Monday, March 31, 2014

Parents and Children


The other day we invited our loved ones to come over for dinner.  It was always a joy to see them.

Our son and daughter-in-law brought over some games for us to play with the kids.  As parents, they observed their oldest child (our grandson is 5 years old) got upset whenever he did not win a game.  They wanted him to learn that we played games for fun, and it was not about winning.  They also wanted him to understand the rules of a game applied to everyone, we should play fair, and there should be no cheating.

We played the Air Hockey game and Uno card game.  At one point, our grandson was upset because he did not win.  Luckily, he got over it, and continued playing with us.  It was very wise of our son and his wife wanting their son to understand life was not all about winning.

Many parents take credit for the success of their children, and feel they fail when their children do not turn out the way they want them to be.  The truth is we never know what a child's destiny is or the main life lesson he or she chooses to learn.  For instance, some children are born into families of drug addicts, and they turn out to be fine.  Some children are born into what we call ordinary / loving families, but they commit crimes their parents never imagine they would.  As parents, all we can do is to nurture and love them the best we know how, and pray that we will be a good influence in their lives.

Parents and children are the roles we play.  If we pay close attention, we will see our children teach us lessons just as much if not more than we teach them.

Love and blessings,
Q of D

P. S.  My grandson is a conscientious child.  He is generous and kind.  (Re The Most Wonderful, Adorable Salesman in the World )  Some mornings we made hamburgers to bring to their house.  I always brought with me a pack of sliced cheese.  He said, "Ah Ma (grandma), you don't have to bring cheese.  We have cheese, use ours."  I love my grandson.

Friday, March 21, 2014

My Rosary


One Christmas during the restaurant years, my younger son bought me a beautiful rosary.  I treasured it because I knew my son always put lots of heart into his gifts.  I saw an inscription on the back of the crucifix.  I thought it was a female name.  In my ignorance, I assumed rosaries were like other personal items such as Bob could buy a rosary with the name Bob on it.  I thought my son might not have seen the name on the back of the crucifix.  I said to myself: "It is alright.  I love it anyway."  (I have a good laugh about my ignorance as I write, and hope you do too.  Laughing is good for the body, mind, and spirit.)

Since I was not into any religious practice, I simply carried the rosary in my pocket. Sometimes I held it in one of my hands when I prayed.  I usually put it on the headboard before I went to sleep.  If I forgot, I would find it on the bed or still in my pocket when I woke up.

One morning, I woke up and could not find the rosary.  I looked under the bed and searched everywhere.  It was nowhere to be found.  At that time, our sons lived on campuses.  Believing that it must still be in the house, I did not tell my sons about it. Three days later, I found the rosary tucked to the side of the bed.  It looked a little bit different.  I remembered the color of the chains were silver toned which matched the silvery iron crucifix, but now the chains were brass or gold toned.  I must have remembered it incorrectly.  Anyway, I was very glad to see the rosary again.

During those years, the rosary was a symbol of peace to me.  I was very grateful for the gift.

In recent years, I wanted to buy a rosary with the same design but different color beads for my son.  I asked my son where he bought it.  He said it was history.  During his college years, he did not have a car.  His friends drove him around.  They had visited many different malls and stores.  He could not remember where he bought the rosary. Assuming that I wanted to buy another one for myself, he suggested for me to go to any religious store.

I had gone to a few stores.  I learned what I had was a Celtic rosary.  In my limited knowledge, all I knew about the word "Celtic" was the wonderful "Celtic Woman", the all-women musical ensemble from Ireland on public television.  I had visited a couple of stores where Celtic rosaries were sold, but I could not find one similar to mine.  My son was not into any religion. I observed he did not seem to be interested in having a rosary.  So I set the idea of buying one for him aside.

A few years ago, I began subscribing for Internet service so that I could video chat with my loved ones.  By then, we lived in different states.  (We now lived in the same state.) I seldom looked up anything online because I did not know much about the computer. One day in 2013, it suddenly came to me I could look for rosaries online.  It was a joy to see so many beautiful rosaries on different websites.  I still wanted to find one that matched mine.  After some time, my older son said he wanted to use the computer.

Hours later, I asked my son if he had finished using the computer.  He said 'yes' and left to use the bathroom.  On the computer screen were a man, the word "Erin", and a whole lot of text below.  For a second, I wondered why my son visited this web page. Then I continued to look for rosaries.

