Friday, January 11, 2019

A prompting from within, and a confirmation from the divine


Happy New Year!  This is my first post in 2019.

Today is Angels Day (111 day, Jan. 11).  I honor the loving archangels and angels. 

Yesterday I woke up remembering a true story that I heard about two years ago.  It was a brother's story.  One night, he shared with us this experience.

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One morning, the brother kept getting an inner prompting to call a man that he did not know well to go out for breakfast.  Hearing the inner voice or a prompting from within was not something new to him.  He began his spiritual journey at an early age, and had been into meditation for many decades.  Usually, he followed through with his inner guidance, but this day he was reluctant to do so.  He did not really know this person, and could not understand the purpose of going out for breakfast.  The inner prompting persisted.  He surrendered and called this man. 

(For convenience sake, I would called this man Dan.  The brother never mentioned his name.)

The brother was a longtime professional educator and a spiritual teacher.  He was very good in communicating with people, yet he pondered what to talk that morning.

Dan came.  They talked through breakfast.  They decided to go to another restaurant for lunch.  To put a long story short, they enjoyed their conversation so much that they finally said goodbye late at night after dining in a third restaurant.

The brother did not understand why he was prompted to call Dan, but he was glad they had such a good time talking.  As an educator and a spiritual teacher, the brother had lots of things to attend to.  He did not call Dan after that day.

Six months later, the brother came across Dan in a gathering.  Later, Dan pulled the brother aside.  He thanked the brother for saving him and his wife's life.  He told the brother that he and his wife had been very depressed; that morning they had decided to commit suicide after midnight; he was very surprised to receive the brother's call asking him out for breakfast; as they talked and talked, the heaviness in his heart was lifted; he did not say a word about his plan to commit suicide, but the brother's words about life helped him to look at life from a new perspective; he went home feeling free and joyful; he talked to his wife, and they chose to live.  Dan said they (he and his wife) were doing much better now.

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The brother's story touched me deeply, but I did not say anything after he finished talking.  In fact, all of us sat in silence for quite a while.  It might be we were all very moved by the grace of the divine, and in moment like this, no words could express how we felt except the resonance in our hearts.

Q of D


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