Saturday, June 2, 2012

He learned a great truth about God


In my post I knew I was wrong but I was happy to stay in my comfort zone , I wrote that I was guided to join a circle in a holistic center near the end of May in 2005.   I was with the circle for over two years before I moved.  I made some truthful friends including two of the most wonderful, loving spiritual teachers.  I am eternally grateful for their love and encouragement.

We met every Thursday morning from ten to noon.  At the end of our gathering, we formed a healing circle.  Standing in a circle, we put our right hand forward to channel healing energy, and put our left hand on the right shoulder of the one standing next to us.  Then the facilitator of the circle said a prayer.  All of us could put our concerns or the names of our loved ones in the healing circle by saying them aloud or keeping them in our hearts.

The story I am about to share involved a brother who rushed in any time during our circle, stayed for a very short while, and rushed out as fast as he came in.  Over the 2 yrs. period, he came in only about 4 to 5 times.  I did not really know him since I only went to the center on Thursday mornings.  However, others seemed to know him well. I realized later he was using his office break, and that was why he left in a hurry to return to work.

One day, this brother rushed in while we formed the healing circle.  He left right away when it was over.  I was surprised he came back the following Thursday.  He said he had to come to tell us a story. This time he was going to stay for he was using his lunch hour.

He told us last week was the first time he walked in on our healing circle.  That day, he suddenly thought of his boss who never smiled and was regarded by many as very mean.  He put his boss in the healing circle.  Then he went back to work.  When he walked past his boss's office, he could not help himself but to peek inside.  He was surprised his boss happened to look in his direction with a big smile.  He actually came out of his office, and talked to this brother for the first time in years!  The boss was in a friendly, joyful mood for the rest of the day.  However, he was back to his old self the next day.

This brother said he learned from this experience a great truth - when we asked for healing, God just responded without judgment.  His boss definitely received the healing loving energy.  How much one could accept had much to do with where he was at.  For his boss, the loving energy worked well for half a day.  Although on the surface he returned to his old self the next day, but what he had received was received - his energy or consciousness had shifted.

The brother's words were much better than mine.  I could only use my own words as I recalled what he said.  Obviously, he put his boss in the healing circle from the point of love and compassion on that day.  And, God responded without judging the boss as we did.

"When we truthfully ask for healing, God answers without any judgment."  What a great truth about God!  May all of us hold this truth in our hearts,  and love one another as God loves us.

Love and Peace,
Q of D

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