Tuesday, November 19, 2013

My heart knows the answer


On Day 8 of Oprah & Deepak's Desire and Destiny 21-Day Meditation Challenge, we were guided to connect within by repeating a question.
                                      "What do I want?  What do I want?"

The centering thought of the day was -

                                            My heart knows the answer.

The Sanskrit Mantra was "Om Varunam Namah" which meant "My life is in harmony with the universe".

So there I was, breathing in and breathing out, asking myself "What do I want?"  I repeated the question 3 or 4 times, and waited to hear an answer.  After a while, I affirmed "My heart knows the answer" and mentally chanted "Om Varunam Namah".  Then I started over again repeating the question, listening, affirming the centering thought, and chanting the Sanskrit Mantra.  This went on and on.  Suddenly, I had a flashback of an occurrence, and I knew it was true that "My heart knows the answer".

When the meditation was finished, I looked up the incident in my journal.

In the morning of Oct. 8, 2009, I woke up early.  Sitting on the night stand next to my bed were books that I had borrowed from the library days ago.  Randomly, I picked up a book.  It was "Soul Development - Edgar Cayce's Approach to a New World" by Kevin Todeschi.

In the quietness of the morning, I began to read the book.  Soon I was reading a story about a man who in his recent life was a warrior that attacked the Inca Indians.  He was not interested in simply destroying and overtaking the people of the land, but his counsel had been overruled.  As a result, he witnessed the horror and barbaric of war.

Up to this point, the me that was reading the book was very peaceful. 

I continued to read.  I read "Although the experience had been deeply troubling, it had also led to a soul longing to become a champion of hope and equality among all peoples."  The words touched every core of my being and vibrated within me.  I found myself becoming very emotional.  I wanted to read out loud "a soul longing to.....", but I could not.  Tears filled my eyes.  When I was finally able to say those words, my voice was shaking with emotions.  I knew deep inside me I had the same longing as him.  I wanted to be a champion of hope.  I wanted peace and equality among all people.  That was why I kept writing in my journal "I am here to spread love, peace, and joy; to connect hearts to hearts; to inspire and bring about the awakening that we are one."  

I know I am not alone.  Many of us want peace and equality among all people.  Deepak says there is no right or wrong in the answer to "What do I want?"  One's answer can be a house on the beach.  On the surface, the answer may seem materialistic, but we can ask for further insights.  When we move from our mind to our inner truth, a house on the beach may mean a desire to strengthen one's connection with nature or Life.  (If you want to hear the exact words of Deepak's insight of our desires, go to their website, log in and listen to Day 8 of the Meditation Challenge.)

What do you want, my friend?  What is your deepest desire?  Ask and you will know for your heart knows the answer.

Q of D

P.S.  Kevin Todeschi is the executive director and CEO of A.R.E.  I just go online and find out the above mentioned book is now printed under a new title "Soul Growth". Since 2000, I have read many books by different authors on Edgar Cayce and his readings.  Most of the books are inspiring and helpful on my spiritual journey.

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