Tuesday, September 25, 2012

God Is Love


Do you fear God?

One day years ago, I was on the phone with my younger son.  I was feeling very frustrated.  I told my son I did not know what to believe anymore.  In a reading, my guides and angels had told me they would help me sell the restaurant.  They said they really wanted me to move on with my life mission.  However, months had gone by.  There was no buyer.  The business was very slow.  I struggled to pay the bills month after month.  Over the phone, I said negatively about God, guides, angels, and the angel reader.  My son told me he understood my frustration.  He asked me to hold onto hope.

Later that night, I thought of what I had said.  I was very ashamed of myself.  No matter how frustrated I was, there was absolutely no excuse for me to say those words.  Was I afraid that God, my angels, and spirit guides could be mad at me?  No, not at all.  I had only known of unconditional love from the Divine.  I felt very terrible because I could not forgive myself for behaving like that.  In my heart, I kept saying, "Oh, I am ashamed for what I said.  I am sorry."  Mentally exhausted, I drifted in and out of sleep.  Every time I came out of my sleep, I repeated how ashamed I was.

Suddenly, I found myself widely awaken.  I was told to look at the clock.  4:44 a.m. was flashing.  (444 means the Power of God's love.)  A powerful field of loving energy enveloped me.  I sat up and prayed.  I learned my lesson.  I had always lived my life truthfully.  When I was not truthful in words or deeds, I was hurting myself because I judged me.

Later that day, I sat down in the restaurant to write down what had happened during the night.  A customer walked in.  I put away my journal.  He placed the same order as he always did.  While I was inside the kitchen, he signaled for me to come out.  He said he had changed his mind, and wanted to order something new.  Later, I brought out his order, and rang it up.  The total was $4.44!  I stood there in awe.  The total would not be 444 if he had not changed his mind.  I felt the expansion of loving energy in me and around me.

God is not the angry god who punishes at will as some religions preach.  God does not hold grudges over petty little things like we, humans, do.  God is impersonal.  God is Love.  As children of God, love is in you and in me.  Love is our source of being, or the nature of who we truly are.

It is hard to look at life from where we are.  We do not see the whole picture such as the real reasons behind the situations we are in, why some of our relationships are so challenging, and the lessons we plan to learn.  Many of us have a hard time believing we are involved in the planning of our life before we come, and we are responsible for the situations we are in.  It serves us well to remember who we truly are, and handle all situations from the point of love.  God has given us a free will, and the outcome of a situation or a relationship is not fixed.  When we choose honesty over greediness, forgiveness over hatred, charity instead of selfishness, we are a step closer towards one with our highest self or God.  

God is Love.  God is we are.  Amen.

Q of D

P.S.  If you have time, please click to view my other post We don't judge you. You judge yourself.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Have you listened to Michelle Obama's speech?


Have you listened to the First Lady Michelle Obama's speech?  If you have not, please go online to listen to her speech.

Her speech brings tears to people's eyes (my eyes too).  Why?  It is because they are words from her heart.  When we speak from our hearts, we speak with love that reach others on a heart to heart level.

I am not into politics.  I am neither a republican nor a democrat, but I love the spirit of this country and the people.  As with any country, USA has gone through some changes.  For examples, there had been slavery, racism, segregation, civil war, and discrimination.  However, this relatively new nation has grown and accomplished a lot in its 200 plus years.  People are less discriminating and more accepting towards one another today.  Here, people freely give their time or volunteer for the society; many loving families take in children, healthy or with handicap, and raise them as their own. Furthermore, there are opportunities as well as help for those who need help.

2012 is the election year.  When November comes, people will decide who they want to be the president.  With the slow economy, it is understandable some people want to vote for a new president hoping for a quick fix of the economy.  However, in order for the country to truly move forward, we must vote for a leader who we can look up to.  

  • Someone with integrity; 
  • who does not seek the position because of power, but will serve with humility; 
  • who can relate to what the majority of the people face day in and day out; 
  • who is wise and understands the importance of cooperation, and will choose the best people to work for the country with no regard to the political parties they belong to; 
  • who has the determination to get things done for the good of the people, and will not bend or waver in upholding equality and freedom for all.

In my life, I had seen the stock market collapsed, and the economy took a downturn a few times.  Life is a cycle.  Sometimes we have to be patient.  The recovery of prosperity is like planting seeds on the ground.  It takes time for the seeds to grow into trees and bear fruit.   The slow economy may be a call for reflection.  What is life teaching us at this time?  Will we continue to live big as we had been years before such as wanting more luxuries, bigger houses and expensive cars?  Is life simply about making more money?  What are truly important to us?

In her speech, Michelle Obama said: "....success isn't about how much money you make.  It is about the difference you make in people's lives."

What do you think about what she said, my brothers and sisters?

With hope and faith, one of these days, may all of those that are being elected to office put aside the red or blue, i.e. the political parties they represent, once they have sworn in.  They will work together for the good of this nation and the people.  They will vote 'yes' or 'no' after careful and truthful deliberation.  When they leave the office or run for re-election, they will not be criticized for passing a law that is proposed by the other party, but will be praised or judged on the work they do.

With love from my heart,
Q of D

Sunday, September 2, 2012

To Let Go Is.................................


I saw this poem in a spiritual magazine, and copied it onto my journal.  It stated "Author Unknown".  I read it from time to time.  I found the words very helpful and assuring when I chose to let go in life's relationships and situations.

Recently I received Karen's book "Rise and Shine". (Please click to view my post A book from the angels)  As I read it, I found the same poem in her book except there were few more stanzas.  She got a flyer with this poem when she attended a 12-step meeting one night.  So I decided to publish it again with the added stanzas.

Letting Go - Author Unknown

To let go doesn't mean to stop caring
it means I can't do it for someone else

To let go is not to cut myself off
it's the realization that I don't control another

To let go is not to enable
but to allow learning from natural consequences

To let go is to admit powerlessness
which means the outcome is not in my hands

To let go is not to try to change or blame another
I can only change myself

To let go is not to fix
but to be supportive

To let go is not to be protective
it is to permit another to face reality

To let go is not to deny
but to accept

To let go is not to nag, scold or agree
but to search out my own shortcomings and to correct them

To let go is not to adjust everything to my desires,
but to take each day as it comes and cherish myself in it

To let go is not to regret the past
but to grow and live

To let go is to fear less
and love more

To the author of Letting Go, thank you again for shining on us your light of wisdom.  "To take each day as it comes and cherish myself in itnot to regret the past but to grow and live, and to fear less and love more" are the words that we can take in and live with.

Q of D

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Our Attitude Towards Life


2003 was the year before we sold the restaurant.  I went through lots of challenges or crises during that year.  It was really like the darkest night before dawn.  One night in August 2003, I had a short dream.    

  • I was walking to a building which was a short distance away.  I was walking slowly as if it was very difficult for me to move.  Every step I took was a drag.  In the dream, I wondered: "Can I walk lighter?  Why do I feel so hard to move?"
  • Upon waking up, I had this revelation.  In life, I had been acting like that because of the overwhelming hardships in recent years.  However, if I wanted to or chose to, I could walk lighter and faster no matter what.  It was my attitude that was making life a drag.

Seeing how worried I was, one day my younger son said to me: "Mom, does the worry help you or the situation?  If it doesn't, why worry?"  I thought about what he said.  He was right.  Was it easy to let go of worry and fear?  No.  However, I learned to pay attention to my thoughts, and reminded myself to look at a situation from another angle.  When I had no solution to a problem, I prayed for help and let it go.  

I have learned from my experiences that no matter how hard life seems to be, it will all come to pass.

Many blessings,
Q of D