Monday, June 10, 2013

What is an obstacle?


One morning, I had a very short dream.  In the dream, my younger son put small pieces of stones into his shoes.  I asked why he did that.  Then I woke up.

I interpreted the dream as an indication that my son had put some sort of obstacle or challenge on his path.  So I asked for words from my spirit guide.

"You are right to think that it was him who put some sort of obstacle on his path.  It is not to make his life difficult, but to have an experience.  Know that obstacles are not obstacles.  They are just something that make us do things differently.  A problem solver*** as he is, it is to find a solution."

When I had the dream, I had come back from a visit to my son and daughter-in-law not long ago.  (We lived in different states at that time.)

During the visit, our daughter-in-law expressed her desire to be a mother as soon as possible.  Growing up, she was the only child.  She loved children, and that was why she got a degree in education.  Meanwhile, my son had told me earlier he preferred to live in a world of two for a while longer before they started a family.  My daughter-in-law wanted me to be on her side, and my son wanted me on his.  I smiled and declined to take sides.  I told them they were adults.  They were husband and wife.  It was their decision when to start a family.

A couple of days after my dream, I got a call from our son.  Our daughter-in-law was pregnant!  I was not that surprised to hear the news because of my dream.

Our son and daughter-in-law have been married for six years.  We are now blessed with three wonderful grandchildren.  Our oldest grandson just turns five.  Our daughter-in-law is a natural loving, good mother.  I am also very proud of our son.  He takes good care of his children.  He changes their diapers, reads to them, plays with them, and helps as much as he can around the house.

***In my Dec. 2001 reading, I asked about our sons. I was told my younger son was bright and intelligent.  In his other lifetimes, he built cities and engineered bridges.  He was a problem solver.  However, he did not live fully to his potential and passion because he got married early and had too many children.  It was advisable for him to get married later in this life after he tried different kind of work and figured out what he wanted to do.  I had told my son about the reading.

In the summer of 2002, I dreamt my son said he decided to change his college.  He said he was going to the University of Maryland!  In the dream, I said I knew he was very stubborn.  If he had his mind set, he had his mind set.

When I woke up from the dream, I felt relieved that it was only a dream.  My son went to the best university in the state we lived in, and he graduated in 2003.  (It did not mean University of Maryland was any less.  We did not live in Maryland.  So we never thought of Univ. of Maryland.)

When I looked back at the dream now, Maryland sounded like Marry Land.  It could be an indication that my son had chosen marriage at that time instead of the long wait as advised.  As far as I knew, we did modify our plans from time to time.
The possibilities of how our life unfolds are like the branches and leaves of a big tree. Everything is not fixed to be this way or that way.  We are gifted with a free will.  The choices we make affect the events in our life.  No matter what happens in our life, it will do us good to hold a positive outlook and go from there.

Love and peace,
Q of D

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