Saturday, November 26, 2016

A Mysterious Encounter


I had quite a few mysterious encounters.  Below was one of them.  It happened when I was about 13 or 14 years old.

One day, my older sister and her friend went shopping.   They asked me to go with them.  After walking for some time, we noticed a man with an unkempt appearance seemed to be following us.  When we slowed down, he did not walk past us.  In order to find out if he was really following us, we decided to make a turn on the next side street.  After we made the turn, the man continued to follow us.  Worse yet, there were less people walking on the side street than the main road.  Though we were not hungry, we decided to go into a restaurant.

We were young.  We were cautious, but were not that scared.  After we sat down, we laughed at our experience.

The captain rushed to greet us.  He said, "It is nice to see you again.  Oh, you choose the same table."  He ordered some waiters to line up in front of our table.  It was then we noticed this was a nice two-story restaurant.  The captain gave us the menu and hurriedly walked upstairs.  He came down with the captain that managed the upper floor.  They bowed before us as if we were important customers.   Then the upper floor captain went back to do his job.  We were all surprised at what happened right in front of us.

There were other customers in the restaurant.  They seemed to look at us wondering who we were since the waiters lined up by our table.  The captains (or managers) wore business suits and the waiters wore formal uniforms.  Later, the captain came to take our  orders.  After I ordered, he said, "Oh, you ordered the same food the last time you came!"  The three of us had never been to this restaurant.  We looked at each other with bewilderment.

After we paid the bill, we stood up to leave.  The captain rushed to open the door with his head lowered as to show respect.  I was the last one to walk out of the door.  As the captain let go of his hand that held the door, he raised his head.  He looked at me and said, "Please come ... Oh, I've mistaken that you were Miss XXX!"  I saw his mouth and eyes opened wide as the door closed.  My eyes opened wide too because he had just said the sound of my name (i.e. my first name) !

My sister and her friend thought that it was just a coincidence.  They did not think much of it.  However, I found this experience very unsettling.  My name was not common.  How likely was it that there was someone that looked like me and had a name similar to mine!

When my sister and I were home, I told my parents about the encounter.  I asked if I had a twin sister.  They said I did not have a twin sister.  From their expression, I knew my parents told me the truth.

We never visited that restaurant again.  (I could neither remember the name of the restaurant nor the food I ordered.)  If that man had not followed us, we would not have gone into the restaurant.  At times I wondered why I had this strange encounter.  

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I might be more open to the divine as a child than I was an adult.  For years, I lived a simple life as a wife and a mother.  Without the mystical experiences, I would not have stepped outside of my family.  With my personality, it had not been easy to go on this spiritual search.  Emotionally, I was alone on this journey.  I wish I had someone to talk to.  Sometimes I thought how nice it would be if I did have a twin sister.  

Q of D

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