Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Stories of Birds, Bees, and other signs from the Divine


In Suddenly, I announced it was time to buy another car, a few big white birds appeared out of nowhere making loud sounds in the sky right above us.  Immediately, I recognized the significance of their (birds) presence.  I gave thanks to the angels for their help.  It was 2004.  The many touches of God during the restaurant years had taught me to pay attention to the signs of the Loving Divine.

While The Incredible 'Night Vision - Pieces of a Dream' Phenomenon was obvious and indisputable, the appearance of birds, no matter how spectacular, was not easy to perceive as signs from the Divine.  For instance, one day during the restaurant years, I had a heavy heart.  I prayed for relief.  When I walked out of the apartment, I saw numerous small birds flew from the trees across from our apartment to the two trees next to our apartment.  Back and forth, the birds flew and covered part of the sky.  The unexpected scene captivated me.  I stood there in awe.  When the birds finally flew away, the heaviness in my heart was gone.  However, I thought the wonderful bird show was but a natural happening of nature.

It took a few more times before I realized the love of the angels.  The angels knew I loved nature.  Birds, trees, and flowers made me happy.  It was their way to uplift my spirit.  Below are some of my experiences of birds.

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One morning, my husband and I arrived at the strip mall (i.e. where our restaurant was).  I was sad.  It was my son's birthday.  I had talked to him the night before.  He was not happy.  He had graduated from a university, but could not find the job he wanted.  Without hesitation, he went to work in a store because he knew we / the family needed the money.   As a mother, how much I wish he was happy especially on his birthday!  I got out of the car.  I saw a large flock of birds flying in our direction from a distance away.  At that very moment, I 'got' that the birds would come and circle above me a few times!  My husband was already at the door of the restaurant.  I told him I would go in after watching the birds.  The birds came.  Incredibly, the whole flock of birds flew in a circular direction above me a few times before they flew away.  My heart was filled with awe and gratitude.  Peace filled my entire being.  I knew everything was going to be alright no matter how life appeared to be.

Later that night, I was glad to see my son came home in a good mood.  His brother and their friends had gathered to celebrate his birthday.  He was happy on his birthday after all.

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In my post Gateway to Heaven, I shared with you the following experience.

After volunteering at the soup kitchen for some months, I decided to attend their church service one Sunday.

The soup kitchen was inside the church.  I usually arrived before 10:30 am and left around 3 pm on the days I volunteered.  All those days, I had never seen a single bird in their parking lot.  However, I saw a phenomenal scene that Sunday.  When I got out of my car, I saw a small flock of white birds flying right above my car!  They stayed for quite a while at a short distance above my head.  In retrospect, the angels were probably showing me their love and support for I had taken a step outside of my comfort zone to sit among lots of people that day.

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This happened years ago.  I learned from the newspaper that the city we lived in had completed the construction of a large, beautiful park.  It had a big artificial body of water, streams, and small bodies of water throughout the park.  Unlike me, my husband did not appreciate the beauty of nature.  He said he saw hills, grass, fields, ponds, animals, and birds while he grew up in the village.  He regarded them as nothing special.  When our sons were young, we brought them to parks quite often so that they could play.  After our sons grew up, we stopped going to parks.  I had talked to my husband about the new park in the city, but he showed no interest of going there.  I knew he would go with me if I asked him to.  However, I did not want to drag him to a place where he saw no point of going.

One summer afternoon, we had to go somewhere near the park.   I finally said I wanted to visit the park.  Very few people were there.  Standing by the big body of water, I was surprised I did not see any seagull.  I expressed my disappointment.  My husband looked at me.  He said, "Why do you expect to see seagulls?  This is not the beach.  It is not by the sea."  I said, "I thought I would always see seagulls above bodies of water.  I see seagulls in the parking lots of restaurants and stores.  I have hoped to see lots of seagulls here."  My husband said, "You see birds in the parking lots of stores and restaurants because they can find food there.  This is an artificial body of water.  In other parks, sometimes you see people fishing.  If you look into the water, there is nothing much for the seagulls to eat.  Of course, seagulls will not come here."  I closed my eyes.  I said in my heart, "But, I have come to see the seagulls!"  I opened my eyes, and continued on my walk along the body of water.

Suddenly, a few white birds (seagulls) came.  Soon, lots and lots of white birds came.  They flew gracefully above the water, and put on quite a show.  My husband watched in disbelief.  I smiled.  I was grateful and joyful beyond words.  (I just went online to see pictures of seagulls.  I was surprised that there were so many different types of seagulls.  The seagulls I saw that afternoon were white.  Since that incident, I observed the seagulls I normally saw in parking lot of stores were mostly white with grayish blue wings.)

Since that afternoon, my husband and I visited the park once in a while.  We often saw ducks, but did not see seagulls again.  Somewhere in the park, there was a line of trees.  I usually walked by the trees thanking them for sharing with us their peace, beauty and healing energy.  One time, healing energy surged through my hand and moved me to work on a tree.  It was then I saw that lightning had struck part of the tree.  Since we moved back to this state, we had not visited the city we used to live.  I hoped to visit the park again someday.

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This morning I took a walk.  Later, I sat on a bench.  A  honey bee came and circled around me - my hands, arms, jean, head, and body.  It stayed about 2 inches above my body.  I waited for quite a while, but the bee still flew around me.  Later, I stood up and walked home.

Bees and many other things are signs from the Divine too.

If you have been following my blog, you know 2007 was a year of many changes for me.  Before I realized the changes, I saw cars with license plates BEE and BED wherever I went.  It was unbelievable!  From my dream experiences, bed signified something in the making (i.e. events in our life  that are about to unfold).***   One day, I found a bumble bee on the window of our car.  On another day, I went to a big body, mind and spirit festival.  Arriving home, I found a big bumble bee on the handle of the screen door.  In other words, in order to open the screen door, I had to touch the handle.  I observed the bumble bee was barely breathing (from the movement of his body).  I waited and waited for it to fly away, but it did not.  I thought it was dying and too weak to fly.  I touched it lightly, and it flew away as fast as lightning.

The bee I saw this morning was a honey bee.  I wondered what it meant.  Anyway, the Divine gave us signs all the time.  Sometimes signs were simply manifested to show us the ever present love that was around us and in us.

I hope to share with you one of the most important experiences of birds in my next post.

Many blessings,
Q of D

***Many people look up meanings from books (or online) of the signs they see and the dreams they have.  However, the same sign may have a different meaning to different people.  For example, there are two people.  One loves little animals and the other strongly dislikes pets.  They both dream of a dog.  Their feeling in their dreams may be very different.  How we feel is also an important factor in understanding the dream or the sign.  Therefore, the symbols I understand from my dreams may not apply to other people's dreams.  However, if we pay attention, all of us can gradually learn how to better interpret our own dreams or the signs we see.

If you are interested, please click to view What do we do when we have dreams of fear and More on Dreams . 

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