Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Your Are My Sunshine


Around five something this morning, I woke up 'hearing' the song You Are My Sunshine.  It went on and on.  As I was wondering why, suddenly this song reminded me of an incident that happened years ago.  It was then I remembered I had asked for inspiration as what to write before I went to sleep!  I supposed it was in divine order I shared with you this experience.

I was guided to join a circle in a holistic center on May 26, 2005.  We met every Thursday morning from ten to noon.  At the end of the gathering, we formed a healing circle.  We could voice our concerns, or simply said the names of those who needed healing.  We could also keep them in our hearts without speaking up.

Some time in 2006, a friend whom I greatly loved and respected said her daughter's name whenever we formed the healing circle.  She always said her name with so much love that touched me deeply because 'I am a mother too'.  Obviously, she was very concerned about her daughter.  Due to my quiet nature, I was not comfortable asking questions.  At night, I included my friend and her daughter in my prayers.

One Thursday, I arrived late.  As I sat down, I noticed a young lady whom I had never met before was sitting to my left.  She turned out to be my friend's daughter.

The next morning, I woke up thinking about this mother and daughter.  When I was afraid to speak in English, my friend encouraged me.  She believed in me more than I believed in myself.  On many occasions after I spoke up during the circle, she came and held my hands.  Looking into my eyes, she said: "You are wonderful!  Your words are so profound."  It was not how great her comments about me that moved me.  It was the truthfulness in her voice that touched me.  On Thursday, I had wanted to hold the young lady's hands just as her mother had held mine, and told her what a wonderful being she was.  I did not do that because she might not be comfortable with that.

I felt the young lady would not come to the circle again.  I wondered how I could reach out to her.  It came to me I could write her a letter.  By writing a letter, I would be talking to her even though I would not send it out.  Strangely, there was this sense of urgency that I should write the letter NOW!  I rushed downstairs to the dining room.  Sitting by the table, I found that I could not spell her name correctly.  It was a name I knew well!  However, there was a block in my mind.  I could not figure out how to spell her name.  I decided to start writing the letter with the spelling I came up with.  I spelled her name with 'nine' at the end which I knew was wrong.  I fully trust it was the intention of love that mattered.  Below was part of the letter.
This morning I think of you and your mother.  On a few occasions, your mother came and held my hands after the circle was over.  Looking into my eyes, she said: "You are wonderful!  Your words are profound." It was not the comments of me that moved me. It was the truthfulness in her voice that touched my heart.  I told your mother: "What you see in me is in you.  You are the one who is truly wonderful!"  That was the truth from my heart.
I am a daughter as well as a mother of two sons who are about your age.  As a daughter, my mother's love for me is forever a great force in my life.  She moved on in 1984.  As a mother, my sons are the sunshine of my life.  It is my love for them and their love for me that carry me through the most difficult years of my life.
You are also the sunshine in your mother's life.  I know you know it is true.
When I look at my sons, my heart is filled with gratitude.  I thank God all the time for blessing me with them.  Before we come into a physical life, we choose our parents. Yes, children choose their parents, and it is not the other way round.  It is an honor to be chosen as a mother.  In my quiet times, I always thank my sons for choosing me as their mother.
~~In the letter I went on to tell her more about my sons.  I told her my sons were very different in personalities.  We took on different personalities because we set out to learn different life lessons.  We are all children of God.  All our experiences were relevant.  Her experiences were precious because it was through our experiences we learned and grew.~~
(the name of the young lady), yesterday I had wanted to hold your hands as your mother had held mine.  I wanted to look into your eyes and tell you 'the wonderful young lady that you are'.  I am simple.  I always speak from my heart.  Indeed, you are a wonderful being, and your mother loves you dearly.
Your mother is an earth angel.  Her warmth and light have uplifted all of us.  I envision, one of these days, you will stand side by side with your mother helping many spiritual seekers as what your mother is doing now . . . . . . . . .
When I finished the letter, I went over to the living room.  I turned on the TV.  It was 9:46 a.m.  The show "Live! With Regis and Kelly" was on.

                               On the screen was the name I could not spell 

Regis was trying to pay a surprise visit to a lady with the same first name.  On the bottom of the TV screen were words explaining what went on as Regis walked quietly towards the woman.  During those brief seconds, the name I could not spell was seen on the TV again and again.  I stood there in awe.  I would have missed this part of the show if I had not finished the letter in divine timing.  Tears of gratitude filled my eyes.  I knew the Loving Divine had heard my prayer for the young lady.

