Sunday, October 21, 2018

A Hard Decision - Part Two


My friends read the books diligently and were totally into surrendering to the masters that had moved on many years ago.  They were one mind and one heart in the missionI decided it was better for them to move forth without me.  Centering in peace, I sent my friends love and blessings.  I thanked them for their warmth and kindness.  Mentally, I talked to the spiritual teacher as well as the two masters.  I loved and respected them.  However, I was not in the same mindset as the rest of the group.  Realized beings that they were, I trusted that they understood.  (Re A Hard Decision - Part One )

In life, we all had to make decisions every now and then.  It was not an easy decision, but I trusted All Is Well.  (Please view Making Decisions )

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Near the end of March, we learned the master healer had passed away.  Though he was in his 80 s, we did not expect this to happen.  (Re The Master Healer had stepped out of the physical world )

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As I had mentioned, I was not one that liked to ask questions.  It took me quite some time to realize almost all of my friends came from two different spiritual circles.  The majority of the group came from the same culture as the spiritual teacher.  The rest came from a circle that included the facilitator (host) of the June 2016 gathering and the master healer.  The master healer visited our state every now and then because he had close relatives and friends here.  His circle of friends had practiced spiritual truth together for over ten years.  The master healer only learned or was reminded of his role in the mission when he came to facilitate the healing workshop in August 2016.  It was quite an amazing story.  (Re I asked to be a channel of healing to the others, and I was and The Unveiling of A Divine Plan )

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When the spiritual teacher came, many people came to hear his discourses.  Some flew in from other states to be in the teacher's presence to receive his blessing, and returned to their states afterward.  After the teacher left, other than the regular devotees, some that lived locally came occasionally for the monthly meeting.  Some might not come again until next year's discourses.  The meeting was held in the first week of a month.  The teacher had asked Matthew, Samuel and two wonderful friends (female) from the master healer's group to host the meeting.  Due to my quiet nature, I seldom said anything during the 2-hour meeting, and was usually the first one to leave.  I knew many regular devotees stayed behind to learn / practice more until the early hours of the second day when the master healer was present.  I did not stay behind because I did not want any misunderstanding within my family.

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Since my mind was set, I did not go to the April, May and June meetings.  I was at peace with my decision until the night of June 18.  That night I happened to pick up one of my journals, and read about a dream that I had completely forgotten.

My loved ones rarely talked about dreams.  They said they did not remember any dream after they woke up.  There were days I could not recall any dream too.  Sometimes I remembered a dream, but did not take the time to write it down.  Later, I could not remember anything about the dream.  Occasionally, I woke up from unthinkable dreams.  I  remembered those dreams clearly, and was able to write them down in details.  

The dream I happened to read on the night of June 18 was such a dream.  I wrote it down in detail.  The dream was so inconceivable to my logical mind, and soon I forgot about it.  It might be, subconsciously, I just wanted to put it behind me.

I will share with you this particular dream in my next post.  (A Hard Decision - Part Three )

Have a good week!

Q of D

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