Thursday, November 14, 2013

42 angels. 92 angels. What is the dream all about?


A few mornings ago (probably on Nov.11 or 12), I woke up from some dreams.  One dream in particular stood out because it was unusual.  I had intended to write down all the dreams, but I did not.  I wrote at will, and did not write in my journal daily.

Last night I sat down to write.  Immediately, the dream came to my mind.  Tried as I might, I could not recall any other dreams I had that morning except this one.  This was the dream.  
                                               ~    ~    ~    ~    ~    ~    ~

In a big place, there were lots of people.  It looked like a spiritual conference or gathering.  The teacher or facilitator was a woman.  She said there was one among us who was most tuned in to the Divine.  She said a name and asked that person to stand up.  A slim, young lady in her 20s stood up.  "She can see and talk to the angels," the teacher added.

The next scene - The young lady was standing in front of me.  She said, "I can see 42 angels are working with you.  But, you need to increase the number of angels to at least 92 in order to do what you have to do or to achieve clarity."  She suggested I should invite more angels into my life.  The end.

                                               ~    ~    ~    ~    ~    ~    ~

I recalled I found the dream kind of funny when I woke up that morning.  42 angels?  92 angels?  Where did these numbers come from?  It was one strange dream, I thought.

After I wrote down the dream, I looked up the numbers in my angel number book.

42 - Your angels ask you to keep the faith that your prayers have been heard and are answered.  If you need to, ask the angels to increase the level of your faith.

92 - Have faith in yourself and your ability to fulfill your Divine life mission.

*** I have only one angel number book.  It is a small pocket size book by Doreen Virtue and Lynnette Brown.  The cover is pink with a picture of an angel.  The title of the book is 'ANGEL NUMBERS'.  If you have the same book, you will notice the numbers near 42 or 92 do not include the word "faith" (e.g. 40, 41, 43, 44, 90, 91, 93 & 94).  It is no coincidence that 42 and 92 are paired up for the purpose of the message.  The numbers in the dream are symbolic.  I personally think they do not really mean the number of angels.

The messages were right on!  I really needed to hear them especially at this time. Despite of my strong sense of service, doubts had recently surfaced in my mind about myself and what would.  It was true I needed to increase the level of faith and have faith in myself.  Last night, I intentionally woke up from my sleep to talk to the Loving Divine.  I prayed for strength and help to continue living in faith.

"Faith is to believe what you do not see; the reward of this faith is to see what you believe..................Saint Augustine"

In love and faith, I share with you my experience.

Q of D

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