Sunday, November 10, 2013

Desire & Destiny, Oprah & Deepak New Meditation Challenge


On Nov. 11, a 1111 Angels Day, Oprah and Deepak will begin a new 21-Day Meditation Challenge.  It is free.  Anybody can sign up online and participate.  Here is the link to the website


When I received the email about the new 3 weeks meditation program, I was excited because I truly enjoyed my previous meditation experiences.  I could feel the wonderful, loving energy whenever I signed in.  That was why I posted the news about the last meditation challenge on Miraculous Relationships in August.

However, thought crossed my mind when I read the recent email from the Chopra Center.
Am I going to post the news again?  Oprah and Deepak are known all over the world.  The website are visited by millions of people.  Many people have participated in the meditation challenge they have facilitated.  What is the point of posting the news in my blog?  
Then I remembered I would not have joined for the first time in Oprah and Deepak's online meditation if my friend had not emailed me about it.  She thought I could be interested, but I might not have known about it.  She was right.  I had not heard about it. I was grateful she took the time to let me know.

If you have never signed up for Oprah and Deepak's 21-Day online meditation challenge, please sign up and see if you love it.

I do not buy the Miraculous Relationships CD after the meditation challenge was over because I don't have a credit card and they don't accept checks.  My loved ones ask me to give them my wish list for Christmas, but I really do not want to add more to what I do not need.  However, I think I will add the CD to my wish list for I would love to have them.  I hope Oprah and Deepak will continue to offer these meditation CD on special prices so that more people can have them as Christmas gifts.

Desire and Destiny.  I can't wait to sign in tomorrow and join with loving souls all over the world for this wonderful meditation experience in the next three weeks.

Q of D

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