Tuesday, August 23, 2016

A Beautiful Rainbow in the Sky


The events I mentioned in my post of Aug. 1 were now over.  I am ready to share with you my experience.

When I wrote Divine Plan At work, I did not know The Amazing Divine Plan Continues.  As things continued to unfold, I realized my posts were documentaries on a personal level of the unveiling of a bigger divine plan that involved many people.

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On June 18, I attended a gathering of a spiritual group for the first time.  My older son went with me.  I was at ease sitting among my new friends because of their open and accepting spirit.  It was there I met the two healers from another state.  (Re my posts in June)

In July, I received an email from this spiritual group about a picnic at a location that was far from where I lived.  I did not sign up even though my older son offered to drive me there.  Everyone is responsible for his / her own spiritual pursuit.  I did not want to rely on my son to drive me especially he was not into spiritual matters as I did at this time.  Later, I learned the picnic was cancelled due to an unforeseen situation.

When I learned the two healers would come back to hold a workshop in an office close by, I signed up immediately.  I wanted to show my love and support for this spiritual family as well as for the two healers.

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On Aug. 9, I got a call from my younger son.

Since I moved back to the state, the mother and son seldom talked long over the phone.  When we talked, it was mostly about confirming the time we went over to their house or they came to ours.  That night, the first sentence that came out from my son's mouth shocked me.

He asked, "Mom, do you believe in yourself?"

I answered, "I don't understand.  What do you mean?"

He said, "I mean do you believe in what you do, i.e. your healing work?"

I said, "Of course, I do.  I know healing energy does come through to do the work."

He said, "But, you don't believe in yourself."

I said, "If I don't believe in myself, how do I go about doing what I do?"

He said, "Mom, you don't believe in yourself!  If you do, you would go after your passion or what you want to do in life.  Mom, you don't believe in yourself."

At this point, I felt somewhat annoyed.  I said, "How can I go after what I feel I should do.  I do not have the qualifications.  All I have is a DVD*** that captured the healing energies that came through.  I have facilitated healing workshops and participated in healing services.  However, I am not a professional healer.  I cannot go to a holistic center with the DVD, and ask to work there."  ***(Re A beautiful pink fish on the back of a white dove)

My son took a deep breath. (Well, it might be he sighed for this mom.)  He said, "Mom, you are going to the workshop.  Ask the healers how they got there as professional healers.  They will tell you what to do."

I said, "But ... (I sighed) ... could I do that?  Would they talk to me?"

My son said, "Mom, it is your passion to be of service.  Go after what you want!  Talk to them.  What do you have to lose?"

What he said made sense except I knew myself / my personality.  For me, it would be a bold step to go to the healers and talk about what I wanted to do.  Could or would I do that?  I did want to move forward with my life purpose.  I thought for a while.  I said, "Okay, I would talk to them."

My son knew me.  I might or might not do it if I said I would think about it.  However, I often did it if I said I would.  I did not take my promises lightly.  In 2011, my son and daughter-in-law insisted that I gave them a deadline of publishing my first post.  That was how this blog came into being.

Did I not believe in myself as my son said?  With my non ambitious personality, the human I felt that I had already pushed myself beyond my limit.  It was a long, soul searching night.

As morning came, I wondered what would happen when I talked to the healers.

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Before I went to the workshop, I set down to write my intentions.

I affirmed my love and respect for the two healers.  I wanted to hear more about their stories, gifts, and abilities.  I prayed that they would guide me, help me, and support my life purpose; together, we would work for good causes.  I also thanked the organizer of this spiritual group and all the spiritual family members.  I was truthfully grateful of their presence.  The following was one of my intentions -

As we (members of our spiritual group) love and support each other, we will grow, expand, and embrace more.  So It Is.

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The healing workshop was a two-day event.

Before the workshop, I received emails about booking sessions with either of the healers.  I could not open the file / calendar that came with the emails.  I found the information confusing, and it did not mention how much the cost was.  I noted the earliest appointment (on a Tuesday) had already been taken.  I decided I would ask for more information when I attended the workshop.

The facilitator of the healing workshop was a longtime professor in a university and the founder of a wellness center.  In my June post, I called him the main healer, but master healer was probably a more appropriate term.  Therefore, I would refer to him as the master healer from this post onward.  He used a pendulum to analyze the wellbeing of a client, and raised the client's vibration to better health.  With his experience as a professor, he taught with ease.  He put things into perspectives and made concepts easy to understand.  He was a wonderful spiritual teacher and a good speaker.  His sense of humor was a plus, and we laughed listening to his talk.
After the master healer announced it was time for lunch break, I took the opportunity to tell him that I would like to make an appointment.  When he heard that, he said to a woman sitting at the back of the room that he would see me on Tuesday at 11:00 am. I was surprised because that was the earliest time slot and someone had booked an appointment.  Since many people wanted to talk to him, I decided to talk to the woman about it later.

The clairvoyant healer was there.  He had a vibrant presence.  People liked to surround him due to his openness to connect and willingness to serve.  During the workshop, he sat at the back of the room.  Sometimes he asked the master healer to explain some more on a certain subject.  Sometimes he asked questions.  Later in the afternoon, the master healer asked him to work on a woman to demonstrate his hands-on healing art.

When the first day of the workshop came to a close, I talked to the woman about my appointment with the master healer.  She said she would find out for sure if someone had booked the time slot before the second day of the workshop.

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It was a smooth drive home.  I felt peaceful.  Later in the evening, I decided to take a walk.  As I walked out of the apartment, I saw a big, beautiful rainbow in the sky.  I rushed home to grab my camera.  I took some pictures of the rainbow.  To me, a rainbow was a divine sign, and my heart was filled with joy.

The sighting of the rainbow turned out to be of significance.  I would share with you what happened on the second day of the workshop.

Q of D

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