Sunday, May 22, 2016

Money On the Ground


In a news story some years ago, a mother and her daughter saw a dollar bill on their way to a store.  The girl picked it up and suggested for her mother to use the $1 to buy a lottery ticket.  As it turned out, they won the lottery jackpot.  If I recalled correctly, the mother said she had never bought any lottery ticket before that day!

When I heard the story, I was happy for the mother and daughter.  I marveled at the wonders of the divine plan.

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Over the years, I had seen money ($5 and $20s) on the ground and inside the stores a few times.  It happened because people failed to notice money fell out of their pockets or handbags when they tried to get their wallets / phones.  If it happened in front of me, I let that person know.  If not, I took the money to the clerk working at the customer service desk.

Below are a couple of occasions that I saw money on the ground.

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One day, my friend and I went for a walk.  My friend was in her 80s, and had a minor problem with one of her legs.  She told me she had fallen down twice while talking walks by herself.  Therefore, I always walked her back to her place to make sure she was safe.  (Re other posts There was something wrong with my cell phone and A conversation between two grandmothers)

On this day, we saw a few dollar bills on the sidewalk of the condo complex before we reached her unit.  I continued walking towards her condo.  My friend remained standing where the dollar bills were.

She said, "Don't you see the dollar bills?  Why don't you pick them up?"

I said, "No. I will not do that because they are not mine."

My friend said, "They are on the ground.  There is nothing wrong with taking them."

I said, "I will not (pick them up) for they are not mine.  They must have fallen out of someone's pocket while he or she was in a hurry to get back to the condo.  Let's go and leave the money where it is."

She looked at me.  I knew she thought differently about it.

I smiled and said,  "If you want to, you may."  I paused and added, "But, I think we should just go."

She said, "It is only a few dollars. Okay, let's go."

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Recently my husband and I went to an Asian grocery store with a relative.  There were many customers in the store.  My husband's relative walked a short distance ahead of us.  As we walked, the relative abruptly put his foot forward over something on the floor.  His sudden movement drew our attention.  Under his shoe was a $20 bill.  The relative quietly looked at the people next to him.  Then he bent down and quickly put the money into his pocket.  My husband tried to explain his relative's action in a low voice, "Most people regard the money they find on the ground as lucky money or a sign of good luck.  This is why he takes the money.  There is no way to verify who dropped the money anyway."  He did not need to explain to me.  I knew many people thought that way.  I understood my husband was trying to put in some good words for his relative.  I did not say anything to his relative who was in his 50 s.  He was responsible for his own action.  Besides, I did not know who lost the $20, and he / she might have left the store. 

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In life, we all conduct ourselves according to how our hearts feel we should do.  What I choose to do does not necessary mean I am right and another person is wrong.

Have a great week!

Many blessings,
Q of D

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