Thursday, June 22, 2017

Our view of others and our positive attitude in any situation


While I am the Queen of Dreams, my loved ones are not into dreams.  Sometimes my older son talks in his dreams as if he is having a conversation.  He talks normally in his dream state.  All these years, he had only shared with me one of his dreams.  The dream he had was like a long, real-life story, and it had kind of changed one of his views about life afterward.  My husband thinks he rarely dreams, but he does.  From his inaudible sound and fighting hand movement, he seems to have nightmares once in a while.  If I wake him up, he says he cannot remember his dream.  I believe they easily forget their dreams because they think dreams are unimportant and not worth remembering.

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Here is a dream I would like to share with you.

Two women, one older than the other, walked past me.  They were talking.  They seemed to have an opinion about me.  The older woman was an energy healer.

Then I saw three young men.  One of them dressed elegantly, and acted as if he was superior than other people.  When they walked past, the arrogant one bumped into me with his shoulder.  I exclaimed.  A young man was with me (my son?).  He asked, "Are you alright?  What happened?"  I did not want to start any discord.  I did not tell him another young man had incidentally knocked my shoulder.  I intentionally said out loud, "Nothing!  Someone just accidentally rushed past me."

Now the three young men were inside somewhere.  They were not physically within my sight.  However, I could feel their reaction from where I was.  Hearing my words, the young man that bumped into me with his shoulder felt he was wrong, and should not have done that.

The reaction of the young man made the dream me realize others could change when I changed how I felt about them and handled a situation with a positive attitude.  

I thought of the woman who was an energy healer.  I decided to reach out to her.  In the dream, the woman was delighted I took the first step of talking to her.  So there we were talking to one another.  She was all smiles.  We talked about energy and healing.

I woke up.  I went over the dream.  With my sensitive nature, I knew who was happy, sad, friendly, or distant since I was a child.  In the dream, I saw how positively others responded when I treated them with a positive embracing attitude.  I realized I should discern any judgmental, negative feeling of others that I might have in the first instant.

I had this dream a few years ago.  At the end of the entry, I wrote - good dream, good input, right on, thank you.

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If you are also interested in dreams, please read my posts on dreams by clicking the label "dreams".

Have a good night!

Many blessings,
Q of D

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