Thursday, August 7, 2014

A Global Meditation for PEACE


Some days ago, I watched the news about the war in Gaza.  On the TV screen, a man, with his arms extended upwards, cried out, "We just want to live in peace!"  Oh, dear brother, we hear you loud and clear.  However, most of us can only watch with love and compassion.

We just want to live in peace!  It seems like such a basic condition to live, yet so hard to maintain especially in many war-torn countries.  We just want to live in peace!  Is it not what most of us want?

Tomorrow, August 8, there will be a global meditation for peace.  Please join in by going to now and register.  Please spread the news about the global meditation for peace.  Let us join as one for peace and love.

Q of D

P.S.  Oprah & Deepak will begin a new 21-Day meditation experience, Expanding Your Happiness, on Monday, August 11.  It is free.  If you want to sign up, please go to their website.

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