Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Life Is A Wowing Experience!


What comes to your mind when you see somebody who is quite obese?

Before you continue to read this post, I would like to ask you to think about this question for a minute.  Please let yourself be honest with whatever response that comes to you mind.

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Last Sunday, we had a wonderful speaker who was a known spiritual teacher, healer, psychic and author.  She was also a minister at another church.  Through sharing with us an extraordinary story, she delivered a profound message.

She said her friend had stomach problem.  Her friend was obese.  The doctor misdiagnosed her illness.  She was told only much later that she had a rare form of cancer.  For weeks, the speaker, other healers and ministers prayed for her.  One morning recently, the speaker was informed her friend had moved on an hour ago.  As a minister, she spontaneously thought of helping her friend in the transitional process.

She sat on the stairs, centered in love, and thought of her friend lovingly.  Then her friend, a bright, bright light, appeared.  Her friend was jubilant!  She told the minister that she had wanted to live in a body of obesity.  Her life as an obese woman had nothing to do with karma.  She was finally able to take on such a body in this lifetime because of the many lifetimes she had lived.  She was jubilant for her life was an accomplishment.  Despite of her physical appearance, she had lived a good life.  She had done her job well.  She had loved and was loved.  She asked the minister to pass on the message that "life is a wowing experience!"

"Life is a Wowing Experience!"  What a profound message!  I know some people expect to hear "interesting" stories with "good endings".  We are awed by miracles and healing.  When healing happens, we thank God.  When miracles do not happen, we are disappointed.  In this story, the woman is not miraculously healed as many want to hear.  It is easy to judge people and situations base on our human standard since we do not see the big picture.  A long, easy, and wealthy life is what most people long for and consider as a good life.  In truth, such a life may not necessary mean much if we have not treated another with kindness and learned the lessons we set out to learn (e.g. forgiveness, acceptance of self or others, overcoming fears and limitations).

I have seen light of wisdom in the eyes of some who appear to be very ordinary or even deformed in the view of man.  We must learn not to judge others base on the appearance.  Some of us, women especially, sometimes easily feel sorry or sad for others because of what we see.  However, we don't  necessary have to feel that way because what we view as "sad" may not be the case such as our sister who chose to take on an obese body.

Look at others with love.  Acknowledge the light within others is of the same source as we are.  Live with love, vigor, and passion.  How wonderful it is to say "Wow, what a life!" at the end of our time on earth as our sister did!

Many blessings,
Q of D
P.S.  My spirit guide had told me that any challenge, difficulty (physical or situation), or adversity we faced was never meant to be a punishment, but an experience we chose to go through / a lesson we wanted to learn.

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