Friday, August 9, 2013

The Grace of Good Intention


I suppose I am very behind in this modern age of technology.

When I was with the Thursday circle, a new friend asked me for my email address.  I told her I didn't have one.  She exclaimed, "You don't have an email address!  What age do you live in?"  Her strong response caught me by surprise.  I smiled for I found her reaction quite interesting.  Most people reacted to situations from where they were at.  She was obviously surprised by my answer.  (I knew nothing about the Internet until Nov. 2010.)

A friend said she might want a healing session.  She asked for my phone number.  I wrote my phone number on a piece of paper.  She said, "You are a healer, and you don't have a business card!"  She went ahead and ordered a box of business card for me.  When she handed me the beautiful cards, my heart was filled with gratitude for her pure intention of love.

The truth was I did not regard myself as a healer.  When I facilitated workshops, I put my cards on a table or attached them to the materials I handed out.  Other than that, I seldom gave out my cards.  I did not go around saying I was a healer.  Most of the time, I worked on people that knew me at church.  Sometimes people asked for healing sessions because the pastors and my friends had recommended me.  To this date, I did not charge any money for healing sessions.  I was more comfortable sitting among people and channeling healing energy without drawing any attention.

For decades, I used a 35mm camera.  In Sept. of 2011, my older son and I flew back to visit my younger son and his family.  My bosses, a kind and considerate couple, insisted to lend me one of their digital cameras for the trip.  The husband had a side career as a wedding photographer.  He taught me how to use the digital camera.  It was indeed much easier to use than my old 35mm camera.  When I came back, he made a wonderful DVD of my trip.  He would not accept any money from me.  I no longer lived in that state, but would always remember their kindness and friendship.
One of the gifts I received from my loved ones for Christmas of 2011 was a digital camera.  I was grateful for the gift.  I thought taking pictures would now be as easy as ABC.  However, I would soon find out in January of 2012 that I could not use the camera on a very important day.  This was what happened.

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In the summer of 2011, a friend and I wanted to become ordained ministers of a particular non-denominational spiritual order.  The founder of that spiritual order traveled regularly to a few cities holding workshops every year.  We wanted to go to his workshop.  We found out online he would be visiting a city about four to five hours away from where we lived in late September.  However, my older son and I had planned to visit our younger son during that same period.  So my friend said we would wait for another opportunity.

When I came back from my trip, my friend called me.  She said there would be a workshop in March, 2012 in a neighboring state.  It would take more time to drive there, but this workshop was the closest to where we lived according to the 2012 online schedule.  She said we probably had to stay in a hotel for a day or two if we planned to attend the workshop.

After hearing that, I pondered for a while.  I wanted to go to the workshop, but you never knew what the weather would be in March.  I would not want to drive long distance if it snowed.  Suddenly, I had an idea.  I said, "Instead of we go to him, why don't we ask him to come to us!"

It was like a light bulb lighted up in my head.  I knew a couple of pastors and a few others at church had attended the workshops years ago in the state where the spiritual order was founded.  I also heard about this spiritual order at a Peace Circle that I joined regularly since Sept. 2010.  The circle met once a month at night in a big spiritual research facility.  One night, the facilitator of the circle talked about the founder of this spiritual order.  She said she went to his workshop seven years ago.  Four others at the circle were surprised to hear that for they too were ordained ministers of this spiritual order; however, they took part in workshops in different places and in different years.  New people walked in and joined the Peace Circle once in a while.  They were either visiting the facility or were there for special events.  It was interesting that these four people happened to be there that night.  What they said of the spiritual order certainly drew my attention.

With this in mind, I was sure people would come to the workshop if our church agreed to host the event.  My friend who was on the board of directors thought it was a good idea.  She said she would talk to the board of pastors.

A couple of weeks later, my friend told me the church had emailed the founder of the spiritual order.  A couple of weeks passed without any progress for the founder never responded to the emails.  I told my friend to ask the pastor that was in charge of this matter to give the founder a call.  Then everything got into motion.  Before Christmas, the founder said he would come to hold a workshop at our church on January 14, 2012 (Saturday).  (We did not have to wait until March or drive to another state!  How wonderful was the Divine!)

The night of Jan. 9 was the monthly meeting of the Peace Circle.  It had rained since the afternoon.  From my experience, few people would show up because of the weather.  My husband asked me to stay home too.  I told him I had to deliver the news about the Saturday workshop.  I was very grateful that the Divine had manifested the workshop right where we lived.  It saved money and time.  I believed at least one or two at the circle might want to come if they heard the news.

With peace in my heart, the drive back and forth was very smooth.  Two people at the circle were happy to hear the news.  The facilitator of the circle said she would send out the news to all her friends and put it up on her website.

Before I went to sleep on Jan. 13, I took out my brand new digital camera.  I thought I would use it for this special occasion.  You see, when my boss lent me his camera, it was ready to use.  It was a different matter with my new camera.  When I read the instruction book, I learned that I had to charge the battery and buy a memory card.  (If you feel like laughing at me, it is okay.  I laughed at my ignorance too!)  It was late at night.  I did not want to go out for the memory card.  I though it was alright because I could use my 35mm camera.

In the morning of Jan. 14, I got out my 35 mm camera.  I knew I had 3 unused rolls of films somewhere in the luggage bags.  I found them, but they had long expired.  It was my mistake.  I accepted the fact I would not have pictures for this special occasion.  I drove to the workshop without a camera.

It was a joyful gathering.  I believed only five of us were from our church since I did not recognize the others who attended.  Oh, there was definitely one woman from the Peace Circle. The others might have come because they read about the news on the church website. They could also be friends of the pastors, or friends of the facilitator of the Peace Circle.  I believed there were about 19 of us.

At the end of the workshop, the founder of the spiritual order randomly picked four names at a time from a basket where we put small pieces of paper with our names. There were four chairs in the front.  People whose names were drawn sat there waiting for their turns to be ordained individually.  It was somewhat amazing our names (i.e. the five of us from our church) were picked consecutively.

When the workshop was over, the friend who was at the Peace Circle came to me.  (I did not think we met before, but then I was not good in remembering faces and names.)  She said she had moved to another state because she had found a job there.  She came back for a week to pick up all her stuff.  She said it was in divine order because she had wanted to go to his workshop.  She was very grateful for the news, otherwise she would not know about the workshop.  She told me she had taken pictures of me as I went through the three procedures of ordination.  She said it was her way of thanking me.

I had thought I would not have any picture for this special occasion.  It brought tears to my eyes as I recalled this wonderful experience of the grace of good intention. Thank you, my friend.

Thank you, God, angels, and guides.  I also want to thank our church and the pastors.

Let love be our intention, love is all that we give, and love is all that we receive. Amen.  (Is it not the natural flow of life?)
Many blessings,
Q of D

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