Two weeks later, I shared the experience with my circle.  I told them I forgot how to spell the name.  I wrote the name with 'nine' at the end.  At 9:46 a.m. I turned on the TV, and the name was on the screen.  Amazingly, my friend told me 9 was an important number in her daughter's life.  She was number 9 in her class.  She was born on the 19th of a month.  Her sports uniforms were either 19 or 39.  My friend also pointed out 9:46 added up to 19!

Life is full of wonders and God is truly in all that we do.

Q of D

Saturday, June 9, 2012

The pattern in my life that needed to be changed


Not long after my Guide's Words On Dreams, I had two dreams in the morning of 2/28/2010 which corresponded with what my spirit guides had told me.  I decided to share with you the dreams as well as my guide's words about them with the hope that it might help you to examine your life pattern too.  I had shortened the long dream because my guide's words were more important.
The short dream - A friend and I entered a stadium.  I had a backpack and I was carrying a pair of scissors.  The performing stage was an upward column of seats. Some youngsters were performing on the upward column.  A world known celebrity (female) was up there with them while a small number of adults watched on the ground.  My friend and I decided to sit on the side.  When the show was over,  the celebrity came down to talk to the people on the ground.  I saw her limping a little bit (it did not seem to be serious).  I wondered if I could help her, but I did not go to her.

The long dream - In a factory, a young woman with a little boy told her co-workers that her husband had been seriously hurt in a car accident, and his condition (paralyzed, not sure) was irrevocable.  My uncle was the owner of the factory.  He and his wife were listening too.  I was in a room not far away.  As I listened, I thought I might be able to help if she would allow me to work on her husband.  It was a thought.  I did not get out of the room to talk to the woman.

My uncle walked into the room I was in.  He wanted to help the young woman.  He asked me to use my check book to write a check for $10,000 for the young woman, and he would reimburse me later.  I took out my check book.  I told my uncle I did not have enough money in my checking account.  However, I would transfer some money from my saving account to the checking account.  My aunt walked in and heard what I said.  She said she would write the check, but it would be less than the amount my uncle had indicated.  She told my uncle to leave the matter to her, and walked away.  

Next scene I was looking for my aunt.  I wanted to talk to her that I might be able to help the young woman.  I could not find my aunt.  I thought she probably would not care to hear about it.  I let the whole thing go.

When I examined my dreams, I found they carried the same theme - I wanted to help, but I did not.

In the long dream, the uncle stood for someone who was truly trustworthy and loving. (That was how he was in life.)  So when he asked me to write the check, I thought of transferring money from my saving to my checking account.  Meanwhile, my aunt was different from my uncle.  My uncle knew his wife, and that was the reason he asked me to write the check.

I could not understand my short dream.  I thought it was an event in a higher dimension.  If that was the case, it did not make any sense that the celebrity was limping even slightly.  So I asked my guide about my dreams.
"In your short dream, you thought you were not important or could not make a difference.  So you did not act upon your thought.  In your long dream, your uncle relied on you to take out the plan to help the young woman.  When your aunt appeared and asked to take over, you simply relented.  You thought she had more authority than you.  However, your uncle had asked you to do it.  What it meant was in life you also lived through this pattern, and failed to do what were yours to do.

DO NOT THINK you cannot make a difference.  DO NOT THINK others are more qualified than you.  Nothing is getting done if nobody steps forward.  Of course, it is always up to you if you choose to do it or not.  Sometimes you have to speak up even if it causes a conflict.  Look beyond the human roles.  Nobody is more important than another, but someone may be more suitable to do a job than the other.  If that one relents and let another take over, the end result is different.

DO NOT COMPARE.  In most cases, people feel they are superior; while in your case, you think they are more qualified than you in the worldly view.  It is not that you feel inferior.  No.  However, you take into account how others may "view" you or judge you according to the worldly qualifications.  You are your worst critic if you have this assumption.  Yes, some may view you that way.  But what does it matter what some think.  You know what you come to do . . . So DO IT without delay.

In your short dream, the celebrity was getting ready to work with the new generation of children to bring about changes on earth.  You happened to stumble onto the preparation.  It was valid to think what you could do.  You could have done a lot of good even in your dreams if you acted upon how you felt - the result would have been carried over and manifested in the physical reality.  Next time don't hesitate if you think you can help.  It is always up to the others if they want to accept.

