Monday, August 11, 2014

The Stop at a Railroad Crossing


For a long time, I thought my limited knowledge of English was my shortcoming, and being a Chinese woman in a western culture was a disadvantage.  One day, the words from a channel changed my view.  I learned it was by design I came in as a Chinese woman who did not have the mastery of English.  Some people wanted to know more about me because I came from a different culture.  Meanwhile, others reached out to me because they wanted to help me.  It was through these interactions healing took place.  (Click to view my post Our self-perceived shortcomings and disadvantages.)

On many occasions, healing indeed occurred when people were helping me.  Most of the times I had no idea I was an instrument until things continued to unfold, and the human me was surprised as well as humbled to be part of the healing plan.

Since I published that post, two such healing experiences came to my mind.  Here is one of them.  Some details are withheld or changed to protect the privacy of the person involved.

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There I was in a young man's car.  I did not really know anything about him.  He was at the circle.  He came last week too.  I believed I had seen him once at the circle before.  I had not expected for him to drive me home.

What happened was I did not have the use of a car at that time.  My husband needed the car.  I told my friends I would see them again in some weeks.  (We met every Thursday.)  The owner of the holistic center immediately said she would pick me up and drive me home.  I was grateful, but I thought it was too much trouble for her.  So I declined.  However, she said, "What is a circle without you!  I will pick you up next week."  To my dear friend, I can't thank you enough for your love and support.

On Thursday, my friend picked me up.  When we arrived, I saw a young man talking to the teacher of the circle.  The owner greeted him and joined in the talk.  They seemed to know him very well.  I talked with others at the circle.  When the circle was over, the owner and the teacher talked to the young man again.  There was a serious look on their face.  Later, the owner drove me home.

The following Thursday, we had more people than usual.  A spiritual teacher from another state was with us.  When the circle was over, people continued to chat.  The teacher and the owner talked to the young man for a long while.  They seemed to be very concerned about him.  At one point, the owner looked back at me.  A while later, she came to me.  She wanted to stay at the center to talk to the others, and asked if it was alright to me that the young man drove me home instead of her.

I thanked the young man for taking the time to drive me home.  He said it was no problem.  He was going in that direction anyway because he had an appointment in a nearby city.  While he was driving, we carried on a conversation about our families.

Soon he drove near a railroad crossing.  At that very moment, the red light flashed and the gate came down.  His car was the first car in front of the tracks.  In my heart, I thought "Oh, no!  I would have been home in just a few minutes!  I certainly hope he will not be late for his appointment."  We were relieved to see that it was a short train.

However, the train stopped right on the track in front of us!  Thinking that the road would be cleared once the train started moving, we waited.  He began to tell me his story and what was troubling him.  I listened with compassion.  When he finished talking, we realized 20 minutes had gone by.  The train remained on the track.  He made a U-turn to go on another route to drive me home.  On the way, I tried to say something that might help him.  From the expression on his face, I knew no words could lift the heaviness off his heart.  He was at a point of life where life did not mean much to him anymore.    

At home, I realized it was not a coincidence the owner asked him to drive me home. It was in divine order that the train blocked the road.  Without the unexpected stop, I would not get to hear his story.  I understood why the teacher and the owner (both were very intuitive) were deeply concerned about his well being.  How might I help him, I wondered.

In the afternoon, I sat down to pray.  I suddenly remembered a prayer which helped me a lot during the challenging years.  One day years ago, I found a small printed sheet of paper tucked inside a book.  It was a prayer to lift our sufferings.  I had since said that prayer many times.  It brought me peace when I was sad or worried.  I took the sheet of paper out of my handbag.  I felt it was time to pass it on.  Holding the paper in my hands as an offering to the Loving Divine, I prayed for the well being of the young man. I prayed the prayer would help him as it had helped me.

Then I opened my eyes.  Tears filled my eyes when I saw the time on the clock.  It was 4:44 PM!  444, the Power of God's Love, was a very significant number in my life.  I knew no matter what happened it was going to be alright.  I remembered there was some sort of event at the center that night.  I prayed the young man would be there.  I put the prayer in an envelope.  He was there, and I gave him the prayer.  I did not see him at the circle again.

Some months later, I went to a big Body, Mind, and Spirit Festival in another county.  A volunteer at the festival greeted me with a broad smile.  I recognized he was the young man.  He looked like a different person.  He looked happy and healthy.

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There was a time I was overwhelmed with fear and worries.  A customer (a spiritual friend) walked in.  Seeing the state I was in, she took a beautiful angel figure out of her handbag.  She said the angel had been blessed, and she wanted me to have it. My heart was constantly filled with gratitude for the love and kindness that others had bestowed upon me.  I had since given away the angel figure with love just as my friend had given me.

I did not have the use of a car for about 3 or 4 weeks.  Another wonderful healing experience also happened during that time.  On the surface, sometimes it might seem we did not have much connection to those we chanced to meet, but our connection could be lifetimes deep.

Love as Love Is, and give generously.  In the truth of oneness, who is the giver or the receiver?

We are the giver and the receiver.

Q of D

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