After quite some time, I still did not find anything similar to mine.  I took out my rosary and put it in front of the computer.  I saw the inscription "Erin" on the back of the crucifix (which I assumed was a female name when I received it).  I keyed in the word and found that "Erin" meant Ireland!  I visited different websites.  Some pages were too long, and I stopped reading.  At one point, I clicked on a web page.  There on the computer screen was the same page that my son had left on when I asked to use the computer!  If only I had spent a minute to read the page my son had inadvertently left on the screen, I would have found the answer right there.  It was another example that

                                       Sometimes what we are looking for
                                                   is right in front of us,
                                                    yet we cannot see.

On that page, it mentioned something about Erin or Ireland was symbolic to healing or green healing water.  When my son bought me the rosary, both my son and I did not know years later my spirit guide would ask me to learn a healing art.  The rosary my son gave me was with green (a healing color) heart-shaped beads.

Coincidentally, I had quite a few dreams as a healer or a spiritual practitioner in an old English setting while we were in the restaurant business.  In those dreams, I visited the sick and was invited into many homes.  I also had a dream living in Tibet.  About a year and a half after the restaurant was sold, I was guided to join a circle which met every Thursday morning.  Months later, the facilitator related that she had been urged by my spirit guide to tell me to learn a healing art.  I did not follow because I looked at myself as a Chinese woman who could not speak English fluently.  I did not tell anybody including my younger son about those past life dreams.

One day during the Christmas and New year holidays, my younger son decided to go to the circle with me.  (It was the only time he came to the Thursday circle).  It so happened the facilitator wanted to do a group past life regression on that day.  While others easily got into that state, I could not.  I thought of my dreams as a healer in England (or Ireland?), but I saw and felt nothing.  When the facilitator told us to come out of the regression, I was the first one to open the eyes.  I saw others were reluctant to pull themselves out of their regressions.    

Two immediately turned to me and said they saw me in their past lives in Tibet.  They related vivid images of Tibet.  They said the same thing as to who I was, but each went into a different period of that lifetime.  One saw us as a special group of children growing up together, and my younger son was my younger brother in that life.  The other one saw the scenes when we were grown-ups.  Both expressed much regret that the facilitator had pulled them out of the regression too soon as they really wanted to see more.

Another friend said she went back to a lifetime in England.  She was a male and the captain of a ship.  She saw my younger son working on the ship.  The captain went into a house to visit a medium (who in the present was a psychic/medium and a channel). The friend described the clothes and the house in details.  Then they saw through the window a group of a spiritual order walking on the street in a line.  They wore robes with hoods over their heads.  As they walked past the window, the leader of the group levitated about a foot above the ground to greet them at the eye level.  The friend recognized it was me.  She added I levitated to acknowledge them, and it was not a show-off.  

Since I saw or felt nothing during the regression, I could only listen with an open heart. The friend who saw us as children in Tibet said even though my son was my younger brother in that lifetime and I might seem to be more regarded, however, she felt he could be more advance than me spiritually.  It brought a smile to my face because I had always looked at my son as wise.

All of us have lived many lifetimes.  It is not a coincidence people come across one another or are born closely related in this lifetime.  I hope I will visit England, Ireland, and Tibet someday.

Spring is here!  Soon we will see beautiful flowers everywhere.  How wonderful!

Q of D

Monday, March 10, 2014

A Blessing in Disguise


"Back to work! (on my blog)" I tell myself this morning.

Just when I thought the cold, snowy winter was almost over, I came down with the flu.  I started coughing a lot during the early hours of Monday (3/3/2014).  When I woke up that morning, I thought it was only a cold.  The next day I felt very sick and feverish.  I knew I had the flu.  I was eager to get well because I had promised my granddaughter to take her to a class later next week.  So I went to a store to buy some medicine.  For the next two days, I slept and slept in between the annoying coughs.  My husband coughed and had all the symptoms of the flu too, but as always, he refused to take any medicine.  On Thursday morning, I woke up feeling much better.  Before noon, my son left work to come home because he was feeling quite sick.  He also came down with the flu.

Anyway, I am grateful I get well enough in time to take care of the family, and am glad I will be taking my granddaughter to the class later this week.  There is an old Chinese saying 'To go through a minor illness once in a while is a blessing in disguise', and I find this to be true.  With the recharged energy, I feel joyful as I type the post.

