Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Why did he thank me?


When I was small, I could easily form an image in my mind when I thought of something.  For example, if I thought of a snake, I saw a vivid image of a snake in my mind.  Children did that naturally because they were curious and liked to use their imagination.  I did not know this was visualization in English until I began to read metaphysical books in the year 2000.  It was then I came to a shocking realization that I could no longer visualize.  I believed I lost that innate ability while growing up because the everyday life had become my full focus.  I did some visualization exercises according to the books, but the exercises did not help.  In later years, some friends tried to heal me.  Still, all I saw was darkness when I closed my eyes.

My friends told me some people could not visualize just like me.  During guided meditations, they suggested for me to follow the guidance using my imagination.  I tried to follow their advice.  Oftentimes, I just could not imagine while listening to the guidance.  On the few occasions that I felt I was successful in imagining, I ended up doubting my meditation experience.  That was why I rarely shared what came to my mind.  My friends were kind and accepting.  They did not insist I must talk.

One day, a wonderful friend who was very open to the Divine volunteered to channel during the circle.   A spirit came through.  She told us her name, the state, and city she had lived.  She said she used to live with her six years old grandson on a hill. One day, the little boy disappeared.  (She talked about the year it happened, but I could not remember.)  She called the police.  The police did not spend much time searching for the boy.  She said the police did not care because they were poor.

She had moved on decades ago.  From where she was, she knew what happened to her grandson.  The little boy had fallen off a cliff and died.  However, he did not understand he had died.  He (or the ghost) was very scared, and continued to wander in the woods below the cliff.  The grandmother cried.  She came through looking for help for her grandson.

We were all deeply touched.  We wanted very much to help the boy.  Coincidentally, those who were in the circle that day were clairvoyance or mediums (except me).  All my friends could tap into what the spirit (i.e. the grandmother) was showing the channel.  They talked about the image of the boy with lots of compassion.  They tried to get the boy's attention.  However, after quite a while, nothing seemed to work.

Sitting there, my heart went out to the boy.  How scared he must have been after he fell off the cliff!  However, I did not see anything or hear anything.  What could I do to help?  God, how might I help?  Suddenly, it came to me I had always been very good with children.  I closed my eyes and centered in peace.  I learned from the words among my friends that there was a rock.  I imagined myself sitting on the rock.  I called out to the boy.  I imagined the boy came to sit on my lap.  I comforted him.  I told him everything was going to be all right.  Then I said, "Do you see your grandma? Go to her now."  (I was totally into imagining what went on.  I did not voice what I said to the boy.  Therefore, my friends did not know I 'imagined' talking to the boy.)

Right then, the channel's body shook, and she came out of her altered state.  The teacher of the circle asked her what had happened.  She said all of a sudden she saw an explosion of white light and everything disappeared.  We prayed that the little boy was now in the light.  We moved on to talk about other things.  Nobody in the circle saw what happened to the boy.  I did not think much about my imagination, and of course, I did not talk about it.

When the circle was over, I chatted with the teacher of the circle.  A young man was in the circle that day.  I did not know him, but I heard he was very intuitive.  While the rest of us were talking, he was putting away the chairs.  At one point, I happened to look over to him who was a distance away.  Strangely, he nodded at me and said, "Thank you."  I thought "Why did he thank me?  Was it his way of greeting me?"  I continued talking to the teacher whose back was facing the young man and did not see what happened.

A couple of weeks later, I saw the young man again.  When the circle was over, I asked why he thanked me on that day.  He tilted his head as if he tried to recall.  Then he said, "Oh, yes!  I remember now.  I was putting away the chairs.  Suddenly, my spirit guide asked me to thank you.  He said there had been healing on many levels.  I thanked you as I was told to, but I did not understand why.  Do you know why?"  I was surprised to hear that.  I said, "May be."  Our conversation stopped at this point for another friend wanted to talk to him.

Personally, I believed much more were at work that day.  Our guides and angels must have worked hard to make this happen.  The one who volunteered to channel was an exceptional loving soul.  It was no accident the spirit of the grandmother came through her to talk to the circle.  All of us were of one heart and one will - we wanted to help the boy.  Our love and compassion lifted the fear off the boy long enough for him to see his grandma and move into the light.  We were interconnected.  The healing of one affected the whole, and there was healing on many levels.

Years ago, I had read some books by Robert Monroe, the founder of the Monroe Institute.  He and many at the Institute had done a great job in rescuing the lost souls (i.e. those who did not know they had died).  In particular, I remembered the story of a man who worked on a ship.  He died in a shipwreck.  For hundreds of years (?), he clang onto part of the ship waiting to be rescued.  It was through the effort of those on earth as well as his loved one on the other side, he finally let go of the illusion and moved into the light.  (My post The Dream of Three Japanese Soldiers was on the same subject.)

It is raining outside, and the sky is dark.  Well, rain is good for the trees and grass.  I know soon the sun will come out, and it is another bright day.

Love and blessings,
Q of D

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