Wednesday, October 24, 2018

A Hard Decision - Part Three


This was the dream I happened to read on June 18, 2018.  I had the dream on May 16, 2018.  In fact, that morning I had three dreams with one dream after another.

If you haven't read part one and two, please click to view A Hard Decision - Part One , A Hard Decision - Part Two )

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First dream -

A leader / ruler / emperor wanted to build a bridge that would last.

There were many counsels and officials around him.  They presented the emperor their views and ideas as how to build the bridge.

The me in the dream had a vision of a bridge built solidly on earth / land, yet it was not built over a river / sea / water.  When it was my turn to speak*, I said, "If you want to build a bridge that will last, you cannot simply employ anyone.  You have to choose those that are focused, and fully understand they are building a bridge that would last.  They have to learn every detail of the bridge such as how long the bridge is.  When people ask them, they must be able to relate the importance of the bridge as well as the details of the bridge.  They will work on the bridge with one mind and one intention that they are building a bridge that will last, an important task that requires their life devotion, that the bridge is their life work.  They must work on the bridge with that kind of dedication, and know that their work is important for the people."

*That was how it was written in my journal, but we were not really taking turns.

The ruler / emperor listened attentively.

Others continued to present their plans.

(This was a feel dream, i.e. no images.  In the dream, I seemed to be a young person.  It seemed many wanted the ruler to choose one particular young man to be the main adviser of the project.)

After the discussion, people surrounded the ruler wanting to know who the ruler had chosen.  The ruler walked to somewhere.  Some people asked that young man to walk closely behind the ruler.  At one point, the ruler turned, he pointed at me to signal I should be the one.  He said he agreed with my idea of the bridge.

In the dream, it seemed the chosen one would have guards protecting him or her from then onward.

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I woke up and recalled the dream clearly.  Since I am a female, I automatically assumed the me in the dream was a young female, but it might not necessary be for there was no image in the dream.  The bridge symbolized a bridge between people, and that was why it was not over a water body.  Then I drifted off to sleep.

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Second dream -

A few people were in a big room.  I walked in.  I walked past Matthew who stood at one corner of the room.  He looked at me and did not say anything.  I continued walking to another corner of the room.  I saw Samuel.  Samuel looked at me.  He also did not say anything.  I did not say anything too.  Samuel signaled for me to walk to a couch a distance away.

On the couch was the spiritual teacher.  He signaled for me to sit down.  He reached out for my hands.  Holding my hands, he said, "I want you to take over the mission."  I was shocked!  I said, "I could not!"  The teacher said, "It will happen in two months."  I did not understand what he meant.  I said I could not do that.  I said, "Samuel can lead the group, or Matthew, or . . ."  The teacher stopped me.  He said for me to lead the group.

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I woke up.  I thought "what an unthinkable dream!  How can I dream such a dream!"  This dream was really strange and beyond my mind!  In real life, my friends and I had always greeted one another.  I drifted off to sleep again.

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Last dream -

I dreamed I had a lot to study.  I packed (or picked) up a box full of notes, papers, and etc.  I thought I had to spend time to read the notes and get ready (for an exam. ? not sure get ready for what).  The thought in the dream was I must read them and know them.

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Then I got up.  These dreams were so beyond me that I did not write anything after writing them down.  I put five * * * * * on top of the page that recorded the second dream to show how unthinkable the dream was.

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I had completely forgotten about the dreams of May 16.

Reading the dreams on June 18, I had the same "unthinkable" and "impossible" feeling.  I had not gone to the April, May and June meetings.  I was at peace with my decision.  Why did I re-read the dreams now?

The first dream could be a past life dream.  In a reading some years ago, the channel saw pictures / visions about me.  In one of her visions was an ancient palace with soldiers lining up the road.  She said it was symbolic to I had an army protecting me.  She also saw a vision of an ancient temple.  She 'got' that these were two of my significant past lives that I drew strength from for my current lifetime.

To me, the second dream was impossible or would never happen.  I thought the teacher might not come to give discourses in the summer.  Many in the group had already attended his discourses early this year.  They had stayed with him for many weeks.  I did think Samuel and others were good to lead the group because they were one mind and one heart, which was important for any mission.

As for the third dream, my understanding was it had much to do with the second dream.  BUT, I really did not think the second dream would unfold.

I closed the notebook.  As much as I believed (or hoped) that these were but dreams, I could not fall asleep.

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On July 12, I received an email that the spiritual teacher was coming to give discourses later that month.  My assumption was wrong.  Though many had visited him earlier this year, it was on his schedule to come to USA to deliver discourses in the summer.

I was troubled as what to do.  I had made up my mind that it was better for the group to move forth without me.  My views were different from my friends.  I had not followed the teacher's instructions to read the books and surrender to the masters.  There was no way the teacher wanted me to lead the group.  As I said in the dream, I could not do that.

My dreams could not be true, I said to myself.  I had not been participating as actively as some did.  I seldom stayed behind, and did not say much during meetings.  There were others that came once in a while, and therefore, I did not find it necessary to email my friends of my decision.  In the past, I did not receive any email afterward as to why I did not go to the meetings.  I believed it would remain the same if I did not attend the discourses. 

At the time, I was more concerned about buying a car.  Other than going to nearby stores, we seldom went anywhere else in the last eight months because of the problems with the old car.  I spent lots of time on the Internet looking for an affordable good used car.

Be it that I am right or wrong, stubborn or weak, I share with you my experience 'as is', and shall continue to do so.  (Click to view The Last Part of A Hard Decision )

Q of D

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