Thursday, January 31, 2013

Part Three - It is the not knowing that makes life intriguing


This was the last part of the story about how I eventually participated in the quarterly healing service at the church.  If you haven't read part l and 2, please click here I said 'no' three times on this Sunday and Archangel Metatron and the healing session.

On Dec.2, 2007, I went to the Unity Church.  I learned they would have the Christmas play on Dec.16.  They had invited some women from the shelter to come and watch the play.  I planned to join them, and prayed to be a channel of healing on that day.

In the morning of Dec.16, it suddenly dawned on me that my wanting to be at the Unity Church might not necessary be right.  The intention was good, but it was the human way of thinking.  On many occasions when I was being used as an instrument, I had no idea they were going to happen at all.  Unity Church would have a loving service and a large attendance with or without me.  On the other hand, I foresaw that there might not be many people at the small church.  Most people were more likely shopping for gifts for Christmas than going to church.  I changed my plan.  I went to join my brothers and sisters at the small church.

As expected, it was a very small gathering.  The service was wonderful.  The speaker, a pastor, was an exceptional spiritual teacher and speaker.  His truthful voice led us into his experiences and past life stories as if we were going through them with him.  He was very loved and respected at church.  His talks always touched our hearts, and on a few occasions brought tears to our eyes.

When the service was over, I saw one of the pastors ** (not the speaker) walked out of the chapel.  Strangely, it 'came' to me that he wanted to talk to me. 
After the service, the pastors normally stayed in the chapel to chat with those that came.  There was no pastor at the door to say goodbye as some churches did.  I was usually among the first ones to leave during my first few weeks there.  Though small, this church had ten active pastors, and most were present on Sundays.  They supported the church / their spiritual home with their time and money.   
** When I visited the church for the first time, I was late.  The service had begun. The congregation was singing.  I went to stand by the wall next to a small column of pews.  A gentleman came to stand next to me with a song book.  He offered to sing with me.  It turned out he was a pastor and the speaker of that Sunday.  He is a wonderful brother who is wise and kind. 
The pastor was by the door when I walked out of the chapel.  He said he knew I had been attending the service for a while, but the church knew nothing about me.  He asked about my religious belief and how I started on my spiritual journey.  At the end of our conversation, he wanted to experience the healing art I learned.  He said he was in good health, but he was open to receive.  The energy that came through was very subtle.  I was at peace.  (I am a channel.  I do not concern myself with the outcome, and I do not take credit for any healing.)

On Jan. 6, 2008, the pastor talked to me about the effect of the healing session.  He gave me the phone number of Pastor K who was in charge of the quarterly healing service, and suggested that I called him to ask for his permission to participate.  I did not expect this to happen.  In many ways, I had the same hesitation as when the owner of the holistic center asked me to be the on-site healer in 2007.  I summed up my courage to make the call because I thought the pastor had already talked to Pastor K.

I was wrong.  Pastor K was obviously surprised of my call.  He asked me to talk to him on Thursday night when he facilitated the healing prayer service.  After the phone conversation, I decided I would tell Pastor K on Thursday that it was quite alright if he felt that I should not participate in the quarterly healing service for whatever reason.

The church was in a residential area, and did not have its own parking lot.  On Sundays, we parked in a parking lot that belonged to another facility about half a street away.  On weekdays, we were supposed to park on the street.  The street was not sufficiently lighted at night.  Since I was not comfortable driving at night, I planned to tell the pastor that I would not come to the prayer service again.

As it turned out, all that I planned to say was unnecessary.  That night, Pastor K said he could not facilitate the service anymore because he had other things to do on Thursday nights.  Another pastor did not want to open the door at night by herself because the street was dark.  The pastors moved the healing prayer service to Tuesday morning, and I joined them on most days for about 3 years.

On Jan. 27, 2008, I participated in the quarterly healing service for the first time.  The healing energy surged me and moved me to begin before Pastor K had finished his prayer.  Furthermore, the Energy guided me to work on not just the one who sat on my chair, but on different people in the congregation.  Understandably, some people who did not know me thought that I was either too nervous or I had a big ego.

As a channel, I knew the importance of putting aside my ego.  When I began a session, I never imagined powerful energy flowed into me.  I simply centered myself, and let go let God.  I did not concern myself if the healing energy was powerful, strong, subtle, hot, warm, or cold.  I had found the loving energy knew exactly what the recipient needed.  When the healing energy did not come through, I was honest about it too.

After the service, some people came to thank me.  I told them I wasn't the one who healed, and all credits went to God.  One person asked if I knew why I was guided to work on her knee for a long time.  I told her honestly that I did not know why.  She rolled up her pants, and showed me the long scar on her knee.  She was in an accident, and her knee was badly wounded.  Another person told me her pain was gone.  She wanted to book for two more sessions.  I offered to work on her at church in the coming Sundays for free.

On Nov. 25, 2007, I changed my plan, and had an interesting Sunday which led to a healing session by Archangel Metatron.  When I went to the small church instead of the Unity Church on Dec.16, 2007, I never envisioned it would lead to my first participation in the quarterly healing service as well as joining the healing prayer service for the next three years.

In one of my posts, I related the following words from my spirit guide -

"You want to know what's to come before it comes.  You want us to confirm what you think you know.  The 'real beauty' of life is 'what you do not know'.........."

He is right.  It is the not knowing that makes life intriguing and amazing.  It is the not knowing that give us an opportunity to handle whatever happens with creativity and our true emotion.  According to my guide, that is what life is all about.

Enjoy your life journey!  Keep in mind that God is expressing through you and me!

Q of D

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