Thursday, August 11, 2016

The Amazing Divine Plan continues


This morning I listen to 'Night Vision - Pieces of a Dream' on YouTube.

It had been 15 or 16 years since the day I loudly proclaimed "Let this music be my link to the Divine".  At the time, I did not know the title of the music.  I loved it so much that I simply did what I did.  Afterward, I laughed at my childlike behavior.  The human I did not really believe it would happen as I asked.

If you have been reading my blog, you know it did happen as I asked.  This piece of music brought me much comfort, peace, and joy during those challenging years.  (The Incredible 'Night Vision - Piece of a Dream' Phenomenon )

"Ask and you shall receive."  So it is.

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In my last post, I wrote that I had not signed up for a gathering that would take place on a weekday evening because I worked evenings.  However, the Divine had it planned out.  When I went to work, I was nicely surprised I did not have to go to work on that particular evening.  (Re my post Divine Plan At Work )

A few days ago, I learned the amazing Divine plan continued.

I mentioned a spiritual teacher had come from another country.  There would be a gathering in his honor on a Sunday.  Since I did not have to work on Saturdays and Sundays, I signed up to hear his talk.  From the online information, I knew he would facilitate a one-week evening retreat after that Sunday.  It was free, and all were welcome.

On Monday, I got an email from the company I worked for.  A woman that used to work in the morning had other obligations, and would soon no longer be able to come in the morning.  However, she needed the income.  She asked the company if she could work in the evening.  The company asked if I would switch time with her.  I gladly gave her the evening hours.  Amazingly, the woman asked to start working evenings on the date that the 7-day retreat would begin!

I had never met or talked to the woman.  Of course, she knew nothing about the spiritual gathering or retreat.

How everything has worked out is indeed beyond my imagination!

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When I said "Let this music be my link to the Divine", the human I did not know much about angels and spirit guides.  As I began to pay more attention to the touches of the Loving Divine, my life was changed.  Incidents such as The Grace of GodThe Hot Coffee Incident, and The Healing in the Washroom filled my heart with gratitude that no words could describe.  As a result, I vowed to commit to the Will of God / the Divine Plan.  I asked to be an instrument wherever I am.  I wanted to be of service and lived a purposeful life.

It has been four years since I moved back to this state.  I am glad I have met up with some loving spiritual brothers and sisters.  I look forward to the workshop by the two healers from another state as well as the one week spiritual retreat by the teacher from another country.

To my guides, angels, and all the wonderful beings that are involved in how things have unfolded, thank you!

Love & Blessings,
Q of D

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