The lady in her 30 s walked in from outside.  She sat next to the woman.  The woman asked me for the third time, "You want to talk to Marla, don't you?"  I responded with "No" in an impatient toneThe lady in her 30 s looked at me.  She stood up and went to the washroom.

I thought, "Oh, Q of D (me), the woman who keeps asking if I want to talk to Marla is saying it out of friendliness.  Be kind."  In order to ease the situation, I tried to start a conversation with her.  I told her I prayed for a message from the Divine as what my life purpose was, and what happened on last Sunday.  The woman said, "See, I know you need to talk to Marla.  She brings messages from the angels.  Why don't you ask Marla what you want to know?"  It was then I learned the lady in her 30 s was Marla, and they were the two ladies who came from another state.  I was surprised and embarrassed.  I had said 'no' in front of Marla who was still in the washroom.  I told her friend I would talk to them next Sunday, but she said they would fly back to their state on Wednesday.  She insisted for me to stay and talk to Marla.  I decided to stay because I felt the divine was at work.

When Marla came out, we had to leave for it was time for the church to close the door.  Marla told me she worked with Archangel Metatron.  It seemed she had a busy schedule during her stay.  She asked me to call her at night to schedule a meeting on Monday.

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Energy did not pour into me every time I sat among people.  It only happened occasionally.  On that particular Sunday, the energy that came through was exceptionally strong.  I would not have met Marla, her friend, and the retired minister if I had dismissed the guidance and went to the Unity Church.  We might have planned our life before we came, however, we really had to thank our guides and angels for their hard work behind the scenes.

I will continue to share with you the story in my next post.  (Click to view the next post Archangel Metatron and the healing session )

Have a nice night!  

Love and Peace,
Q of D

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