Thursday, June 21, 2018

What wisdom do I have?


While writing I gave myself a timeout because I could not stop laughing , I realized the recall of that particular incident was not by chance.  It was in truth an answer to a question that I said out loud one recent afternoon.

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One afternoon, I picked up a body, mind and spirit magazine that was stacked under a few of my notebooks.  I had gotten it a while back, but had not read it.  A long list of universal laws with brief explanation next to each law took up the first few pages of the magazine.  After glancing over the first few laws, I decided to skip those pages.  I knew myself.  I would forget most of the laws even if I read them.  I went on to read articles that I was interested in.

Later, I put down the magazine.

The list of universal laws came to my mind.  I did not know there were that many universal laws!  It showed how little that I knew.  Indeed, there were lots of spiritual stuff that I did not know.  In a way, it was good for meWith not knowing, I listened with an open mind.  Since I followed the guidance to go among people in 2005, I had heard many interesting lectures, inspiring speeches and touching personal stories.  Sitting on the couch, I thought of the wonderful people that I had met over the years.  Some of them were very wise and knowledgeable in spiritual matters.

Suddenly, I remembered a recent gathering.  There were three facilitators.  Two were exceptional healers with different gifts and abilities.  One was a gifted channel that channeled universal wisdom from ascended beings and beings of other planets.  During the meeting, people asked for advice as well as a variety of questions on many subjects.  The facilitators were very knowledgeable.  They responded honestly and truthfully.  Some people answered the questions from their perspective too.

Since moving back to this state in 2012, I had been to their meetings 3 or 4 times.  They had meetings at least once a month.  I would love to be there more often, but the place of the meeting was not close to where I lived.  In the last seven months, my 2001 car had one problem after another.  Therefore, I had only gone to a couple of spiritual meetings in 2018.  (One of the gatherings was with another group).  Despite of the car problems, I had planned to drive there by myself.  It had rained during the night, and did not stop as the day came.  I decided to ask my son to take me there.  Though he had no interest at all in spiritual matters, he had always told me he was willing to drive me anywhere.  (The last time he went to a spiritual gathering with me was in June 2016.  Re Two Powerful Healers from Another StateThe healer gave me a healing session and I asked to be a channel of healing, and I was )

My son dropped me off at that place.  He went to visit other places while I attended the gathering.

When I sat among other people, I often sat through the gathering without saying anything.  I only spoke up when I really had something to say or there was a strong prompting from within.  I had not said anything in my previous attendance with this group.  However, on this day, I felt the need to speak up.  For a brief while, I offered a different view by sharing an experience.

When the 2-hour gathering was over, I stood up to leave right away because my son might have come to pick me up.  Before I walked out of the door, a tall young man stopped me.  He said, "May I give you a hug.  What you said earlier was very, very good and deep.  Thank you."  We hugged.  I left.

What I shared briefly was but a personal experience in my simple words.  With the recall of this incident, I could not help but wondered aloud -

                                              What wisdom do I have? 

In fact, I had asked this question every now and then since my 2001 December reading.  The known angel channel said my guides and angels urged me to go among people, teach and share my wisdom.  I graduated from high school (not in USA).  I lived a simple life as a daughter, a wife and then a mother.  I struggled mentally and emotionally during the challenging restaurant years.  Many nights I sat in the dark with tears dripping down my face.  What wisdom did I have?  If I was wise, I should have been able to maintain my peace and handle life challenges with ease.

Then another scene came to my mind.  After a gathering was over, I left the building and walked toward my car.  A man walked to me.  He was in the gathering, and had talked quite a bit during the meeting.  Many in the gathering knew him, but it was the first time we met.  He said, "Earlier, you say you are not good in English.  You talk for a while during the meeting.  As you speak, I can feel the energy in your voice.  I want to tell you that your English is enough.  You should speak more for your words are powerful."

The man said my words were powerful.  It might be he felt the electricity in my voice as a few others had said after I spoke.  It reminded me of an incident that happened many years ago.  I was about to leave when a woman asked the spiritual teacher (a psychic) and a workshop facilitator about a physical condition that had been troubling her.  Something came to my mind.  I turned and said what I got.  The three of them exclaimed at the same time saying, "That is exactly what I need to hear today!"  Afterward, they looked at each other while I stood there feeling puzzled.  How could what I said be for all of them?  The psychic explained, "The three of us had different concerns in our mind.  It was in your voice that each one of us got what we needed to hear."  The woman and the facilitator nodded in agreement.  The workshop facilitator asked, "What is your name again?" 

On another occasion, a kind woman tried to teach me how to use the computer.  I said, "You had been a teacher for many lifetimes. That is why you are good at communication and teaching."  Upon hearing that, she broke down.  She cried for a long time.  Later, she talked to me about the deep sorrow she had held within since her parents passed away.  On the surface, what I said had nothing to do with healing, but she was able to release her pain as she cried.  (Re I saw no purpose of being there )

There might be something in my voice.  However, in my view of 'what wisdom is', my words were simple words, and had nothing to do with wisdom.  To me, wisdom was being wise, intelligent and knowledgeable.  I saw myself as a regular person living an ordinary life.  I was neither wiser nor more intelligent than others.  And, there was a lot that I did not know.

So there I was that afternoon sitting on the couch and wondering aloud "What wisdom do I have?"

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On May 31, I woke up remembering the I gave myself a timeout incident.   I decided to share the experience.  As I was writing that post, the recall of the teacher's words was like a light bulb that went on in my head.  She said, "Be who you are.  Just be."  In readings, I had received similar guidance too.  I realized I had forgotten We are all much more than who we appear to be.  We were (are) embodiment and expressions of the divine.  However, I always looked at what happened from the standpoint as a human being, and forgot the truth that I AM.  (Click to view Who Smiles? Who Sees? )

In life, we all went through many situations and relationships.  I saw the value of sharing our insights or aha moments.  What we learned from an experience might help another person to look at his or her situation from another angle.  Other people's talks had inspired me, and it was in order that others might find my experience inspiring too.

The other day I read in a spiritual newsletter * that "many misunderstand wisdom as being wise and intelligent, but it is in the knowing . . ."  In other words, wisdom is within you and me for the Source of our being is all knowing.  In To forgive is first and most of all for the good of ourselves , I suddenly opened my mouth and said something I had not thought about.  What I said happened to be true, and brought about healing for a sister.  Indeed, the knowing was from within.  (It is a newsletter with channeled messages from ascended masters and archangels.  The words I recalled might not be exact.)

We are all much more than who we appear to be .  Be who we are.  Just be.

Many Blessings,
Q of D

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