Friday, December 6, 2013

The dream of a new handbag and a new role


While I was reading a book, it came to me that I had forgotten to share another important dream as well as a life lesson relating to The Amazing Prophetic Dream of Moving - Story 1.  It was a lesson on gratitude and a new beginning.  Although it was my experience, but I believed it might be relevant to some of you at this time of your life too.

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At different times of our life, we might find life unfulfilling or nothing of our heart's desire seemed to work out.  I was feeling the latter in 2006.  (Please view Don't be too critical of ourselves and others in which I wrote about what happened during that period of time.)

Through the facilitator of the circle, my spirit guide had suggested for me to learn a healing art in July, 2005.  I did not follow because I could not vision myself practicing healing in a western culture.  Some time in the last quarter of 2006, I finally told my guide: "I am ready to learn healing.  Please bring me a teacher."

On Nov. 14, 2006, I had a dream.
I was in the holistic center that I went to every Thursday morning.  The owner of the center was there.  She asked me to make a list of the people that I met through the center and was thankful for.  She wanted me to write down what I felt I was thankful for next to every one on the list.  Then they would post what I wrote on the center's website.  I asked if I could do it at home and gave it to her the next Thursday.  However, she said I should start writing right there.  
So I started the list with the owner's name on the top.  I wrote down the owner's first name, and could not spell her last name.  Someone said it began with the letter D.  I was confused for I knew it was not.  As I was writing, the owner was busy cleaning up the center.  Seeing that, I stopped writing and went to help her.  We did a lot of cleaning.  When it was done, the owner left.

Then I was looking for my black handbag.  I looked everywhere and could not find it.

The scene changed.  There were many stores inside the center.  Strangely, some stores in the center sold handbags while other stores did not sell anything.  I went through the stores, and did not see my black handbag.  I was about to give up.  Suddenly, I spotted a forest green handbag!  It was then I remembered I did not use the old black handbag anymore.  I had bought a new one.  The forest green handbag was mine!  I opened the handbag and found all my stuff inside.  In the dream, I looked at my forest green handbag.  It looked nice.  I was happy.
It was nighttime.  There seemed to be classes for little kids because I saw them lining up or sitting along the side of the walls.  Before I left, I was supposed to give what I wrote to a man who was seen in the dream as slim and somewhat tall.  Since I had not finished writing, I told him I would give it to him the second day.  Then I woke up.  
In the dream, there was a sense of urgency for me to write a thank-you list.  Though I felt the dream was of significance because there were a few vivid, colorful images (e.g. the forest green handbag), I did not know how to interpret it.  In time, as with most of my dreams, I forgot about it.

On March 24 & 25, 2007, I participated in a 2-day healing workshop.  It was a life transforming experience.

One morning soon after, I picked up a pen and wrote a thank-you letter to all my friends at the center.  One by one I thanked them for what their presence meant to me.  For examples, I thanked the teacher for her love and guidance; I thanked a friend for holding peace for our circle; I thanked another friend for her inquiring mind that enabled us to learn along with her.

When I went to the Thursday circle after the healing workshop, I was shocked to learn the owner had left the center!  The facilitator of our circle whose name began with D was now the new owner.  When I said I had learned a healing art, D asked me to be the Wed. on-site healer!  (Click to view More on my journey as a channel of spiritual healing energy)

In my post "Do you have dreams looking for your handbag?", I learned handbags symbolized our earthly identities or the roles we played.  In retrospect, my dream of Nov. 2006 had foretold I would no longer be the old me (the old, black handbag).  Green was the color of healing.  The new forest green handbag symbolized my new role in healing.

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When I had the dream in Nov. 2006, the human I was not aware a new beginning was about to unfold.  Our older son was laid off in April 2007 due to the slow economy in our state.  Our younger son got married in the summer of 2007.  The day before our younger son's wedding, our older son got a new job in another state.  Therefore, our older son and us moved away not long after our younger son was married.  Owing to the love and kindness of my teacher and friend who was then the new owner of the center, I was given an opportunity to practice healing for five months before I moved to another state.

It was interesting how I was prompted to write this post.  I was reading a book when the dream came to my mind.  I had to look it up in my journal.  In a lot of ways, our inner self or the Source of our being is forever guiding.  Sometimes we or the ego might choose not to follow, but deep inside we knew what to do.  When I poured out my gratitude to my friends in writing that morning, I did not recall the dream.  I simply answered to my heart's calling spontaneously because I might be more open to my inner self after the healing workshop.

After the dream, I did not write the thank-you letter.  I wrote it many months later.   All Is Well in God's time.  I never showed it to my friends.  I wrote it and let it go.  At the time, I did not know I would be leaving the center and the state.  I did not have that piece of paper anymore.  Before I moved, my friends invited me to a restaurant.  It was there I tearfully said my goodbye.  I thanked them, and told them one by one of what their presence had meant to me.

I did not see the original owner of the center again.  She was truly one of the most wonderful beings that I had ever met.  She was very gifted intuitively.  (She can see, hear, and talk to spirit and angels.  She is a healer, a reader and a channel.)  She did not work as a medium or healer in the center.  I believed her main goal of opening a spiritual center was to help others on their spiritual journey.  She was like the hub of a wheel by bringing in exceptional spiritual teachers, healers, psychics, and other light workers to the center.  Some visited the center from out of state.  I am eternally grateful for her love, support, and encouragement.

So why am I inspired to write about the experience?  What is the lesson here?  I will share with you my thought in another post.

Love and blessings,
Q of D

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