Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Part 4 - Afterthought of the Whole Experience


When I wrote My journey as a channel of spiritual healing energy, I did not know I would write about The Unexpected Incident.

In order to finish the whole story, I realized I had to write about The Gathering during which I understood I was sent there to speak up.  However, I had problem with sharing about the gathering.

For over four years or while I lived in that state, the small church was my spiritual home (it still is) where I had met many wonderful, loving sisters and brothers.  I did not want to write about the gathering because I thought it might give a wrong image of the church.  Besides, I did not hold any personal ill feelings towards the sister who was obviously expressing her own fear in her so-called channeling.  For days, I signed into my blog and signed out.  I could not finish the post.

In the morning of July 16, 2013, I was in an auto shop.  Our old car needed a new battery and an oil change.  While waiting for the work to be done, suddenly, lots of things came to my mind.  The cloud in my mind was cleared.  I knew I would finish and publish "The Gathering" when I was home.  I understood it was alright to share the experience, and it was important to share the whole story 'as is' or how it had happened.

It was impossible for me to relate all that I understood in the aha moment.  However, I would try for I believed it was beneficial to share what we learned.

A church was like a small version of a society.  A society consisted of people from all walks of life as well as from different spiritual stages.  Most of us drew our views of life based on our experiences.  Sometimes people lived far beyond their means, and ended up with big debts on their credit card accounts.  As humans, we tended to blame others, and forgot we were responsible for our actions.  During the gathering, a brother related the channel's message thinking it was a godsend.  He encouraged others to withdraw cash with their credit cards or apply for loans at the banks.  He totally believed in the channel's words that people would not have to pay back the money.  He did not see it as wrong.  He saw it as an opportunity to  get even with banks and credit card corporations that had charged excessive interest rates.  He was not alone in his view.  He represented some of us that looked at life mainly from the materialistic point of view.

When I was moved to walk to people and channel healing energy during Sunday service, part of me (my higher self) was very peaceful.  Meanwhile, the human I found it unsettling because I knew very well what was considered as normal or acceptable behavior in public.  In the aha moment in the auto shop, I understood the incident was not just my experience, but an experience (or a lesson) for many people.  For examples, the speaker who saw what happened while delivering his sermon, the sister who prayed for healing and received healing, those who formed a judgment, and those who reacted to what they witnessed. 

When we had a strong reaction to something that we witnessed (though we might not be directly involved), there underlay a cause we needed to deal with.  Did we eventually come to terms (or at peace) with what happened?  Or, did we tell ourselves to forget about it since it was over?  However, it still bothered us at times. These were the indicators if a lesson was learned or not yet learned.

After I attended the gathering on Tuesday night, I realized everything was very much in the divine plan.  If I was not moved to work on five people during service, I would not go to the pastor's house.  It was in his house I learned what the channel had said. I understood then I was sent there to speak up.  I knew my purpose was served when the pastor nodded at me with a smile after he heard what I said.  

One might wonder why didn't the church know sooner that the woman was not channeling messages from the angels.  

First of all, Sunday service often ended around 12:30 PM.  People stayed and chatted for a while.  Most of the people including the pastors went home or went out for lunch before l:00 PM.  People were hungry, and not many people wanted to stay behind.  

It should be noted that there were some who decided not to attend anymore of her talks after the first meeting.  When I returned to church, a few people told me they had trouble with her messages in her earlier talks.  However, they did not want to speak up.  

The truth was what happened during that period of time was also very much in the divine plan.  Many went through an experience that was relevant in their spiritual journey. (These were some of the main points from my aha moment.)  

The church had invited many wonderful spiritual teachers to talk to us about 2012.  All of them said 2012 was not the end of time, but an exciting new beginning.  Still, some had fear and were anxious about ascension or the adaptation of the new energy. When the angel channel said angels worked with her to help people in the ascension process, many went to her for healing sessions.  

In my post The Unexpected Incident, I wrote that the last person I was guided to work on seemed to be healthy.  I did not know him.  I did not understand why powerful healing energy poured through me to him.  I knew the healing was not finished when the pastor led me out of the chapel.  

One Sunday, he was by the door waiting to talk to me.  He told me he found himself in a wreck (his words) or in a terrible state after going to the angel channel for healing sessions.  Though he had since gone to see his friend, a known healer, but he felt he was still not back to his old healthy self.  He also told me about the healing sessions with the angel channel.  I did not want to get into the details.  All I would say was we should always keep our ego at check.  Words that made our ego feel good were not necessary the truth.  Some people took great pride or overjoyed when they were told they were advanced spiritual beings, or they were famous historical / biblical figures in their past lives.  We should bear in mind that we were all equal by nature, and what was important was how we conducted our life right now.  

In life, we went through many events or ups and downs.  A society with a solid foundation dealt with whatever came our way and moved on.  We learned from the past, and moved forward with hope, faith, and dedication.  When I wrote to here, I thought of New York and New Jersey.  What a great job they had done after Hurricane Sandy!

When I returned to church, my friends told me the church had taken the necessary steps.  It seemed the channel still came to the Sunday service, but stopped giving talks after that Sunday.

We all made mistakes sometimes.  I liked the fact that the church was positive, loving, and forgiving.  Years ago, a friend told me her mother used to bring them (the children) to a Catholic church every Sunday.  Later her mother and father got a divorce.  One Sunday, the church told her mother that they were no longer welcomed because of the divorce.  My friend still choked up recalling the hurtful incident that happened long ago.

What did we learn from the whole experience?

There were many people who claimed to be prophets and channels.  True prophets were rare.  As for channels, more and more people were into channeling because people were more open and receptive these days.  We should not think that others were superior than us because of their abilities or gifts, nor should we blindly believe in everything that others said.  We loved and respected others as how we wanted to be loved and respected, however, we should worship / listen to God and God only***. (***I use the word God as a matter of speech.  A few of my friends call the inner self 'Living Love'.  Others use Inner Being, Higher Self, the Source of our being, or whatever they are comfortable with.) 

God or the guiding Source was (is) in you and in me.  Each one of us had a unique, personal, beautiful relationship with the Source of our being.  We might read about spiritual laws and knowledge from books, but our relationship with God needed to be experienced personally.

Today is the last day of July, 2013.  It is a new blogging experience for me.  I have never expected to write from June to July with one post connecting to another.  This morning I pray for help and inspiration so that I can finish the whole story.  I am grateful and relieved that it is done.

Blessings and love to all of you.

Q of D

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