Wednesday, November 12, 2014

She called to cancel a healing session


One morning, a friend called to cancel a healing session.  She told me she had to go to a company for a meeting.  However, she wanted to drop by and talk to me for a little while since the Center was on her way of getting there.  She planned to stay for about ten minutes.   She said she must leave before 11 am because that company was in a city quite a distance away.

I was not a professional healer.  A friend had talked to me about promoting myself (as a healer) such as placing an ad on holistic magazines, but I had not done that.  On the day I stayed in the Center, I worked on people who happened to walk in and want to receive healing.  I did not charge money for healing sessions.  If no one came, I listened to music and meditated.  I went home around 12:30 pm for lunch.  Then I came back and stayed until about 5 pm.

My friend was a long time spiritual seeker.  She had learned Reiki and other healing arts.  She was a spiritual teacher who facilitated metaphysical circles.  She had a doctorate degree, and was quite successful in the business world.  She wanted to keep her spiritual side private because she did not want that to jeopardize her career.

My friend arrived.  She began to tell me a personal experience that had deeply troubled her.  Coincidentally, I had a similar experience years ago.  I told her how I had handled the situation, and what I learned from that experience.  Soon it was 11 am. I reminded her of her appointment with that company.  She said she wanted to talk some more.  She continued to talk.  As usual, I listened to her experiences, and spoke only when I felt I had something to say.  Around noon, I reminded her of the time.  She said everything could wait, and that she could reschedule the meeting.

It was almost 2 o'clock when she stood up from her chair.  She said, "I am so glad we talk. I know now why I felt I should come to talk to you even though I called to cancel the session. I have been looking for answers for a long time. You have answered all the questions that had bothered me. Thank you!"  We hugged before we parted ways.

When I arrived home, my husband had put away the food.  He thought I had gone out for lunch with a friend.  Well, the food tasted better when one (i.e. me) was hungry.

All Is Well in the divine plan.

Wherever you are, may your day be filled with peace and joy!

Many blessings,
Q of D

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