Sunday, December 1, 2013

Don't be too critical of ourselves and others


In my post We are all much more than who we appear to be, I wrote about our 2006 trip to Camp Chesterfield in Indiana.  However, I had not shared with you the questions I wrote on the small piece of paper.  I realized it was important for me to share with you truthfully.  As we shared truthfully, we connected on a heart to heart level.  My life experience could be an inspiration to others, and so were others' experiences to me.

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In the late afternoon, we attended the service in the chapel.  Upon entering, a minister gave each one of us a small piece of paper (e.g. 3" x 3" note pater).  We were told to write down the names of those we wanted to contact, e.g. our friends and relatives that had moved on.  We could also write down a question or two that we wanted answers.  Then we should fold the paper into a little square and place it in a basket.

What did I want answers for?  Two questions came to my mind.  I wrote the name of my spirit guide on the paper, and asked him the following two questions -

                                     Am I really going to teach and write?

                                     Job wise, am I doing enough?

The minister began the reading by saying that I had many gifts and talents.  I had expected a simple 'yes or no' answer to my questions!  Feeling embarrassed of what was said of me, I denied I had this talent or that ability.  The minister finally said: "You have done it many times.  You have taught, you have written books, and you have done all of that.  Just claim them."  (Click to view We are all much more than who we appear to be to read about my guide's answer for my first question.)

My second question had much to do with  The grand prize and the second reading.  During the reading, I was told to consider volunteering in soup kitchen and hospital. 

In truth, I had been contemplating about volunteering since the beginning of 2006.  Looking back, I must be receiving guidance from my soul.  However, I did not know where to begin.  I knew nothing about searching online.  (I only subscribed for Internet service near the end of 2010.)  I talked to my friends.  Later, I signed up and went through a short training as a volunteer for hospice.  I also applied to be a volunteer in a hospital.  After many phone calls, Chest X-ray (proof of health), and two interviews, the woman in charge of volunteers asked me to purchase a uniform.  That was about it.  They never scheduled me to work or returned my calls.  At the time of the trip, months had gone by, and there had been no progress

Here was my guide's answer to my 2nd question channeled through the minister.
"One is always very critical of self.  What is enough?  If you think you have not done enough, you will always feel not enough.  ***
*** The minister / medium never touched the papers in the basket.  The answer was definitely from my spirit guide.  She said his name and knew he was a spirit guide.  The minister was called "The Teacher of teachers" by the other mediums on the stage.  She was truly amazing.
My spirit guide was right.  When I thought I might not have done enough, I was holding a negative view against myself.  I choose to share with you the response from my guide because some of you might be like me - sometimes we are too critical of ourselves.  It is important to pay attention to our thoughts.  

Weeks / months after the Camp Chesterfield trip, I decided to put the whole thing behind me.  I went to the hospital.  I walked into the woman's office.  (She had a small office all to herself.)  I handed her the uniform.  I did not say anything other than asking for a refund.  She was quiet and kept looking downward.  I got the money back and left.  The hospital had every right to accept or deny a volunteer.  I would have appreciated it if the woman in charge had been direct or honest with me.  I eventually volunteered in a soup kitchen for the homeless until I had to move to another state.  It was a wonderful experience, and I was grateful.  (If you want to read about my soup kitchen experience, please view Story 2 - Doris no longer works there )

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When we follow the divine guidanceit does not necessary mean things will unfold smoothly or the way we want.  Sometimes we still have to go through blocks and bumps.  All of these are just part of life.   At times we have to accept what we see as setbacks and go from there.  There may be lessons for us to learn in every turn of our life.  We may wonder why this or that happens (or why it does not happen).  As a friend says: "Only God (or Source / higher self) knows what is the best for us."

As human beings, we don't see the big picture around ** a situation.  Sometimes we easily blame others or ourselves.  Through my experiences, I learn to turn within when my initial reaction to a situation was not of love, e.g. fear, hurt, anger, and confusion.  I learn the importance of maintaining my peace, and don't take things personally.  I also learn to surrender and trust that All Is Well in the divine plan.
** Behind a situation seems to be correct grammatically, but I choose to use the word 'around'.  Sometimes we may think the outcome of a situation is fixed.  It may not necessary be.  Every decision we make, even a small one, changes the scenario.  On some occasions, the change may be very subtle. At other times, what is in front of us can be completely changed after we have made a choice.  Our choices or decisions are like the pebbles being thrown into the water, and there are rippling effects no matter we notice them or not.  
So, my friends, take it easy on this journey of life, don't be too hard on ourselves and others, love and laugh more.  It is alright if we cry or feel sad.  However, we have to remember we don't have to dwell on those feelings that block the flow of love and joy.

May your days be filled with joy and laughter!

Q of D

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