Friday, July 5, 2013

Part 1 - The Unexpected Incident


In my post Not my will, I wrote that some of us might have asked to be an instrument, but sometimes it was not easy to follow through on our commitment to the Will of God.  Here is the unexpected incident that I had promised to share.

It happened on Sunday, Nov.30, 2008.  I was at church.  I had been coming to this church for over a year.  I had made some friends.  On this day, I sat somewhere in the middle of the chapel near two of my friends.  Everything went on normally.  About an hour later, the speaker, a senior pastor, walked to the podium.  He was very loved and highly respected by the congregation.  We welcomed him with enthusiastic applause.

As I was listening to his talk, powerful healing energy suddenly lifted me up from my chair and moved me to work on a woman that sat a seat or two away from me (i.e. one or two seats were not occupied between her and me).  Next, I walked to a pew near the back of the chapel and worked on another woman.  The human I knew I should not do that during service especially while the pastor was delivering the sermon.  However, my whole being was filled with Energy and my hands were like energy rods.  My body moved to work on the third and the fourth persons.
The usher came.  He asked me to stop in a quiet voice.

The shape of the chapel was like a big rectangle with a small square to the left hand side of the podium.  The people I was guided to work on sat in the big rectangular area near the back of the chapel.  Therefore, people sitting in the front section and most of the people sitting in the square area did not see what was going on.  The senior pastor saw everything from the podium.  He was obviously disturbed by what happened, and paused occasionally during his speech.

The human I understood how disruptive my actions were.  I knew the probable consequence that I would be kicked out of the chapel.  Strangely, other than the normal anxiety because of the situation, part of me was very peaceful.

A pastor came.  He asked me to stop.

My whole body was in a powerful magnetic field of energy.  I knew the healing on the fifth person was not finished for energy continued to flow through me to him.  I could not explain to the pastor because my breathing must keep up with the flow of the high frequency healing energy.  Meanwhile, the human I was somewhat surprised that the fifth person I worked on seemed to be very healthy.

The pastor came again.  This time he made sure I left the chapel.

Sitting on the chair outside of the chapel, my whole being was still in a powerful field of energy.  A friend came.  She was touched by what happened.  She said she knew the Holy Spirit filled me.  She said the pastor was wrong.  She said she would talk to him when the service was over.  I told her not to because it was the pastor's job to make sure everything went on smoothly during service.  Another friend came to ask if I was alright.  She was always very supportive.

A pastor came out of the chapel and gave me a hug.  Though no words were spoken, I was grateful for her loving kindness.  Later, another pastor came to explain the action of the pastor that had stopped me.  I said I understood.

Right after the service was over, a friend came.  She said I should have made sure I was always in control and should not have let any force control me.  Deep inside, I knew it was not 'any force'.  I looked at her.  I did not say anything.  She said what she said because she cared.  She might not know me, but she was a friend.

Then a woman with a broad smile on her face came out of the chapel.  Her eyes lit up when she saw me.  She walked to me.  I recognized she was the first one I was guided to work on.

She said the church had asked her about her reaction to what happened.  She said, "They thought (the church) I was upset.  I told them it was just the opposite!"  She told them what happened was not an accident.  She had not been feeling well and her heart was heavy because of what went on in her life.  This morning she prayed for healing before she came to church.  She went to sit in the square area as she always did.  However, as she was about to sit down, it came to her that she should sit in the rectangular area.  She told me as soon as I stood up to work on her, the heaviness in her heart was lifted off her.  She marveled at what happened and talked some more about how she felt during the healing.  She thanked me.  I said it was not me that healed, but the Grace of God.  I was grateful the two of us were in this wonderful, humbling, and heart warming experience.

I waited outside of the chapel wanting to apologize to the senior pastor.  But, what could I say?  How could I explain?  I stood up and left.

At home, I could not get my mind off what had happened.

Similar incidents in a less dramatic manner had happened during quarterly healing service and healing prayer circle on Tuesdays.  However, it was a total different matter when it happened during the regular Sunday service.

Why did it happen?  What should I do now?

I was very grateful for the touches of God during the challenging years.  I had made a vow to commit to the Will of God.  I had asked to be of service.  However, most churches would not allow this to happen during service.  What should I do if it happened again?  I knew my unconventional hand movements or how I went about during healing had caused some to think my ego was at work.  The truth was I did not like attention.  If my ego was in control, I would never want to put myself in any of these situations.  Most of all, who would want to be asked to leave the chapel!

Why?  Why?  I asked my guides and angels.  I wanted answers.  I decided I would not attend Sunday service again until I got some answers to my questions.  I decided I would continue to go to Tuesday's healing prayer circle to be of service.

As things continued to unfold, I eventually learned there was an important purpose behind this unexpected and unthinkable incident.

The divine plan is far more complex and intriguing than we can conceive.

                                     ~       ~       to be continued      ~       ~
Click to view Part 2 - The GatheringPart 3 - The Dream, and Part 4 - Afterthought of the whole experience

Looking back, I am very grateful that the Divine pushed me to hold a workshop in the holistic store.  It never crossed my mind I was qualified to facilitate a workshop.  In doing so, more and more people received the gift or uncovered which was within.  I was no longer looked on as different.  For that, I sent my heartiest thanks to God and all the participants in the workshops.  Please click to view A beautiful pink fish on the back of a white dove

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