Sunday, December 1, 2013

We are all much more than who we appear to be


From July 2011 to Dec. 2012, I had written 3 posts about the Camp Chesterfield trip in 2006.  I decided to put two of the posts together.  This is the first post.  The second post is Don't be too critical of ourselves and others .

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In spiritual circles or gatherings, the facilitators sometimes ask the participants to describe themselves in a few words using the I AM.  For examples, I am joy, love, healer, psychic, teacher, writer, and musician are some of the words people use.

When I was being asked to do that for the first time in 2005, I really did not know what to say.  I was among a group of long time spiritual seekers, professional psychics, and healers.  In every sense, I was a novice.  When it was my turn, all I could say after some thought was "I am simple".  I felt very relieved when these words came out of my mouth.  In many ways, that was how I regarded myself - simple.

A year later, the teacher of our circle rented a big bus and brought us to Camp Chesterfield.  It was a spiritualist center of light established in 1886 in Indiana.  I believed about 22 of us went on the trip. (Please view my post A Man's Face on the Moon Card Saved My Day which was also about this trip.)  When we arrived, we saw many other groups from different places were visiting too.  In the late afternoon, we attended the service in the chapel.

Upon entering the chapel, we were given a small piece of paper.  We were told to write a question or two as well as names of people that we wish to contact (e.g. loved ones who had moved on).  We should then fold the paper into a little square and put it in a basket.  Four ministers, all were spiritual development teachers and psychic mediums, went on the stage.  They took turns giving readings by picking a paper randomly from the basket.  They did not open the paper to read what were written inside.  The first two ministers related information accurately with ease.  Their presence were joyful and uplifting.  Some of my friends got read.  We were all amazed at how good the ministers were.

The third minister was introduced as "The Teacher of Teachers".  She began giving readings by simply thrusting the papers up in the air.  She never touched the papers in the basket.  Her readings captivated the audience.  She was incredible!  Suddenly, a field of loving energy enveloped me.  I knew immediately it was my turn to receive a reading.  The minister said a name and asked who knew him.  It was my spirit guide's name.  I wrote his name on the small piece of paper.  I raised my hand.  This was what happened afterwards.  

"Oh, he is a spirit guide," she added.  (In my heart, I said, "Wow!")

"Oh, you have many gifts and talents.  You are gifted in teaching, healing, writing, singing, arts......" she blurted out some more.

I felt very embarrassed.  I wanted to hide.  I swayed my head, and repeatedly said 'no' in a small voice.

"You have that many gifts and talents.  Are you an entertainer?" she asked.

"No, I don't have that many talents!"  I said.

She stopped.  She looked at me.  She had been spectacular in her earlier readings, but there I was, denying everything she said of me.  She took a deep breath.

"Okay, let's start over again," she said.  "Are you gifted in writing?" she said.

Some of my friends were sitting behind me.  "Yes, she is," the teacher of our circle said in a soft voice in the way of urging me to say 'yes'.

"Yes, I am."  I knew I must answer 'yes'.

The minister said, "You have done it many times (i.e. lifetimes).  You have taught, you have written books, and you have done all of that.  Just claim them!"  She then answered my second question on the paper.  (Of course, the answer came from my guide for the minister never touched the papers in the basket.)  She went on to describe an incident of the Light.  She asked if I remembered that incident.  I said 'no' because I had no recollection of it at all.  She said, "Just remember when the Light comes to you again, don't be afraid.  Open and receive."

The fourth minister was also quite amazing.  She was a spiritual artist who drew pictures while she was giving readings.

On our ride back, my friends asked me how I could say 'no' when the minister asked about my Light experience.  They were deeply touched when I told them the incident. They still remembered it clearly, but somehow I was the one who had completely forgotten about it.

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Now let me fast forward  to 2007.  In March, I participated in a 2-day spiritual energy healing workshop facilitated by the teacher from North Carolina.  She was very attuned to the Divine, and was in constant communication with the angels and ascended masters.  The teacher and us sat in a circle.  There were five participants. The teacher asked us to give a brief introduction of ourselves.  Then she asked us to say what our gifts were.  When I heard it, I thought it was odd.  Why did she ask us to do that?  What gifts had I?

M told us one day her daughter was in pain.  She put her hand on her daughter and the pain disappeared.  She said her gift was the power of healing.  Two other participants who were professional healers talked about their stories and affirmed their gifts.

Then it was my turn.  I told them I had not learned any healing art, but I could feel energy.  I said, "On a few occasions, I hear what my guides and angels say which means I have the gift of clairaudience.  I can feel other people's deep hidden sadness, but I cannot see.  I think the greatest gift from God is my love.  I love freely and unconditionally.  Sometimes I actually feel loving energy flows out from me to others.  Oh, I believe I also have the gift of a voice.  On many occasions, people cry when I talk.  I do not understand why, but people tell me there is something in my voice that touches the inner most of their hearts.  A few people have said that there is electricity as I speak."  When I finished talking, I was very surprised that I had that much to say.  It was so unlike the normal me, but I found myself at peace with what I said.   The teacher said, "You have all the appropriate gifts of a healer."

Looking back, I realized the teacher was asking us to claim our gifts as the minister at Camp Chesterfield had asked me to.

In my workshops, I had asked the participants to speak up about their gifts.  Some said they like to sing / draw, but they did not think they were gifted.  I told them if we felt joy as we sang or drew, then, we were gifted in singing or drawing.  We should not compare and judge ourselves thinking that we were not good enough.  We were all interconnected.  I believed even when we sang joyfully in the privacy of our home, we were sharing our joy with the whole.

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In my December 2001 reading by a known angel channel, I learned I should teach and write.  For years, I doubted.  I was a Chinese woman with a high school education (not in USA).  My English vocabulary was very limited.  I could not speak English fluently.  I identified who I was with my earthly qualifications, and thought there was no way I could ever teach or write.

I share with you these experiences to show that we are all much more than who we appear to be.  We are expressions of the Loving Divine.  We have many gifts, and are multi-talented.  If you want, please take some time to think about your gifts and talents.  Remember not to judge yourself or compare.  Then claim your gifts and talents by saying them out loud.  We are far more than who we think we are.

Happy holidays to you!

Q of D

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