Have a good week!  Spring is near!

Q of D

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Helping others is helping ourselves


In my post 'The Grace of Good Intention', I found out I could not use my new camera on an important day.  I went to the event without a camera.  I thought I would not have any picture of that day.  I did not tell anybody in the gathering about the problem with my camera.  Before the day was over, a friend I barely knew walked to me.  She said she had taken pictures of me during the event as her way of thanking me for a simple act of goodwill I did a few nights before.  I was deeply touched by the unexpected outcome of grace.

I know now when we hold the pure intention of loving or helping another, our hearts are open.  And, when we do, the Grace of Love flows through us just as the breath of life (which in itself is a miracle!).  Healing, blessings, mercy, and miracles often occur on those occasions even though the human us may not have recognized them.

Some years ago, I was very worried about my husband.  One day, a new friend called me.  We had talked a few times after Sunday service at a church (not the church which I eventually called my spiritual home).  She told me she was a medium, or one who talked to people who had moved on.  That was all I knew of her.  Over the phone, she said she had learned I was troubled by my husband's condition.  She offered to give me a reading for free.

Ever since I stepped outside of my family, I had come across quite a few psychics, mediums, and channels.  On some occasions, people had offered to give me readings for free.  Most of the times, I declined.  I was thankful for their goodwill, but felt I should not take advantage of others.  I thought if ever I really wanted a reading by someone, I should pay.  At that time, I did not have a job.  Besides, I got the impression from my previous readings that I would not get direct answers or what the future would be from my guides and angels.  It seemed what was important was how I chose to conduct myself in the 'now'.  Therefore, I was not thinking about getting a reading.

I told my friend I could not accept her offer.  My friend was persistent.  She said spirits from the other side might come through to give me some advice about the present situation.  She said she truly wanted to help me.  I was moved.  I could sense she was sincere.  I decided to accept her kindness.  I asked her to accept a small offering (money) from me as an exchange of energy.  She agreed.  She asked me to come to her church.  We would have the reading in the small room behind the chapel.  With a heart of gratitude, I prayed and sent her my blessings.

In the small room, my friend started the session with a prayer.  She began describing my spirit guide who appeared to my right.  The description was quite accurate for a wonderful psychic had told me a few years ago how my guide looked like.  Strangely, I saw my friend frowned.  She said: "I ask your guide, but he did not talk to me.  Hey (to my guide), come on, smile!  You don't have to look that serious."   She said my guide just looked at her and did not respond.  Next, she saw four beings talking among themselves.  She got it that they were happily talking about a woman who finally stepped forward to do what she had to do.  After a little while, she said: "Oh, I get it! They are talking about you!"  That was all she got.  She tried to ask them questions, but they never looked at her.

I was surprised at how things unfolded.  At the same time, I felt very peaceful because I was in a wonderful field of loving energy.

Suddenly, my friend began talking about herself and the conflict in her family.  For the next 30 to 40 minutes, she related the ills in her family which might have gone on for generation(s).  She talked about her strained relationships with her parents.  As she talked, tremendous powerful energy flowed into me and through me.  I could feel the vibration of the energy above my head, and my hands were surged with energy.  I listened with compassion and love.  I understood healing was taking place.  Near the end, I saw a light radiance on my friend's face as she released the pain, hurt, anger, and sadness she had held within.

Then my friend seemed to realize quite some time had passed.  She said she was sorry she could not be of much help to me since my spirit guide did not talk to her.  I gave her the envelope with my offering.  I told her the session had helped, and I was heartily grateful.

Indeed, the session had helped.  By showing up in the reading, my guide had let me know he knew what went on in my life, and, he was watching over me.  I had learned nobody could learn a lesson for another person.  The situation I faced was my life lesson.  I alone must choose how to conduct myself during the challenge.  It was why my guide said nothing during the session.  The scene of the 4 beings was also of significance. They were happy that I had stepped forward.  It was a confirmation that I was on the right path.

As the challenge unfolded, I was able to center in love and peace because of my friend's willingness to help me.  I knew no matter what happened, everything was going to be alright.  I was also humbled to be a conduit of healing on that day.

Helping others is helping ourselves.  It always is because we are one.

Q of D