Friday, November 6, 2015

Is turning off the TV the only way to maintain our peace?


                                 In a war torn zone
                                 After another round of bombing
                                 A man stood on the ground
                                 Pools of blood here and there
                                 Fires and smoke everywhere  
                                 Seeing the destruction around him
                                 He looked up at the sky
                                 With his arms raised
                                 He let out a deafening, painful cry
                                 "All we want is to live in peace!"
                                 Lowering his head
                                 In a choking, barely audible voice, he asked
                                 "Is it too much for us to ask for?"

The above were the words I wrote after watching a man in a war torn zone said to a journalist on TV, "All we want is to live in peace!"  His words touched me.  "All we want is to live in peace."  Was it not what all of us wanted?  However, in some places, children grew up knowing only the tragic and violence of wars; as for the adults, peace was like a fading dream they had long time ago.

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In spiritual circles and at church, quite a few of my friends had expressed their sadness over what happened in our world.  Some said they had stopped watching the news.  They did not want to hear the news about the wars and violence every day. Some said they seldom turned on the television for that was the only way they could maintain their peace.

I knew how my friends felt.  There were times I felt sad watching the news too.  I prayed as many of my friends did, yet, praying seemed to be the only thing I could do.

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On May 26, 2005, I joined the Thursday circle for the first time.  In July, the facilitator asked us to write a simple vision statement for our next meeting.  Many of my friends at the circle were long time spiritual seekers.  Some were psychics / mediums, workshop facilitators, spiritual / metaphysical teachers, and healers.  They held visions of what they wanted to do, but I could only see myself as a simple Chinese woman.  For days, I could not come up with a word for my vision statement.  I decided to give up, and then something unexpected happened.  (Please view my post Who are we and the meaning of life )  On the day I proclaimed "who I am", I could feel powerful energy all around me.  It was a life transformation experience.

However, as time went by, the sense that "I am a powerful, beautiful, loving being created by God" as I had proclaimed began to wane.  I allowed myself to react to life dramas again.  At times, I felt sad and powerless towards what happened around me.

                                           ~       to be continued       ~

Next post The Beautiful, Powerful LOVE in You and in Me

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