Do you remember your friend Y?  In her case, you have gone beyond your human personality to be an instrument of healing.  After the last time, you decided you would not work on her again.  But what is an instrument?  Is it your will or Thy Will?  On the surface, she never shows any sign of acceptance.  However, you are not dealing with the human her.  Her higher self knows what is going on.  Nothing will occur without the mutual agreement on the higher level.  The lower self may resist, but the higher self is eternally guiding and directing.  In her healing, both of you are operating from that consciousness.  So do not let go of what you can do for others.  Do it when you feel guided."

Indeed, there were times words came to me, but I did not speak up.  There were also times I stepped aside when someone else wanted to take charge.  I never thought I might be more suitable to do it since some people had asked me to do it.  I never thought the end result might be different.  That day I realized I must change this pattern (attitude) in my life.  This pattern neither served me nor others.

What about you, my friends?  Look within and examine your life.  Is there any pattern that hinders your spiritual growth and needs to be changed?

With love and light I share with you this experience.

Many blessings,
Q of D

Friday, June 8, 2012

Guide's Words On Dreams

An entry in my journal dated 1/14/2010

Recently I have dreams that I cannot understand.  The dreams do not seem to have any meaning.  So I ask for advice.

"Yes, recently you have many dreams you do not understand.  It is because you use your human mind to interpret what is going on.  If you look deeper into your dreams, you will see the pattern that correlates with your present way of thinking.  Then you can learn from your dreams.

What does not work in your dreams also does not work in your life; what works in your dreams is also good if you apply them to your present situation.

Dreams are very symbolic.  To have a deeper understanding of your dreams, you need to go deeper into your consciousness to see them from there.  It is our hope you will find meaning and learn from all dimensions.  We understand it is not easy to think or to understand from where you are (as humans), but you can if you try.  So go over your dreams again, and see if you see anything new."

Please click to view A Follow-up Post to Guide's Words On Dreams

Saturday, June 2, 2012

He learned a great truth about God


In my post I knew I was wrong but I was happy to stay in my comfort zone , I wrote that I was guided to join a circle in a holistic center near the end of May in 2005.   I was with the circle for over two years before I moved.  I made some truthful friends including two of the most wonderful, loving spiritual teachers.  I am eternally grateful for their love and encouragement.

We met every Thursday morning from ten to noon.  At the end of our gathering, we formed a healing circle.  Standing in a circle, we put our right hand forward to channel healing energy, and put our left hand on the right shoulder of the one standing next to us.  Then the facilitator of the circle said a prayer.  All of us could put our concerns or the names of our loved ones in the healing circle by saying them aloud or keeping them in our hearts.

The story I am about to share involved a brother who rushed in any time during our circle, stayed for a very short while, and rushed out as fast as he came in.  Over the 2 yrs. period, he came in only about 4 to 5 times.  I did not really know him since I only went to the center on Thursday mornings.  However, others seemed to know him well. I realized later he was using his office break, and that was why he left in a hurry to return to work.

One day, this brother rushed in while we formed the healing circle.  He left right away when it was over.  I was surprised he came back the following Thursday.  He said he had to come to tell us a story. This time he was going to stay for he was using his lunch hour.

He told us last week was the first time he walked in on our healing circle.  That day, he suddenly thought of his boss who never smiled and was regarded by many as very mean.  He put his boss in the healing circle.  Then he went back to work.  When he walked past his boss's office, he could not help himself but to peek inside.  He was surprised his boss happened to look in his direction with a big smile.  He actually came out of his office, and talked to this brother for the first time in years!  The boss was in a friendly, joyful mood for the rest of the day.  However, he was back to his old self the next day.

This brother said he learned from this experience a great truth - when we asked for healing, God just responded without judgment.  His boss definitely received the healing loving energy.  How much one could accept had much to do with where he was at.  For his boss, the loving energy worked well for half a day.  Although on the surface he returned to his old self the next day, but what he had received was received - his energy or consciousness had shifted.

The brother's words were much better than mine.  I could only use my own words as I recalled what he said.  Obviously, he put his boss in the healing circle from the point of love and compassion on that day.  And, God responded without judging the boss as we did.

"When we truthfully ask for healing, God answers without any judgment."  What a great truth about God!  May all of us hold this truth in our hearts,  and love one another as God loves us.

Love and Peace,
Q of D