Friday, August 26, 2016

The Rainbow and the Spiritual Teacher from another country


The second day of the workshop was not a whole day event as the first day.  It was a three-hour meeting in the late afternoon.

When I saw the schedule online, I felt it was odd.  Why would we meet three hours in the late afternoon?  Why not in the morning or in the early afternoon?  I assumed the healers might have other commitment earlier that day.

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The workshop was held in a therapy office owned by the young man that had taken the time to talk to my son about keeping an open mind toward spiritual matters.  (Re I asked to be a source of healing, and I was )  In this post and other posts that will follow, I would call him Matthew (not his real name).

The organizer of the group, the couple* that had graceful allowed the use of their house for previous gatherings, and some of its group members that I met in June were also at the workshop.  (*I would call them Samuel and Beth.)

On the first day, each chair was originally placed along the walls with ample space for people to move around.  Later, more chairs were brought in to accommodate people that came.  The room became crowded.  It seemed many at the workshop had not signed up online.

During a break, a young man that sat next to Matthew walked to me.  He told me he flew in from another state for this particular event.  He was also a therapist, and had been working in Matthew's office in that state.  It was then I learned Matthew owned therapy office(s) in other state(s).

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On the second day, I arrived at the place a few minutes early.

I was surprised to see new faces kept walking in.  They were young men and women in their 20 s or 30 s.  They did not come on the first day.  This did not happen in other two-day workshops that I had attended.  Later, I learned they were either Matthew's friends or employees.  They had flown in from other state.

After everybody sat down, the master healer asked if anybody had any special experience after the first day of the workshop.  A woman said she felt warmer than usual.  Another woman briefly said something.  Then people sat there quietly.  I decided to talk about the rainbow.

I said, "When I went for a walk in the evening, I saw a big, beautiful rainbow in the sky.  To me, that is a divine sign.  It signifies the presence of a realized one."  (To be honest, this simply came out of my mouth, but I was at peace with what I said.)

Matthew rose from his chair with excitement.  He said, "After the workshop, we went to Samuel's house to listen to the spiritual teacher's discourse.  During meditation, many saw (in their mind-eyes ??) a rainbow appeared above the spiritual teacher's head."

The spiritual teacher from another country was known as a realized one (or self-realized).  What a confirmation it was to see a rainbow in the sky while many saw a rainbow above the teacher in the house!

The master healer asked how many people saw the rainbow in the sky.  Only a few raised their hands.  People probably stayed inside, and did not see the rainbow.  That evening, there were people taking walks as I did, but most saw the rainbow as nothing special.  It was all meant to be.  The touch (or sign) of God was a personal experience.  There was no right or wrong.  

Samuel walked forward and told us the spiritual teacher would come at 5:30 pm.  At this point, I kind of understood why those young men and women flew in for this particular event.

During the workshop, the master healer asked the clairvoyant healer to work on the young man that came to talk to me the day before.  It was then I learned the young man needed healing for he was in a serious accident.  The clairvoyant healer worked on the young man for quite some time.  He was a wonderful healer.  He was humble and honest.

Some healers could sense or see where or what to work on when people came to them for healing.  I could neither sense nor see.  That was why I did not know the young man needed healing.  Some people told me I was a natural healer.  I did not know what it meant.  When people thanked me for healing them, I was as grateful as they were for the love of the Divine.

At 5:30 pm, the spiritual teacher walked in with some people.  In the next half hour, I would hear something that I had never expected.  I would understand why some people flew in from other state just to be there that late afternoon.

Life is a mystery, and the story continues.

Many blessings,
Q of D  

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