Wednesday, May 25, 2016

A car with a license plate that bore the name of my angel


I kept seeing 53 in recent week / months.  For instance, I was doing something in the family room.  For no particular reason, I stood up and walked into the bedroom.  The time on the clock was 11:53 am.  During nights, I also saw 11:53 pm or awoke to see time ending with 53, e.g.  2:53 am and 3:53 am.

I knew from the Angel Numbers book by Doreen Virtue that 5 meant changes and 3 meant ascended masters.

53 - The ascended masters are assisting you by clearing the path for this change. Call upon their loving power to ensure your continued smooth transition.

With the intention of helping others, I went for an interview last week.  The job was not what it had advertised on the newspaper.  Besides, they wanted me to handle an assignment that was way beyond my comfort zone.  On my way back, my mind was somewhat clouded.  Should I simply tell them I did not want the job or give it a try before I decided?

Soon I was about a few minutes from home.  A car rushed from another lane into my lane.  The license plate immediately caught my attention.  It bore the name of one of my angels -  the angel that brought me the experiences / the touches of the Loving Divine.  The number on the license plate was 953.

953 - The ascended masters Divinely guide the changes you're making to assist you with the fruition of your important purpose.

In faith, I followed.

Wherever I am, may I be a presence of peace, comfort, and healing.  Amen.

Q of D

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