Monday, July 22, 2013

Part 3 - The Dream of 99 on 4 Corners of Big Dollar Bills


In the morning of Sat., Dec. 27, 2008, I had an interesting dream.  However, the ending was so unthinkable that I woke up remembering only the last part of the dream!  Below was the last part of the dream.

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There was a big cat with a little kitten.  They were startled when I walked past them.  The big cat went after me.

A little distance away, there was a medium size cat with a kitten.  Seeing what happened, the medium cat defended me by yelling at the big cat, "It is unintentional!"  (In other words, the medium size cat was telling the big cat that I never meant to startle them.)

The big cat was mad, and went after the medium cat.

The medium size cat was not afraid.  She ran to face the big cat.  She stood there firm and unafraid.  She said loudly and deliberately, "IT  IS  UNINTENTIONAL ! ! !"  (I used 'she' for convenience sake.)

That was when I woke up.  I was amazed that a cat had defended me!  I wondered if 'unintentional' was relevant to any of my experiences.  The Unexpected Incident that happened on Nov. 30, 2008 came to my mind.  Indeed, I had never intended to stand up and work on five people during service that Sunday.  The dream seemed to show me that someone had defended me or appealed on my behalf.   My heart was filled with gratitude.  I sent love to whosoever he or she was for standing up for me.

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The following morning (Sunday, Dec. 28, 2008), I had a powerful dream with vivid images.  (In my experience, dreams with vivid images are important.  Please view More On Dreams )

In the dream, I received an envelope made of newspaper with my name and address.  When I opened it, I found four big size pink one dollar bills and one big size green one dollar bill.  All of them were much larger than the regular size one dollar bill.  Upon close examination, they were ancient one dollar bills and were much more valuable than the face value of a $1.  Then something caught my attention.  On one side of the bills, big 99 were on the four corners whereas 1 appeared on the four corners of the other side.

I knew they were very valuable.  I wondered who sent them to me.  Immediately, in my mind eye I saw a pastor that I knew holding a few of those one dollar bills.  I wondered aloud in my heart, "What good have I done to deserve this goodness?"

The next scene - I was at church.  There was a man that had gone on the wrong path.  His status or how tall he used to be had diminished quite a bit.  He was distraught.  I asked if he was willing to change.  Tears ran down his face, and he repented.  The last image was I knelt down with him and prayed for him.

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After I woke up, I looked up 99 from the angel number book.

99 - Get to work, Lightworker!  Your Divine life mission is needed now more than ever, and any contribution you can make toward bringing more light and love to your world is imperative.  The preparation for your life's work is complete for now.

1 -  This is a binary number; every number is divisible by one.  We are all one, thereby we're all associated by thought.  Watch your thoughts, and focus on your desires rather than your fears.

I understood from my dream that it was time for me to go back to church.  I followed the guidance and went to church. 

There were not many people at church that Sunday.  It was a joy to see my sisters and brothers.  Many of them came to talk to me.  I sat next to the friend that had said I was wrong to let a 'force' control me.  Though she did not 'know' me, I loved her for who she 'is'.  When the service was over, she said she felt very hot as I sat next to her.  Since she did not have hot flashes, she understood it was the healing energy coming from me.  She said it was very powerful.  She asked me to have lunch with her.  Over lunch, we realized there were many similar coincidences between her experiences and mine at church.  After hours of conversation, we were glad we came to know each other much better.

During the following Sundays, a few of those that I was guided to work on came to tell me the condition they were in that Sunday.  Indeed, the Holy Spirit or the Divine knew who needed healing.

Today is the Feast Day of Mary the Magdalene.  I dedicate this post to Mary's love, courage, and strength.

Please click to view Part 4 - Afterthought of the Whole Experience

Many blessings,
Q of D

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