Sunday, November 6, 2011

The Gift of Love


During my recent visit to my loved ones, my daughter-in-law brought out a small stone and gave it to her brother-in-law.  She said: "Before my wedding, I went into a Christian store to get remembrance candles for the three family members (her mother, grandfather and an uncle) of mine that had passed.  While I was there, I thought of my grandmother who worried all the time.  I wanted to give her something to help her with that.  I saw a stone with an angel figure inside.  It was called 'the worry stone'.  The paper that came with it said "rub the stone and tell the angel your worries; the angel would then hold the burden of your worry and you would be free to relax'.  My grandmother carried it with her often.  However, she found that she would worry about where it was, and decided to just keep it on her dresser.  She moved into the retirement center six months ago.  She gave it back to me because she has an aid with her most of the day.  She said she didn't need it anymore.  I had it sitting by my bed since then.  Knowing how much you worry lately, I thought that you might be able to use it."

As I saw what happened, I remembered a day long ago.

The year before the restaurant was sold was indeed the 'darkest night before dawn'. Many unexpected things happened especially during the last few months.  I was totally overwhelmed.  On the day I felt I had no one to turn to, the Loving Divine sent my friends in one by one (customers who had became my friends).

First came my friend, Joyce, who used to come in and talk with me sometimes for hours about life and angels.  Just one look at me she asked: "Oh, what's wrong?"  I loved her.  I did not tell her my problems for I knew she got out of the hospital not long ago.  However, I knew I would be in her prayers as she was in mine.

Then the couple I loved and respected came in.  Right away they also sensed I was stressed.  They hugged me.  They told me they would be praying for my family.

Later, Gina, an earth angel, came in.  She was a very giving and loving soul.  I had told her I really wanted to sell the business.  One year after her visit to New York, she brought back a rose petal said to have been blessed by Mother Mary.  She gave it to me, and said she hope it could help me sell the restaurant.  That day as soon as she saw me, she also knew something must have happened.  Immediately, she got from her handbag a beautiful angel in a pouch, and handed it to me.  "The angel figure has been blessed.  Keep it with you.  Everything is going to be alright."  I told her I could not accept such a precious gift.  "Take it.  You have as yet learned to accept gracefully," she said.

My friends, thank you for your gifts of love.  My heart is in a constant state of gratitude because of your love.  To God, guides and angels, thank you.

To all of you who read my blog:

Give, and give generously the gifts of love.  Life is a cycle.  The seeds you plant today may be the fruit you enjoy tomorrow.

With love and gratitude in my heart, I send all of you my love.

Many blessings,
Q of D

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